

提供: 澎湖縣政府 | 更新頻率: 不定期 | 最近同步時間日期: 2019-11-06 01:36:27

澎湖縣觀光旅遊景點-英文版資料集清單中總共有 24 筆資料,以下是 21 - 24  [第 2 頁]

Penghu Cross-sea Bridge

Phone: (06)921-6521 | Address: Penghu County Road 203 Baisha Township Line | Introduction: Baisha connection, two Key West Island Bridge, across the choppy roar door waterways, a total length...

Lintou Park

Phone: (06)921-6521 | Address: Tao Peng township Penghu Kosei line 20 | Introduction: Kosei township located Lintou seaside village, the majority of the plantations, for which the main l...

Wind cabinet

Phone: (06)921-6521 | Address: Penghu County Road 201 lines Makung countie | Introduction: Wind wind cabinet counters at the end of the peninsula, is a Makung City, wind cabinet, is a very ol...

Tong Liang Gurong

Phone: (06)921-6521 | Address: Baisha Township Penghu through Liangcun Peng Township Road 8-1 | Introduction: Through Liangcun located in the western end of the island of white sand, that is, through cross-sea ...

Penghu Cross-sea Bridge

Phone: (06)921-6521 | Address: Penghu County Road 203 Baisha Township Line | Introduction: Baisha connection, two Key West Island Bridge, across the choppy roar door waterways, a total length...

Lintou Park

Phone: (06)921-6521 | Address: Tao Peng township Penghu Kosei line 20 | Introduction: Kosei township located Lintou seaside village, the majority of the plantations, for which the main l...

Wind cabinet

Phone: (06)921-6521 | Address: Penghu County Road 201 lines Makung countie | Introduction: Wind wind cabinet counters at the end of the peninsula, is a Makung City, wind cabinet, is a very ol...

Tong Liang Gurong

Phone: (06)921-6521 | Address: Baisha Township Penghu through Liangcun Peng Township Road 8-1 | Introduction: Through Liangcun located in the western end of the island of white sand, that is, through cross-sea ...
