

提供: 澎湖縣政府 | 更新頻率: 不定期 | 最近同步時間日期: 2019-11-06 01:37:13

澎湖縣合法民宿名冊-英文版資料集清單中總共有 656 筆資料,以下是 161 - 180  [第 9 頁]

Midsummer edge of the bed and breakfast

Contact phone: 06-9266798 | Cellular phone: 0911-687398 | Address: Makung City, Penghu County West Methodist 83 of 61 | Registration Number of rooms: 5 | Capacity: 14

Full moon Bay Bed and Breakfast

Contact phone: 06-9211338 | Cellular phone: 0926-238609 | Address: Makung City, Penghu County Western Lane 3 of 11 | Registration Number of rooms: 4 | Capacity: 18

198 Bed and Breakfast

Contact phone: 06-9274198 | Cellular phone: 0937-392290 | Address: Makung City, Penghu County in Western Huimin Village No. 16 of 1 | Registration Number of rooms: 4 | Capacity: 10

Hongqiao Four Seasons Bed and Breakfast

Contact phone: | Cellular phone: 0911-199283 | Address: Makung City, Penghu County Guangming in Zhongxiao Road 89, Lane 20 | Registration Number of rooms: 3 | Capacity: 6

Xinghai quiet night Bed and Breakfast

Contact phone: | Cellular phone: 0935-441810 | Address: Makung City, Penghu County Lane 561 West Wei | Registration Number of rooms: 3 | Capacity: 11

Yan Qing Bed and Breakfast

Contact phone: | Cellular phone: 0911-883630 | Address: Penghu County Magong Harbor lock in No. 42 of 3 | Registration Number of rooms: 4 | Capacity: 16

Tropical fish and Breakfast

Contact phone: | Cellular phone: 0972-815875 | Address: Makung City, Penghu County Western Lane 716 | Registration Number of rooms: 3 | Capacity: 8

3 Days 2 Nights B & B

Contact phone: 06-9217151 | Cellular phone: 0987-667513 | Address: Makung City, Penghu County West Methodist No. 393 of 3 | Registration Number of rooms: 5 | Capacity: 12

Peng good friends and Breakfast

Contact phone: 06-9921138 | Cellular phone: 0988-333031 | Address: Township Penghu County Kosei Kosei Village 77 of 21 | Registration Number of rooms: 4 | Capacity: 10

Gusheguxiang Bed and Breakfast

Contact phone: 06-9267991 | Cellular phone: 0901-003932 | Address: Makung City, Penghu County West Methodist No. 393 of 2 | Registration Number of rooms: 5 | Capacity: 13

? Ye Sunrise Backpackers Inn Bed and Breakfast

Contact phone: | Cellular phone: 0937-579324 | Address: Penghu County Kosei Township? Ye Village of 462 | Registration Number of rooms: 2 | Capacity: 10

Friends of Full House Bed and Breakfast

Contact phone: | Cellular phone: 0911-192167 | Address: Penghu Wangan Wangan Township Xi'an Village 1 of 2 | Registration Number of rooms: 5 | Capacity: 14

German-American Sea View Bed and Breakfast

Contact phone: 06-9971232 | Cellular phone: 0928-162297 | Address: South Penghu qimei Shanghai No. 52 South Village | Registration Number of rooms: 5 | Capacity: 12

Kitayama Island Lilac Inn Bed and Breakfast fish

Contact phone: 06-9932288 | Cellular phone: 0963-656390 | Address: Baisha Township Penghu Chikan Village 2 of 12 | Registration Number of rooms: 5 | Capacity: 16

Red Hat Bed and Breakfast

Contact phone: 06-9274198 | Cellular phone: 0937-392290 | Address: Makung City, Penghu County Huimin Village No. 16 | Registration Number of rooms: 5 | Capacity: 14

Penghu navigator Bed and Breakfast

Contact phone: 06-9221689 | Cellular phone: 0921-259838 | Address: Penghu County Kosei Township Shagang Village 138 7 | Registration Number of rooms: 4 | Capacity: 18

Thirty-five Bed and Breakfast

Contact phone: 06-9266818 | Cellular phone: 0958-470013 | Address: Makung City, Penghu County Yangming Road 22, Lane 1 | Registration Number of rooms: 5 | Capacity: 14

Te Minuo Hall 1 Bed and Breakfast

Contact phone: | Cellular phone: 0937-605249 | Address: Makung City, Penghu County Shiquan in No. 185 of 32 | Registration Number of rooms: 5 | Capacity: 10

Small grapefruit Bed and Breakfast

Contact phone: | Cellular phone: 0917-878008 | Address: Makung City, Penghu County House Lane, 93 of 21 | Registration Number of rooms: 4 | Capacity: 16

Peng sampan 100 B & B

Contact phone: 0921-684966 | Cellular phone: 0910-930993 | Address: Penghu County Magong Harbor lock in No. 102 of 10 | Registration Number of rooms: 5 | Capacity: 20

Midsummer edge of the bed and breakfast

Contact phone: 06-9266798 | Cellular phone: 0911-687398 | Address: Makung City, Penghu County West Methodist 83 of 61 | Registration Number of rooms: 5 | Capacity: 14

Full moon Bay Bed and Breakfast

Contact phone: 06-9211338 | Cellular phone: 0926-238609 | Address: Makung City, Penghu County Western Lane 3 of 11 | Registration Number of rooms: 4 | Capacity: 18

198 Bed and Breakfast

Contact phone: 06-9274198 | Cellular phone: 0937-392290 | Address: Makung City, Penghu County in Western Huimin Village No. 16 of 1 | Registration Number of rooms: 4 | Capacity: 10

Hongqiao Four Seasons Bed and Breakfast

Contact phone: | Cellular phone: 0911-199283 | Address: Makung City, Penghu County Guangming in Zhongxiao Road 89, Lane 20 | Registration Number of rooms: 3 | Capacity: 6

Xinghai quiet night Bed and Breakfast

Contact phone: | Cellular phone: 0935-441810 | Address: Makung City, Penghu County Lane 561 West Wei | Registration Number of rooms: 3 | Capacity: 11

Yan Qing Bed and Breakfast

Contact phone: | Cellular phone: 0911-883630 | Address: Penghu County Magong Harbor lock in No. 42 of 3 | Registration Number of rooms: 4 | Capacity: 16

Tropical fish and Breakfast

Contact phone: | Cellular phone: 0972-815875 | Address: Makung City, Penghu County Western Lane 716 | Registration Number of rooms: 3 | Capacity: 8

3 Days 2 Nights B & B

Contact phone: 06-9217151 | Cellular phone: 0987-667513 | Address: Makung City, Penghu County West Methodist No. 393 of 3 | Registration Number of rooms: 5 | Capacity: 12

Peng good friends and Breakfast

Contact phone: 06-9921138 | Cellular phone: 0988-333031 | Address: Township Penghu County Kosei Kosei Village 77 of 21 | Registration Number of rooms: 4 | Capacity: 10

Gusheguxiang Bed and Breakfast

Contact phone: 06-9267991 | Cellular phone: 0901-003932 | Address: Makung City, Penghu County West Methodist No. 393 of 2 | Registration Number of rooms: 5 | Capacity: 13

? Ye Sunrise Backpackers Inn Bed and Breakfast

Contact phone: | Cellular phone: 0937-579324 | Address: Penghu County Kosei Township? Ye Village of 462 | Registration Number of rooms: 2 | Capacity: 10

Friends of Full House Bed and Breakfast

Contact phone: | Cellular phone: 0911-192167 | Address: Penghu Wangan Wangan Township Xi'an Village 1 of 2 | Registration Number of rooms: 5 | Capacity: 14

German-American Sea View Bed and Breakfast

Contact phone: 06-9971232 | Cellular phone: 0928-162297 | Address: South Penghu qimei Shanghai No. 52 South Village | Registration Number of rooms: 5 | Capacity: 12

Kitayama Island Lilac Inn Bed and Breakfast fish

Contact phone: 06-9932288 | Cellular phone: 0963-656390 | Address: Baisha Township Penghu Chikan Village 2 of 12 | Registration Number of rooms: 5 | Capacity: 16

Red Hat Bed and Breakfast

Contact phone: 06-9274198 | Cellular phone: 0937-392290 | Address: Makung City, Penghu County Huimin Village No. 16 | Registration Number of rooms: 5 | Capacity: 14

Penghu navigator Bed and Breakfast

Contact phone: 06-9221689 | Cellular phone: 0921-259838 | Address: Penghu County Kosei Township Shagang Village 138 7 | Registration Number of rooms: 4 | Capacity: 18

Thirty-five Bed and Breakfast

Contact phone: 06-9266818 | Cellular phone: 0958-470013 | Address: Makung City, Penghu County Yangming Road 22, Lane 1 | Registration Number of rooms: 5 | Capacity: 14

Te Minuo Hall 1 Bed and Breakfast

Contact phone: | Cellular phone: 0937-605249 | Address: Makung City, Penghu County Shiquan in No. 185 of 32 | Registration Number of rooms: 5 | Capacity: 10

Small grapefruit Bed and Breakfast

Contact phone: | Cellular phone: 0917-878008 | Address: Makung City, Penghu County House Lane, 93 of 21 | Registration Number of rooms: 4 | Capacity: 16

Peng sampan 100 B & B

Contact phone: 0921-684966 | Cellular phone: 0910-930993 | Address: Penghu County Magong Harbor lock in No. 102 of 10 | Registration Number of rooms: 5 | Capacity: 20
