提供: 總統府 | 更新頻率: 每日 | 最近同步時間日期: 2024-09-11 04:05:40
雙語詞彙資料集清單中總共有 145 筆資料,以下是 1 - 20 [第 1 頁]
發布命令 | 英譯文: issue mandates |
公布法律 | 英譯文: promulgate laws |
締結條約 | 英譯文: conclude treaties |
宣布戒嚴 | 英譯文: declare martial law |
宣戰媾和 | 英譯文: declare war and make peace |
解嚴 | 英譯文: terminate martial law |
任免文武官員 | 英譯文: appoint and remove civil and military officials |
發布緊急命令 | 英譯文: issue emergency orders |
授與榮典 | 英譯文: confer honors and decorations |
召開國家安全會議 | 英譯文: convene a national security meeting |
褒揚令 | 英譯文: Presidential Citation |
總統令 | 英譯文: Presidential Order |
總統府 | 英譯文: Office of the President |
第一局 | 英譯文: First Bureau |
第二局 | 英譯文: Second Bureau |
第三局 | 英譯文: Third Bureau |
侍衛室 | 英譯文: Department of Security Affairs |
機要室 | 英譯文: Department of Special Affairs |
公共事務室 | 英譯文: Department of Public Affairs |
人事處 | 英譯文: Personnel Department |
發布命令英譯文: issue mandates |
公布法律英譯文: promulgate laws |
締結條約英譯文: conclude treaties |
宣布戒嚴英譯文: declare martial law |
宣戰媾和英譯文: declare war and make peace |
解嚴英譯文: terminate martial law |
任免文武官員英譯文: appoint and remove civil and military officials |
發布緊急命令英譯文: issue emergency orders |
授與榮典英譯文: confer honors and decorations |
召開國家安全會議英譯文: convene a national security meeting |
褒揚令英譯文: Presidential Citation |
總統令英譯文: Presidential Order |
總統府英譯文: Office of the President |
第一局英譯文: First Bureau |
第二局英譯文: Second Bureau |
第三局英譯文: Third Bureau |
侍衛室英譯文: Department of Security Affairs |
機要室英譯文: Department of Special Affairs |
公共事務室英譯文: Department of Public Affairs |
人事處英譯文: Personnel Department |