Qiaotou Ice Treats and Merchandise Sho
- 台灣糖業公司旅遊景點 @ 台灣糖業股份有限公司

景點名稱Qiaotou Ice Treats and Merchandise Sho的地址是No. 3, Qiuchang Rd., Qiaotou Dist., Kaohsiung City 825405, Taiwan (R.O.C.), 區域是Southern Taiwan (Kaohsiung and Pingtung), 景點介紹是Visitors like to enjoy ice treats when visiting sugar factories. The original shop was located in Zhongshan Hall of the park. A brand new store was de....

#Qiaotou Ice Treats and Merchandise Sho的地圖

景點名稱Qiaotou Ice Treats and Merchandise Sho
區域Southern Taiwan (Kaohsiung and Pingtung)
景點介紹Visitors like to enjoy ice treats when visiting sugar factories. The original shop was located in Zhongshan Hall of the park. A brand new store was designed in 2011 to provide visitors with an outstanding environment and view, large parking space, comfortable place to rest, clean restrooms and others so that they can enjoy a more convenient, larger, and more comfortable recreational venue. The store is wide and bright with fluid and convenient flow and a wide variety of merchandise. Besides selling Taiwan Sugar products and ice treats, a variety of local products, shops, snacks, souvenirs, and cultural creative products from all over Taiwan are sold at reasonable prices.
細詳資料Operating hours: Weekday: 9:00AM-6:00PM, Holiday: 8:00AM-7:00PM Tel: +886-7-6113224 Address: No. 3, Qiuchang Rd., Qiaotou Dist., Kaohsiung City 825405, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
地址No. 3, Qiuchang Rd., Qiaotou Dist., Kaohsiung City 825405, Taiwan (R.O.C.)




Qiaotou Ice Treats and Merchandise Sho




Southern Taiwan (Kaohsiung and Pingtung)




Visitors like to enjoy ice treats when visiting sugar factories. The original shop was located in Zhongshan Hall of the park. A brand new store was designed in 2011 to provide visitors with an outstanding environment and view, large parking space, comfortable place to rest, clean restrooms and others so that they can enjoy a more convenient, larger, and more comfortable recreational venue. The store is wide and bright with fluid and convenient flow and a wide variety of merchandise. Besides selling Taiwan Sugar products and ice treats, a variety of local products, shops, snacks, souvenirs, and cultural creative products from all over Taiwan are sold at reasonable prices.




Operating hours: Weekday: 9:00AM-6:00PM, Holiday: 8:00AM-7:00PM Tel: +886-7-6113224 Address: No. 3, Qiuchang Rd., Qiaotou Dist., Kaohsiung City 825405, Taiwan (R.O.C.)




No. 3, Qiuchang Rd., Qiaotou Dist., Kaohsiung City 825405, Taiwan (R.O.C.)







Qiaotou Ice Treats and Merchandise Sho地圖 [ 導航 ]

Qiaotou Ice Treats and Merchandise Sho的地址位於

No. 3, Qiuchang Rd., Qiaotou Dist., Kaohsiung City 825405, Taiwan (R.O.C.)


根據名稱 Qiaotou Ice Treats and Merchandise Sho 找到的相關資料

無其他 Qiaotou Ice Treats and Merchandise Sho 資料。

[ 搜尋所有 Qiaotou Ice Treats and Merchandise Sho ... ]

根據地址 No. 3 Qiuchang Rd. Qiaotou Dist. Kaohsiung City 825405 Taiwan R.O.C 找到的相關資料

Qiaotou Ice Treats and Merchandise Shop

地址: No. 3, Qiuchang Rd., Qiaotou Dist., Kaohsiung City 825405, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | 區域: Southern Taiwan (Kaohsiung and Pingtung) | 飯店介紹: | 促銷好康: | 景點介紹: Visitors like to enjoy ice treats when visiting sugar factories. The original shop was located in Zh...

@ 台灣糖業公司旅遊景點

Qiaotou Ice Treats and Merchandise Shop

地址: No. 3, Qiuchang Rd., Qiaotou Dist., Kaohsiung City 825405, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | 區域: Southern Taiwan (Kaohsiung and Pingtung) | 飯店介紹: | 促銷好康: | 景點介紹: Visitors like to enjoy ice treats when visiting sugar factories. The original shop was located in Zh...

@ 台灣糖業公司旅遊景點

[ 搜尋所有 No. 3 Qiuchang Rd. Qiaotou Dist. Kaohsiung City 825405 Taiwan R.O.C ... ]


與Qiaotou Ice Treats and Merchandise Sho同分類的台灣糖業公司旅遊景點

Old tofu factory (spare storage space in the hotel department today)

地址: | 區域: 花東 | 飯店介紹: | 促銷好康: | 景點介紹: The tofu and bean curd factories are important life memories of sugar factory employees. The early t...

Public bathroom

地址: | 區域: 花東 | 飯店介紹: | 促銷好康: | 景點介紹: Rebuilt in 1977, it is now a coffee shop. Before the 1950s, the bathroom and toilet of the staff dor...

Tasting the World Buffet

地址: No. 1, Lane 336, Chunghua E. Rd., Sec. 3, Tainan City 701028, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | 區域: Southern Taiwan (Yunlin, Chiayi and Tainan) | 飯店介紹: | 促銷好康: | 景點介紹: This restaurant was designed with a relaxing, easy and comfortable style. Tender lighting of eco-fri...

Xinying Sugar Factory’s Japanese-style Dormitory - Currently Under Restriction

地址: No. 42, Zhongxing Rd., Xinying Dist., Tainan City 730005, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | 區域: Southern Taiwan (Yunlin, Chiayi and Tainan) | 飯店介紹: | 促銷好康: | 景點介紹: Xinying Sugar Factory’s Japanese-style Dormitory is one of the most well-preserved Japanese-st...


地址: | 區域: 花東 | 飯店介紹: | 促銷好康: | 景點介紹: 林天幹線は、大冨農場から原材料のサトウキビを工場まで運ぶ鉄道路線で、林田幹線と呼ばれていました。


地址: 台南市後壁區烏樹里184號 | 區域: 雲嘉南 | 飯店介紹: | 促銷好康: | 景點介紹: 台灣糖業鐵道歷史的驕傲~蒸汽機車  日治時期的台灣糖業鐵道,以蒸汽火車為主要動力,當前台糖蒸汽機車全球的保存數目共有50部,軌距1067mm的蒸汽機車共有2部,軌距762mm的蒸汽機車共有4...


地址: 彰化縣溪湖鎮大竹里彰水路2段762號 | 區域: 中彰 | 飯店介紹: | 促銷好康: | 景點介紹:


Agricultural Machinery Exhibition Area

地址: No. 19, Tangchang St., Guangfu Township, Hualien County 976002, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | 區域: Eastern Taiwan | 飯店介紹: | 促銷好康: | 景點介紹: Static display of a two-sided 4-plate plow, cultivating tools, agricultural tools to deal with peren...


地址: | 區域: 花東 | 飯店介紹: | 促銷好康: | 景點介紹: 日本統治時代から、台湾各地の製糖所や製糖工場エリア内にある機関車の後ろにはたくさんの木製有蓋車が連なり、工場内を移動していました。 しかし、木製の車両は風化や腐朽が進みやすく、木材の状態や構造的な強度...


地址: 高雄市橋頭區糖廠路24號 | 區域: 高屏 | 飯店介紹: | 促銷好康: | 景點介紹: 1903年橋頭糖廠成立時,是使用牛車拉鐵道車軌便車,1907年開始設置五分車機車頭組加入製糖作業,也因而成為臺灣農村特有的產業鐵路。橋頭區內主要有五條五分車鐵道路線,當時五分車鐵道與縱貫線是共用車站。...


地址: 彰化縣溪湖鎮大竹里彰水路2段762號 | 區域: 中彰 | 飯店介紹: | 促銷好康: | 景點介紹:



地址: 彰化縣溪湖鎮大竹里彰水路2段762號 | 區域: 北部 | 飯店介紹: | 促銷好康: | 景點介紹:


地址: 臺南市善化區溪美里228-4號 | 區域: 雲嘉南 | 飯店介紹: | 促銷好康: | 景點介紹: 深緣及水善糖文化園區園區之緣起~~~   糖廠是個古早臺南人無法抹滅的記憶,許多的老臺南人上學、上班搭著台糖的五分車,家中有甘蔗田的甚至跟糖廠有契作的關係,家中的生計都靠著糖廠;而在糖廠的長...

Administrative and Storage Area

地址: | 區域: 花東 | 飯店介紹: | 促銷好康: | 景點介紹:

Wushulin Earthquake Experience Pavilion

地址: No. 184, Wushulin, Houbi Dist., Tainan City 731022, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | 區域: Southern Taiwan (Yunlin, Chiayi and Tainan) | 飯店介紹: | 促銷好康: | 景點介紹: Built with wooden construction methods, this pavilion simulates realistic emergency scenarios when e...

Old tofu factory (spare storage space in the hotel department today)

地址: | 區域: 花東 | 飯店介紹: | 促銷好康: | 景點介紹: The tofu and bean curd factories are important life memories of sugar factory employees. The early t...

Public bathroom

地址: | 區域: 花東 | 飯店介紹: | 促銷好康: | 景點介紹: Rebuilt in 1977, it is now a coffee shop. Before the 1950s, the bathroom and toilet of the staff dor...

Tasting the World Buffet

地址: No. 1, Lane 336, Chunghua E. Rd., Sec. 3, Tainan City 701028, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | 區域: Southern Taiwan (Yunlin, Chiayi and Tainan) | 飯店介紹: | 促銷好康: | 景點介紹: This restaurant was designed with a relaxing, easy and comfortable style. Tender lighting of eco-fri...

Xinying Sugar Factory’s Japanese-style Dormitory - Currently Under Restriction

地址: No. 42, Zhongxing Rd., Xinying Dist., Tainan City 730005, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | 區域: Southern Taiwan (Yunlin, Chiayi and Tainan) | 飯店介紹: | 促銷好康: | 景點介紹: Xinying Sugar Factory’s Japanese-style Dormitory is one of the most well-preserved Japanese-st...


地址: | 區域: 花東 | 飯店介紹: | 促銷好康: | 景點介紹: 林天幹線は、大冨農場から原材料のサトウキビを工場まで運ぶ鉄道路線で、林田幹線と呼ばれていました。


地址: 台南市後壁區烏樹里184號 | 區域: 雲嘉南 | 飯店介紹: | 促銷好康: | 景點介紹: 台灣糖業鐵道歷史的驕傲~蒸汽機車  日治時期的台灣糖業鐵道,以蒸汽火車為主要動力,當前台糖蒸汽機車全球的保存數目共有50部,軌距1067mm的蒸汽機車共有2部,軌距762mm的蒸汽機車共有4...


地址: 彰化縣溪湖鎮大竹里彰水路2段762號 | 區域: 中彰 | 飯店介紹: | 促銷好康: | 景點介紹:


Agricultural Machinery Exhibition Area

地址: No. 19, Tangchang St., Guangfu Township, Hualien County 976002, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | 區域: Eastern Taiwan | 飯店介紹: | 促銷好康: | 景點介紹: Static display of a two-sided 4-plate plow, cultivating tools, agricultural tools to deal with peren...


地址: | 區域: 花東 | 飯店介紹: | 促銷好康: | 景點介紹: 日本統治時代から、台湾各地の製糖所や製糖工場エリア内にある機関車の後ろにはたくさんの木製有蓋車が連なり、工場内を移動していました。 しかし、木製の車両は風化や腐朽が進みやすく、木材の状態や構造的な強度...


地址: 高雄市橋頭區糖廠路24號 | 區域: 高屏 | 飯店介紹: | 促銷好康: | 景點介紹: 1903年橋頭糖廠成立時,是使用牛車拉鐵道車軌便車,1907年開始設置五分車機車頭組加入製糖作業,也因而成為臺灣農村特有的產業鐵路。橋頭區內主要有五條五分車鐵道路線,當時五分車鐵道與縱貫線是共用車站。...


地址: 彰化縣溪湖鎮大竹里彰水路2段762號 | 區域: 中彰 | 飯店介紹: | 促銷好康: | 景點介紹:



地址: 彰化縣溪湖鎮大竹里彰水路2段762號 | 區域: 北部 | 飯店介紹: | 促銷好康: | 景點介紹:


地址: 臺南市善化區溪美里228-4號 | 區域: 雲嘉南 | 飯店介紹: | 促銷好康: | 景點介紹: 深緣及水善糖文化園區園區之緣起~~~   糖廠是個古早臺南人無法抹滅的記憶,許多的老臺南人上學、上班搭著台糖的五分車,家中有甘蔗田的甚至跟糖廠有契作的關係,家中的生計都靠著糖廠;而在糖廠的長...

Administrative and Storage Area

地址: | 區域: 花東 | 飯店介紹: | 促銷好康: | 景點介紹:

Wushulin Earthquake Experience Pavilion

地址: No. 184, Wushulin, Houbi Dist., Tainan City 731022, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | 區域: Southern Taiwan (Yunlin, Chiayi and Tainan) | 飯店介紹: | 促銷好康: | 景點介紹: Built with wooden construction methods, this pavilion simulates realistic emergency scenarios when e...
