recreation reading
- 教育學學術名詞 @ 國家教育研究院

英文名稱recreation reading的中文名稱是消遣閱讀.

英文名稱recreation reading


recreation reading



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Name: Angels' Hostel . Taipei Xime | Telephone: 886-2-23131319 | Address: 2F.-2, No.51, Hengyang Rd., Zhongzheng Dist., Taipei City 100, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: Angels' Hostel. Taipei XimenKingdom of free travelAngels'Hostel . Taipei Ximen provides a ne... | Serivce Information: Wi-Fi,coin-operated laundry,free internet,,,, | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 0、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0

@ 旅館民宿(英文版)-觀光資訊資料庫


Name: Angels' Hostel . Taipei Xime | Telephone: 886-2-23131319 | Address: 2F.-2, No.51, Hengyang Rd., Zhongzheng Dist., Taipei City 100, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: Angels' Hostel. Taipei XimenKingdom of free travelAngels'Hostel . Taipei Ximen provides a ne... | Serivce Information: Wi-Fi,coin-operated laundry,free internet,,,, | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 0、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0

@ 旅館民宿(英文版)-觀光資訊資料庫


Name: Fuyam Tourist Home | Telephone: 886-3-3912090 | Address: No.180-7, Hualing Village, Fuxing Dist., Taoyuan City 336, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: #34;Hills upon the hills, and meandering and circuitous creeks, I suspected no route, / but the will... | Serivce Information: restaurant,cafe',Wi-Fi,National travel card,parking lot,,,, | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 0、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0

@ 旅館民宿(英文版)-觀光資訊資料庫


Name: Fuyam Tourist Home | Telephone: 886-3-3912090 | Address: No.180-7, Hualing Village, Fuxing Dist., Taoyuan City 336, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: #34;Hills upon the hills, and meandering and circuitous creeks, I suspected no route, / but the will... | Serivce Information: restaurant,cafe',Wi-Fi,National travel card,parking lot,,,, | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 0、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0

@ 旅館民宿(英文版)-觀光資訊資料庫


Name: Angels' Hostel . Taipei Xime | Telephone: 886-2-23131319 | Address: 2F.-2, No.51, Hengyang Rd., Zhongzheng Dist., Taipei City 100, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: Angels' Hostel. Taipei XimenKingdom of free travelAngels'Hostel . Taipei Ximen provides a ne... | Serivce Information: Wi-Fi,coin-operated laundry,free internet,,,, | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 0、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0

@ 旅館民宿(英文版)-觀光資訊資料庫


Name: Angels' Hostel . Taipei Xime | Telephone: 886-2-23131319 | Address: 2F.-2, No.51, Hengyang Rd., Zhongzheng Dist., Taipei City 100, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: Angels' Hostel. Taipei XimenKingdom of free travelAngels'Hostel . Taipei Ximen provides a ne... | Serivce Information: Wi-Fi,coin-operated laundry,free internet,,,, | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 0、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0

@ 旅館民宿(英文版)-觀光資訊資料庫


Name: Fuyam Tourist Home | Telephone: 886-3-3912090 | Address: No.180-7, Hualing Village, Fuxing Dist., Taoyuan City 336, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: #34;Hills upon the hills, and meandering and circuitous creeks, I suspected no route, / but the will... | Serivce Information: restaurant,cafe',Wi-Fi,National travel card,parking lot,,,, | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 0、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0

@ 旅館民宿(英文版)-觀光資訊資料庫


Name: Fuyam Tourist Home | Telephone: 886-3-3912090 | Address: No.180-7, Hualing Village, Fuxing Dist., Taoyuan City 336, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: #34;Hills upon the hills, and meandering and circuitous creeks, I suspected no route, / but the will... | Serivce Information: restaurant,cafe',Wi-Fi,National travel card,parking lot,,,, | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 0、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0

@ 旅館民宿(英文版)-觀光資訊資料庫
[ 搜尋所有 recreation reading ... ]

與recreation reading同分類的教育學學術名詞

econdary educatio

中文名稱: 中等教育

library educatio

中文名稱: 圖書館教育


中文名稱: 可教性

ractice limit

中文名稱: 練習極限


中文名稱: 動機

agricultural educatio

中文名稱: 農業教育

core card

中文名稱: 記分卡片

curriculum evaluatio

中文名稱: 課程評鑑

curve of memory; memory curve

中文名稱: 記憶曲線

teachers organizatio

中文名稱: 教師組織

ositions in educational administratio

中文名稱: 教育行政職務


中文名稱: 動機說

gender trait

中文名稱: 性別特質

aturalistic educatio

中文名稱: 自然主義教育

hysical handica

中文名稱: 肢體障礙

econdary educatio

中文名稱: 中等教育

library educatio

中文名稱: 圖書館教育


中文名稱: 可教性

ractice limit

中文名稱: 練習極限


中文名稱: 動機

agricultural educatio

中文名稱: 農業教育

core card

中文名稱: 記分卡片

curriculum evaluatio

中文名稱: 課程評鑑

curve of memory; memory curve

中文名稱: 記憶曲線

teachers organizatio

中文名稱: 教師組織

ositions in educational administratio

中文名稱: 教育行政職務


中文名稱: 動機說

gender trait

中文名稱: 性別特質

aturalistic educatio

中文名稱: 自然主義教育

hysical handica

中文名稱: 肢體障礙
