貨品號列02012010001的中文貨名是特殊品級帶骨四分之一屠體牛肉及切割肉排(胸側肉、背脊肉、腰脊肉、上腿肉),生鮮或冷藏, 英文貨名是Special quality beef quarter-carcasses and cuts of steaks (rib, loins, sirloins, rump), of bovine animals, with bone in, fresh or chilled, 實施日期是9999999.
中文貨名: 鯨、海豚及鼠海豚(鯨目之哺乳類動物);海牛及儒艮(海牛目之哺乳類動物);海豹、海獅及海象(鰭腳亞目之哺乳類動物) | 英文貨名: Whales, dolphins and porpoises (mammals of the order Cetacea); manatees and dugongs (mammals of the ... | 實施日期: 1021129 | 截止日期: 9999999
中文貨名: 鯨、海豚及鼠海豚(鯨目之哺乳類動物);海牛及儒艮(海牛目之哺乳類動物) | 英文貨名: Whales, dolphins and porpoises (mammals of the order Cetacea); manatees and dugongs (mammals of the ... | 實施日期: 1021129 | 截止日期: 9999999
中文貨名: 鯨、海豚及鼠海豚(鯨目之哺乳類動物);海牛及儒艮(海牛目之哺乳類動物) | 英文貨名: Whales, dolphins and porpoises (mammals of the order Cetacea); manatees and dugongs (mammals of the ... | 實施日期: 9999999 | 截止日期:
中文貨名: 鯨、海豚及鼠海豚(鯨目之哺乳類動物);海牛及儒艮(海牛目之哺乳類動物);海豹、海獅及海象(鰭腳亞目之哺乳類動物) | 英文貨名: Whales, dolphins and porpoises (mammals of the order Cetacea); manatees and dugongs (mammals of the ... | 實施日期: 1021129 | 截止日期: 9999999
中文貨名: 鯨、海豚及鼠海豚(鯨目之哺乳類動物);海牛及儒艮(海牛目之哺乳類動物) | 英文貨名: Whales, dolphins and porpoises (mammals of the order Cetacea); manatees and dugongs (mammals of the ... | 實施日期: 1021129 | 截止日期: 9999999
中文貨名: 鯨、海豚及鼠海豚(鯨目之哺乳類動物);海牛及儒艮(海牛目之哺乳類動物) | 英文貨名: Whales, dolphins and porpoises (mammals of the order Cetacea); manatees and dugongs (mammals of the ... | 實施日期: 9999999 | 截止日期: