貨品號列02109200的中文貨名是鹹、浸鹹、乾或燻製之鯨、海豚、鼠海豚、海牛、儒艮、海豹、海獅及海象肉及食用雜碎;及其肉或雜碎肉製成之食用肉粉及粗肉粉, 英文貨名是Meat and edible offals of whales, dolphin, porpoises, manatees, dugongs, seals, sea lions and walruses, salted, in brine, dried or smoked; flours and ..., 實施日期是1021129, 截止日期是9999999.
中文貨名: 豬腳(包括前、後腿蹄膀及腱子肉)及橫膈膜,生鮮或冷藏 | 英文貨名: Feet (including hocks of the front and hind legs, shank muscle) and skirts of swine, fresh or chille... | 實施日期: 1021129 | 截止日期: 9999999
中文貨名: 豬腳(包括前、後腿蹄膀及腱子肉)及橫膈膜,生鮮或冷藏 | 英文貨名: Feet (including hocks of the front and hind legs, shank muscle) and skirts of swine, fresh or chille... | 實施日期: 1091231 | 截止日期: 1091231
中文貨名: 豬腳(包括前、後腿蹄膀及腱子肉),生鮮或冷藏 | 英文貨名: Feet (including hocks of the front and hind legs, shank muscle) of swine, fresh or chilled | 實施日期: 9999999 | 截止日期:
中文貨名: 豬腳(包括前、後腿蹄膀及腱子肉)及橫膈膜,生鮮或冷藏 | 英文貨名: Feet (including hocks of the front and hind legs, shank muscle) and skirts of swine, fresh or chille... | 實施日期: 1021129 | 截止日期: 9999999
中文貨名: 豬腳(包括前、後腿蹄膀及腱子肉)及橫膈膜,生鮮或冷藏 | 英文貨名: Feet (including hocks of the front and hind legs, shank muscle) and skirts of swine, fresh or chille... | 實施日期: 1091231 | 截止日期: 1091231
中文貨名: 豬腳(包括前、後腿蹄膀及腱子肉),生鮮或冷藏 | 英文貨名: Feet (including hocks of the front and hind legs, shank muscle) of swine, fresh or chilled | 實施日期: 9999999 | 截止日期: