貨品號列87091110的中文貨名是電動工作車輛,供工廠、倉庫、碼頭或機場短距離運輸貨物,未裝有叉舉或搬運設備者, 英文貨名是Electrical works trucks, not fitted with lifting or handling equipment, of the type used in factories, warehouses, dock areas or airports for short di..., 實施日期是1021129, 截止日期是9999999.
中文貨名: 電動工作車輛,供工廠倉庫、碼頭或機場短距離運輸貨物,未裝有叉舉或搬運設備者 | 英文貨名: Electrical works trucks, not fitted with lifting or handling equipment, of the type used in factorie... | 實施日期: 0780101 | 截止日期:
貨品分類號列: 87091110003 | 英文貨名: Electrical works trucks, not fitted with lifting or handling equipment, of the type used in factorie... | 第一欄稅率: 10% | 第二欄稅率: 0% (PA,GT,NI,SV,HN,NZ) 5% (SG) | 第三欄稅率: 10% | 統計數量單位: NIU | 統計重量單位: KGM
中文貨名: 電動工作車輛,供工廠倉庫、碼頭或機場短距離運輸貨物,未裝有叉舉或搬運設備者 | 英文貨名: Electrical works trucks, not fitted with lifting or handling equipment, of the type used in factorie... | 實施日期: 0780101 | 截止日期:
貨品分類號列: 87091110003 | 英文貨名: Electrical works trucks, not fitted with lifting or handling equipment, of the type used in factorie... | 第一欄稅率: 10% | 第二欄稅率: 0% (PA,GT,NI,SV,HN,NZ) 5% (SG) | 第三欄稅率: 10% | 統計數量單位: NIU | 統計重量單位: KGM