(特展預告) 文學千層.故事連城:從17世紀開始的超時空之旅特展
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活動名稱(特展預告) 文學千層.故事連城:從17世紀開始的超時空之旅特展的演出單位是國立臺灣文學館, 活動起始日期是2024/06/25, 活動結束日期是2024/09/22.

活動名稱(特展預告) 文學千層.故事連城:從17世紀開始的超時空之旅特展


單場次演出時間 : 2024/06/25 09:00:00
地址 : (空)
場地名稱 : (空)
是否售票 : N
價格 : (空)
緯度 : (空)
經度 : (空)
結束時間 : 2024/09/22 09:00:00
簡介說明臺南,讓臺灣現身世界,站在世界舞台上的推動者。 17世紀以來,臺灣經歷西方大航海、地理大發現的時代,席捲其中的臺灣被發現、被治理,臺灣人在被殖民的歷程中被取代、尋回、重構自身的角色與價值。而文學是紀錄、言說、復振所有殖民與去殖民歷程的見證者與實踐者。 文學千層熠熠生輝。是以,臺南文學400年,本特展將以「一府」與世界鏈結作為主題,向前探尋臺灣具南島語系起源的平埔族如西拉雅,到1624年荷蘭佔領臺灣,發展經濟資本;而後1651年沈光文來臺,設帳教學及懷鄉與落地雜揉的漢文發展,經過明鄭清領游宦與在地文人的古典文學生成,臺灣人的本土力量迎向海洋彼端的各種勢力,1895年後的日本統治,1920年代的新文學運動興起,日語為介,臺灣以文學之名向世界思潮接軌。而在地性的力量,緊緊在地土深處紮根,土壤的糖與沿海的鹽為文學帶來豐饒的養分。 超時空文學見證 Traversing Time and Space: Literature as a Witness 本特展以臺南為故事的基底,展演臺灣進入世界舞台的歷程,重要的推動者之一鄭經,以談判的書信,向外界勢力——荷蘭、清國達到「共生」的目的。這位跨越時空,站在民族衝突、經濟競合裂縫上的經貿之王,如何在烽火連天的戰事下,守住鄭氏王朝的領土,而臺南歷經人事變遷,時代交替,文人作家們如何收納、融合外來與本土的文學思潮,而後雜揉、再生成就文學千層的紋理,讓臺南的文學,足以作為臺灣文學向世界而生的見證者。 This special exhibition builds upon the history of Tainan to present how Taiwan emerged onto the world scene. One key historical figure, Zheng Jing, achieved a state of coexistence with external powers such as the Dutch and the Qing Dynasty through the skillful use of negotiation letters. How did this ruler of trade and commerce, and navigator of ethnic conflict, economic competition, and changing times defend his territory amid constant warfare? As Tainan evolved and witnessed centuries pass by, how did its scholars and writers absorb and integrate literary trends both local and from afar? In what ways did they blend and reshape these elements to create the glimmering layers of literature that are visible today? Answering these questions will reveal why the literary legacy of Tainan can be considered a steadfast witness to the rise of Taiwan literature in the world. 原初時刻,擊壤賦歌 In the Beginning, They Sang while Striking the Earth 最早擁有文字記錄而後在層層殖民歷程中消失了語言的平埔族。直到20世紀末,族群及母語的運動興起,原民作家以漢字或母語書寫,並透過創作、走讀踏查,用實際行動尋根並重建自身的主體文化。 The Plains Indigenous Peoples native to the Tainan area were one of the first groups known to have adopted a written language system. Colonization by foreign powers, however, led to the suppression of their language. It was not until the late 20th century, with the rise of the Indigenous Peoples and mother tongue movements, that Indigenous writers began to write in either Chinese or their native languages, retracing their roots and rebuilding their cultural identity through literary creations and explorations. 在時空裂縫中的航行者 Navigating a Rift in Time and Space 1662-1683長達21年,主要是鄭經治理臺灣,陳永華輔佐,1681年鄭經過世,2年後臺灣便被清國收編。因此,對於臺灣付出之深的鄭經,是當前大眾需要好好認識的人物。簡而言之,鄭經對外要面對清國的忽略,荷蘭的覬覦,對內需解決大量軍糧及移民者的生活問題,他接續鄭成功一邊對外談判,一邊對內開墾治理,保全「金流、貨流、人流」的經貿之徑,為臺灣在世界航道的位置奠定基礎。 Taiwan was primarily governed by Zheng Jing for 21 years (1662-1683), with assistance from Chen Yong-hua. Two years after Zheng Jing’s death in 1681, Taiwan was absorbed by the Qing. As such, Zheng Jing and his significant contributions to Taiwan deserve proper recognition in modern times. He faced external threats such as disregard from the Qing and encroachment by the Dutch, while also managing internal challenges to provide for his troops and the local immigrant population. Zheng Jing carried on Koxinga's legacy, and his deft balance between foreign negotiations and domestic development ensured a steady flow of money, goods, and people, thereby securing a place for Taiwan in global maritime trade routes. 鄭經〈嗣封世子札致荷蘭出海王〉手稿,1664年 “Letter from Zheng Jing to Balthasar Bort, Admiral of the Dutch Fleet” Manuscript, by Zheng Jing, 1664 荷蘭萊頓大學圖書館 典藏 Courtesy of the Leiden University Libraries Collection 禮品清單 The List of Gifts 荷蘭萊頓大學圖書館 典藏 Courtesy of the Leiden University Libraries Collection 深海環流,文學傳遞 Literature Borne by the Ocean 當今走在府城的街道上,行在赤崁樓等古蹟城牆、廟宇巷弄間,透過漢詩文可與沈光文、朱術桂、陳永華、鄭經、郁永河、孫元衡、黃叔璥、施瓊芳、施士洁等人相遇。作品與生活的互相輝映,是臺南文學作為臺灣文學史的重要基石。 Walk down the streets of Tainan today, past historical sites such as Chikan Tower and various temples, or read Han Chinese poetry, and one can encounter traces of literary figures such as Shen Guang-wen, Chu Shu-kuei, Chen Yong-hua, Zheng Jing, Yu Yong-he, Sun Yuan-heng, Huang Shu-jing, Shih Chiung-fang and Shih Shih-chi. Their works reflect the ties between life and literature and contributed to setting Tainan literature as a cornerstone in the literary history of Taiwan. 〈懷鄉〉 ——沈光文 萬里程何遠,縈迴思不窮。 安平江上水,洶湧海潮通。 "Longing for Home" ——Shen Guang-wen How long the journey was; thoughts swirl and linger without end. At the river in Anping; waves surge and rush ahead. 盧振基、查元鼎著,吳尚霑抄寫《文魁吳尚霑先生筆跡詩集》 Collected Poems in the Handwriting of Wen Kui Scholar Wu Shang-chan Written by Lu Chen-chi and Cha Yuan-ting, transcribed by Wu Shang-chan 國立台灣文學館 典藏 Courtesy of the National Museum of Taiwan Literature Collections 朱景英 隸書「學續.家鄰」木刻對聯 "Clerical Script 'Continued Studies, Neighboring Homes,' Woodcut Couplet,” by Chu Ching-ying 國立台灣文學館 典藏 Courtesy of the National Museum of Taiwan Literature Collections 臺灣文化協會用文化運動進行社會改革,例如蔡培火以教會羅馬字作為文明知識傳播的方式;莊松林透過世界語運動的參與,作為社會實踐的方法。語言文字合徑成為文學向社會大眾傳播人權、正義思想的媒介,知識分子跳脫菁英的視角、放下作家論的文學觀,和普羅大眾站在一起。 進入1930年代,莊松林、連溫卿等人成為以世界語書寫民間故事與童話的運動者,企圖將殖民壓制的文化及文學運動,以「本土」之姿邁向「世界」。 The Taiwan Cultural Association drove social reform through cultural movements. For example, Tsai Pei-huo promoted the use of Romanized scripts to disseminate modern knowledge. Chuang Sung-lin participated in the Esperanto movement, which advocated for the use of Esperanto as a social practice. Language and text became a medium for literature to promote human rights and justice among the public. Intellectuals broke free of their elitist perspectives, set aside their author-centered views of literature, and stood together with the masses. In the 1930s, individuals like Chuang Sung-lin and Lien Wen-ching became advocates by writing folk stories and fairy tales in Esperanto. Their goal was to apply global practices towards local elements in order to make breakthroughs for cultural and literary movements that had been suppressed by colonialism. 《南臺教會史LÂM TÂI KÀU-HŌE SÚ》,1953年 The History of the Church in Southern Taiwan LÂM TÂI KÀU-HŌE SÚ, 1953 國立台灣文學館 典藏 Courtesy of the National Museum of Taiwan Literature Collections 文學千層,故事連城 Layers of Literature, City of Stories 臺南出身的作家和醫師,用他們的筆寫出底層大眾的悲鳴,也用他們的行動,為黑暗打開透天光的門窗。例如楊逵的〈無醫村〉、〈不景気な醫学士〉、王金河的〈即塊苦難兮土地〉。 The writers and doctors of Tainan wielded their pens to voice the cries of the common folk; their actions opening doors and windows to light up the darkness. These works include "A Village Without Doctors" and "The Doctor with Poor Business" by Yang Kuei and "This Land of Suffering" by Wang King-ho. 楊逵〈不景気な醫学士〉,1932年 "The Doctor with Poor Business," by Yang Kuei, 1932 國立台灣文學館 典藏 Courtesy of the National Museum of Taiwan Literature Collections 1930年代,臺灣因日本投入的近代化建設,流行文化開始充斥在社會大眾的生活裡。關於自由戀愛、求新求變、追求個人生活價值等,殖民處境下的臺灣以流行音樂唱出苦悶心情的悲歌。 Due to Japanese investments to modernize Taiwan in the 1930s, popular culture began to permeate the everyday lives of the general public. In this colonized society, themes such as free love, the demand for novelty and change, and the pursuit of value and worth in one's personal life became expressed through pop music that sung of anguish and sorrow. 許石〈台灣民間歌謠第三集 KLK-67 〉 Popular Taiwanese Folk Songs, Volume 3 KLK-67, by Hsu Shih 國立台灣文學館 典藏 Courtesy of the National Museum of Taiwan Literature Collections 臺南的時間,臺灣的時刻 Tainan’s Time, Taiwan’s Moment 從臺南出發的文學,為島群上的人們描繪生存的座標,而文學作品及其思想靈魂,逐漸得以在世界時空裡安放,甚者向世人展現臺灣的價值。 臺灣因為文學,因為臺南,在百年歷史裡,故事連城,精采絕倫。 Literature from Tainan recounts in detail the survival of its people on the islands of Taiwan, and the thoughts and soul behind this literature have gradually found a place to showcase the significance of Taiwan in the world and world history. The history of Taiwan over the centuries is filled with interconnected and captivating stories penned by its rich literary heritage and the vibrant 400-year history of Tainan. 指導單位 Advisory Organization 文化部 Ministry of Culture 主辦單位 Organizer 國立臺灣文學館 National Museum of Taiwan Literature 協辦單位 Co-Organizer 荷蘭萊頓大學圖書館、荷蘭阿姆斯特丹國家博物館、荷蘭國家檔案館、西班牙海軍歷史文化研究所海軍檔案部、奧地利國家圖書館、德國埃爾福特大學哥達文化社會科學研究中心、國立成功大學博物館、國立成功大學建築學系、臺南市立博物館 Leiden University Libraries, The Rijksmuseum, Nationaal Archief of the Netherlands, Departamento De Archivos Navales of Spain, Gotha Research Library of Germany, Austrian National Library, National Cheng Kung University Museum, Department of Architecture, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan City Museum








(特展預告) 文學千層.故事連城:從17世紀開始的超時空之旅特展





單場次演出時間 : 2024/06/25 09:00:00
地址 : (空)
場地名稱 : (空)
是否售票 : N
價格 : (空)
緯度 : (空)
經度 : (空)
結束時間 : 2024/09/22 09:00:00






臺南,讓臺灣現身世界,站在世界舞台上的推動者。 17世紀以來,臺灣經歷西方大航海、地理大發現的時代,席捲其中的臺灣被發現、被治理,臺灣人在被殖民的歷程中被取代、尋回、重構自身的角色與價值。而文學是紀錄、言說、復振所有殖民與去殖民歷程的見證者與實踐者。 文學千層熠熠生輝。是以,臺南文學400年,本特展將以「一府」與世界鏈結作為主題,向前探尋臺灣具南島語系起源的平埔族如西拉雅,到1624年荷蘭佔領臺灣,發展經濟資本;而後1651年沈光文來臺,設帳教學及懷鄉與落地雜揉的漢文發展,經過明鄭清領游宦與在地文人的古典文學生成,臺灣人的本土力量迎向海洋彼端的各種勢力,1895年後的日本統治,1920年代的新文學運動興起,日語為介,臺灣以文學之名向世界思潮接軌。而在地性的力量,緊緊在地土深處紮根,土壤的糖與沿海的鹽為文學帶來豐饒的養分。 超時空文學見證 Traversing Time and Space: Literature as a Witness 本特展以臺南為故事的基底,展演臺灣進入世界舞台的歷程,重要的推動者之一鄭經,以談判的書信,向外界勢力——荷蘭、清國達到「共生」的目的。這位跨越時空,站在民族衝突、經濟競合裂縫上的經貿之王,如何在烽火連天的戰事下,守住鄭氏王朝的領土,而臺南歷經人事變遷,時代交替,文人作家們如何收納、融合外來與本土的文學思潮,而後雜揉、再生成就文學千層的紋理,讓臺南的文學,足以作為臺灣文學向世界而生的見證者。 This special exhibition builds upon the history of Tainan to present how Taiwan emerged onto the world scene. One key historical figure, Zheng Jing, achieved a state of coexistence with external powers such as the Dutch and the Qing Dynasty through the skillful use of negotiation letters. How did this ruler of trade and commerce, and navigator of ethnic conflict, economic competition, and changing times defend his territory amid constant warfare? As Tainan evolved and witnessed centuries pass by, how did its scholars and writers absorb and integrate literary trends both local and from afar? In what ways did they blend and reshape these elements to create the glimmering layers of literature that are visible today? Answering these questions will reveal why the literary legacy of Tainan can be considered a steadfast witness to the rise of Taiwan literature in the world. 原初時刻,擊壤賦歌 In the Beginning, They Sang while Striking the Earth 最早擁有文字記錄而後在層層殖民歷程中消失了語言的平埔族。直到20世紀末,族群及母語的運動興起,原民作家以漢字或母語書寫,並透過創作、走讀踏查,用實際行動尋根並重建自身的主體文化。 The Plains Indigenous Peoples native to the Tainan area were one of the first groups known to have adopted a written language system. Colonization by foreign powers, however, led to the suppression of their language. It was not until the late 20th century, with the rise of the Indigenous Peoples and mother tongue movements, that Indigenous writers began to write in either Chinese or their native languages, retracing their roots and rebuilding their cultural identity through literary creations and explorations. 在時空裂縫中的航行者 Navigating a Rift in Time and Space 1662-1683長達21年,主要是鄭經治理臺灣,陳永華輔佐,1681年鄭經過世,2年後臺灣便被清國收編。因此,對於臺灣付出之深的鄭經,是當前大眾需要好好認識的人物。簡而言之,鄭經對外要面對清國的忽略,荷蘭的覬覦,對內需解決大量軍糧及移民者的生活問題,他接續鄭成功一邊對外談判,一邊對內開墾治理,保全「金流、貨流、人流」的經貿之徑,為臺灣在世界航道的位置奠定基礎。 Taiwan was primarily governed by Zheng Jing for 21 years (1662-1683), with assistance from Chen Yong-hua. Two years after Zheng Jing’s death in 1681, Taiwan was absorbed by the Qing. As such, Zheng Jing and his significant contributions to Taiwan deserve proper recognition in modern times. He faced external threats such as disregard from the Qing and encroachment by the Dutch, while also managing internal challenges to provide for his troops and the local immigrant population. Zheng Jing carried on Koxinga's legacy, and his deft balance between foreign negotiations and domestic development ensured a steady flow of money, goods, and people, thereby securing a place for Taiwan in global maritime trade routes. 鄭經〈嗣封世子札致荷蘭出海王〉手稿,1664年 “Letter from Zheng Jing to Balthasar Bort, Admiral of the Dutch Fleet” Manuscript, by Zheng Jing, 1664 荷蘭萊頓大學圖書館 典藏 Courtesy of the Leiden University Libraries Collection 禮品清單 The List of Gifts 荷蘭萊頓大學圖書館 典藏 Courtesy of the Leiden University Libraries Collection 深海環流,文學傳遞 Literature Borne by the Ocean 當今走在府城的街道上,行在赤崁樓等古蹟城牆、廟宇巷弄間,透過漢詩文可與沈光文、朱術桂、陳永華、鄭經、郁永河、孫元衡、黃叔璥、施瓊芳、施士洁等人相遇。作品與生活的互相輝映,是臺南文學作為臺灣文學史的重要基石。 Walk down the streets of Tainan today, past historical sites such as Chikan Tower and various temples, or read Han Chinese poetry, and one can encounter traces of literary figures such as Shen Guang-wen, Chu Shu-kuei, Chen Yong-hua, Zheng Jing, Yu Yong-he, Sun Yuan-heng, Huang Shu-jing, Shih Chiung-fang and Shih Shih-chi. Their works reflect the ties between life and literature and contributed to setting Tainan literature as a cornerstone in the literary history of Taiwan. 〈懷鄉〉 ——沈光文 萬里程何遠,縈迴思不窮。 安平江上水,洶湧海潮通。 "Longing for Home" ——Shen Guang-wen How long the journey was; thoughts swirl and linger without end. At the river in Anping; waves surge and rush ahead. 盧振基、查元鼎著,吳尚霑抄寫《文魁吳尚霑先生筆跡詩集》 Collected Poems in the Handwriting of Wen Kui Scholar Wu Shang-chan Written by Lu Chen-chi and Cha Yuan-ting, transcribed by Wu Shang-chan 國立台灣文學館 典藏 Courtesy of the National Museum of Taiwan Literature Collections 朱景英 隸書「學續.家鄰」木刻對聯 "Clerical Script 'Continued Studies, Neighboring Homes,' Woodcut Couplet,” by Chu Ching-ying 國立台灣文學館 典藏 Courtesy of the National Museum of Taiwan Literature Collections 臺灣文化協會用文化運動進行社會改革,例如蔡培火以教會羅馬字作為文明知識傳播的方式;莊松林透過世界語運動的參與,作為社會實踐的方法。語言文字合徑成為文學向社會大眾傳播人權、正義思想的媒介,知識分子跳脫菁英的視角、放下作家論的文學觀,和普羅大眾站在一起。 進入1930年代,莊松林、連溫卿等人成為以世界語書寫民間故事與童話的運動者,企圖將殖民壓制的文化及文學運動,以「本土」之姿邁向「世界」。 The Taiwan Cultural Association drove social reform through cultural movements. For example, Tsai Pei-huo promoted the use of Romanized scripts to disseminate modern knowledge. Chuang Sung-lin participated in the Esperanto movement, which advocated for the use of Esperanto as a social practice. Language and text became a medium for literature to promote human rights and justice among the public. Intellectuals broke free of their elitist perspectives, set aside their author-centered views of literature, and stood together with the masses. In the 1930s, individuals like Chuang Sung-lin and Lien Wen-ching became advocates by writing folk stories and fairy tales in Esperanto. Their goal was to apply global practices towards local elements in order to make breakthroughs for cultural and literary movements that had been suppressed by colonialism. 《南臺教會史LÂM TÂI KÀU-HŌE SÚ》,1953年 The History of the Church in Southern Taiwan LÂM TÂI KÀU-HŌE SÚ, 1953 國立台灣文學館 典藏 Courtesy of the National Museum of Taiwan Literature Collections 文學千層,故事連城 Layers of Literature, City of Stories 臺南出身的作家和醫師,用他們的筆寫出底層大眾的悲鳴,也用他們的行動,為黑暗打開透天光的門窗。例如楊逵的〈無醫村〉、〈不景気な醫学士〉、王金河的〈即塊苦難兮土地〉。 The writers and doctors of Tainan wielded their pens to voice the cries of the common folk; their actions opening doors and windows to light up the darkness. These works include "A Village Without Doctors" and "The Doctor with Poor Business" by Yang Kuei and "This Land of Suffering" by Wang King-ho. 楊逵〈不景気な醫学士〉,1932年 "The Doctor with Poor Business," by Yang Kuei, 1932 國立台灣文學館 典藏 Courtesy of the National Museum of Taiwan Literature Collections 1930年代,臺灣因日本投入的近代化建設,流行文化開始充斥在社會大眾的生活裡。關於自由戀愛、求新求變、追求個人生活價值等,殖民處境下的臺灣以流行音樂唱出苦悶心情的悲歌。 Due to Japanese investments to modernize Taiwan in the 1930s, popular culture began to permeate the everyday lives of the general public. In this colonized society, themes such as free love, the demand for novelty and change, and the pursuit of value and worth in one's personal life became expressed through pop music that sung of anguish and sorrow. 許石〈台灣民間歌謠第三集 KLK-67 〉 Popular Taiwanese Folk Songs, Volume 3 KLK-67, by Hsu Shih 國立台灣文學館 典藏 Courtesy of the National Museum of Taiwan Literature Collections 臺南的時間,臺灣的時刻 Tainan’s Time, Taiwan’s Moment 從臺南出發的文學,為島群上的人們描繪生存的座標,而文學作品及其思想靈魂,逐漸得以在世界時空裡安放,甚者向世人展現臺灣的價值。 臺灣因為文學,因為臺南,在百年歷史裡,故事連城,精采絕倫。 Literature from Tainan recounts in detail the survival of its people on the islands of Taiwan, and the thoughts and soul behind this literature have gradually found a place to showcase the significance of Taiwan in the world and world history. The history of Taiwan over the centuries is filled with interconnected and captivating stories penned by its rich literary heritage and the vibrant 400-year history of Tainan. 指導單位 Advisory Organization 文化部 Ministry of Culture 主辦單位 Organizer 國立臺灣文學館 National Museum of Taiwan Literature 協辦單位 Co-Organizer 荷蘭萊頓大學圖書館、荷蘭阿姆斯特丹國家博物館、荷蘭國家檔案館、西班牙海軍歷史文化研究所海軍檔案部、奧地利國家圖書館、德國埃爾福特大學哥達文化社會科學研究中心、國立成功大學博物館、國立成功大學建築學系、臺南市立博物館 Leiden University Libraries, The Rijksmuseum, Nationaal Archief of the Netherlands, Departamento De Archivos Navales of Spain, Gotha Research Library of Germany, Austrian National Library, National Cheng Kung University Museum, Department of Architecture, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan City Museum






























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國立臺灣文學館 | 活動起始日期: 2024/06/25 | 活動結束日期: 2024/09/22 | 折扣資訊:

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(特展預告) 文學千層.故事連城:從17世紀開始的超時空之旅特展

國立臺灣文學館 | 活動起始日期: 2024/06/25 | 活動結束日期: 2024/09/22 | 折扣資訊:

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「孩想跟你說個故事 」成果展

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| 活動起始日期: 2024/01/08 | 活動結束日期: 2024/01/22 | 折扣資訊:


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「孩想跟你說個故事 」成果展

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(中華民國)林信義 | 活動起始日期: 2024/01/01 | 活動結束日期: 2024/01/14 | 折扣資訊:


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| 活動起始日期: 2024/01/08 | 活動結束日期: 2024/01/22 | 折扣資訊:


(中華民國)國立臺南生活美學館 | 活動起始日期: 2024/02/01 | 活動結束日期: 2024/03/31 | 折扣資訊:

常態展 -塵三、堉泉、劉信義、張益昇、陳廷彰聯展

穎川畫廊 | 活動起始日期: 2024/01/11 | 活動結束日期: 2024/02/29 | 折扣資訊:

墨遊~楊泓 陳清德 林淵池 書畫展

| 活動起始日期: 2024/01/10 | 活動結束日期: 2024/01/21 | 折扣資訊:


(中華民國)高雄市立圖書館中崙分館 | 活動起始日期: 2024/01/02 | 活動結束日期: 2024/01/31 | 折扣資訊:


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(中華民國)高雄市立圖書館大樹分館 | 活動起始日期: 2024/01/02 | 活動結束日期: 2024/01/31 | 折扣資訊:
