- 旅館民宿(英文版)-觀光資訊資料庫 @ 交通部觀光署

Mandarin Name龍門客棧民宿的Name是Longmen I, Telephone是886-937-078949, Address是No. 71, Bade Rd., Ruisui Township, Hualien County 978, Taiwan (R.O.C.), Description是This is the oldest home in the village. At the very beginning, these trees were deliberately planted in their current location, accompanied by the yea..., Serivce Information是Wi-Fi,National travel card,parking lot,free self-service laundry,,,,, Parking Information是Parking Space:Car 3、Motorcycle 3、Truck 0.


NameLongmen I
Mandarin Name龍門客棧民宿
DescriptionThis is the oldest home in the village. At the very beginning, these trees were deliberately planted in their current location, accompanied by the years of the tree planters. The people who plant these trees, the sculptures of the heart, are like the cultivation of their children. Therefore, their tree shape is not natural, it is the persistence of the centuries and the persistence of the past.There are four longan trees next to the courtyard. One of the longan trees is very old and difficult to scrutinize. Next to the carambola branches, in the middle of July and August each year, full of blushing flowers, enchanting and beautiful. Lazy to make a cup of tea under the old tree, free life, the ultimate enjoyment. It is also rare to watch the moon and watch the stars.In addition to the style of traditional farmhouses, this homestay is complemented by modern new bathroom fixtures. Because there are many old longan trees in the garden, it was named Longmen Inn. This shop has nothing to do with the movie Longmen Inn.Through the tree of the longan tree, two swings were hung, and the dream of a swing in the courtyard of the home was rounded. Natural beech wood seats are made of natural materials that are not available in other places.
AddressNo. 71, Bade Rd., Ruisui Township, Hualien County 978, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
RegionHualien County
TownRuisui Townshi
Picture1圖1 :
Picture 1 Description(空)
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Picture 2 Description(空)
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Picture 3 Description(空)
Serivce InformationWi-Fi,National travel card,parking lot,free self-service laundry,,,,
Parking InformationParking Space:Car 3、Motorcycle 3、Truck 0
Total Number of Rooms2
Lowest Price1500
Hightest Price10000
Total Number of People6
Accessibility Rooms0
Public Toilets(空)
Lifting Equipment(空)
Parking Space6




Longmen I

Mandarin Name



This is the oldest home in the village. At the very beginning, these trees were deliberately planted in their current location, accompanied by the years of the tree planters. The people who plant these trees, the sculptures of the heart, are like the cultivation of their children. Therefore, their tree shape is not natural, it is the persistence of the centuries and the persistence of the past.There are four longan trees next to the courtyard. One of the longan trees is very old and difficult to scrutinize. Next to the carambola branches, in the middle of July and August each year, full of blushing flowers, enchanting and beautiful. Lazy to make a cup of tea under the old tree, free life, the ultimate enjoyment. It is also rare to watch the moon and watch the stars.In addition to the style of traditional farmhouses, this homestay is complemented by modern new bathroom fixtures. Because there are many old longan trees in the garden, it was named Longmen Inn. This shop has nothing to do with the movie Longmen Inn.Through the tree of the longan tree, two swings were hung, and the dream of a swing in the courtyard of the home was rounded. Natural beech wood seats are made of natural materials that are not available in other places.




No. 71, Bade Rd., Ruisui Township, Hualien County 978, Taiwan (R.O.C.)




Hualien County


Ruisui Townshi










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Picture 1 Description



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Picture 3 Description












Serivce Information

Wi-Fi,National travel card,parking lot,free self-service laundry,,,,

Parking Information

Parking Space:Car 3、Motorcycle 3、Truck 0

Total Number of Rooms


Lowest Price


Hightest Price






Total Number of People


Accessibility Rooms


Public Toilets


Lifting Equipment


Parking Space




龍門客棧民宿地圖 [ 導航 ]


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根據名稱 Longmen I 找到的相關資料

(以下顯示 8 筆) (或要:直接搜尋所有 Longmen I ...)


Name: Longmen House B&B | Telephone: 886-6-9923621 | Address: No.95, Liangwungang, Husi Township, Penghu County 88543, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: Longmen House Bed & Breakfast was built for the Chen family in 1924 in the traditional Hokkien sanhe... | Serivce Information: arking lot,Internet,,,experience activities, | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 0、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0

@ 旅館民宿(英文版)-觀光資訊資料庫


Name: Longmen House B&B | Telephone: 886-6-9923621 | Address: No.95, Liangwungang, Husi Township, Penghu County 88543, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: Longmen House Bed & Breakfast was built for the Chen family in 1924 in the traditional Hokkien sanhe... | Serivce Information: parking lot,Internet,,,experience activities, | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 0、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0

@ 旅館民宿(英文版)-觀光資訊資料庫


建議譯寫方式: Longmen Bridge | 類別: 具有地標意義公共設施 | 苗栗縣 | 三義鄉

@ 地名譯寫資料


建議譯寫方式: Longmen Bridge | 類別: 具有地標意義公共設施 | 南投縣 | 集集鎮

@ 地名譯寫資料


建議譯寫方式: Longmen Bridge(Jianzhuzhong ) | 類別: 具有地標意義公共設施 | 南投縣 | 竹山鎮

@ 地名譯寫資料


建議譯寫方式: Longmen Rd. | 類別: 街道 | 屏東縣 | 竹田鄉

@ 地名譯寫資料


建議譯寫方式: Longmen St. | 類別: 街道 | 桃園市 | 桃園區

@ 地名譯寫資料


建議譯寫方式: Longmen St. | 類別: 街道 | 桃園市 | 龍潭區

@ 地名譯寫資料


Name: Longmen House B&B | Telephone: 886-6-9923621 | Address: No.95, Liangwungang, Husi Township, Penghu County 88543, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: Longmen House Bed & Breakfast was built for the Chen family in 1924 in the traditional Hokkien sanhe... | Serivce Information: arking lot,Internet,,,experience activities, | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 0、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0

@ 旅館民宿(英文版)-觀光資訊資料庫


Name: Longmen House B&B | Telephone: 886-6-9923621 | Address: No.95, Liangwungang, Husi Township, Penghu County 88543, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: Longmen House Bed & Breakfast was built for the Chen family in 1924 in the traditional Hokkien sanhe... | Serivce Information: parking lot,Internet,,,experience activities, | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 0、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0

@ 旅館民宿(英文版)-觀光資訊資料庫


建議譯寫方式: Longmen Bridge | 類別: 具有地標意義公共設施 | 苗栗縣 | 三義鄉

@ 地名譯寫資料


建議譯寫方式: Longmen Bridge | 類別: 具有地標意義公共設施 | 南投縣 | 集集鎮

@ 地名譯寫資料


建議譯寫方式: Longmen Bridge(Jianzhuzhong ) | 類別: 具有地標意義公共設施 | 南投縣 | 竹山鎮

@ 地名譯寫資料


建議譯寫方式: Longmen Rd. | 類別: 街道 | 屏東縣 | 竹田鄉

@ 地名譯寫資料


建議譯寫方式: Longmen St. | 類別: 街道 | 桃園市 | 桃園區

@ 地名譯寫資料


建議譯寫方式: Longmen St. | 類別: 街道 | 桃園市 | 龍潭區

@ 地名譯寫資料

[ 搜尋所有 Longmen I ... ]

根據電話 886-937-078949 找到的相關資料

(以下顯示 3 筆) (或要:直接搜尋所有 886-937-078949 ...)


Tel: 886-937-078949 | Name: ロングメンインホームステ | Grade: | Serviceinfo: 無線LAN,国民旅遊卡,駐車場, コイン・ランドリー(無料),,,, | Parkinginfo: Parking Space:Car 3、Motorcycle 3、Truck 0

@ 旅館民宿(日文版)-觀光資訊資料庫


電話: 886-937-078949 | 地址: 花蓮縣瑞穗鄉瑞祥村16鄰八德路71號 | 級別: | 服務資訊: 無線網路,國民旅遊卡,停車場,自助洗衣(免費),,,, | 停車資訊: 車位:小客車3輛、機車3輛、大客車0輛 | 描述: 農家生活的好地方。這裡是此村莊裡最老的一戶住家,在最初始的時候,這些樹便被刻意的種植在現在的位置,陪伴著植樹者的歲歲月月。植這些樹的人,用心的雕塑這些樹型,一如對子女的栽培。故它們的樹型並不是天然的,...

@ 旅館民宿 - 觀光資訊資料庫


Tel: 886-937-078949 | Name: ロングメンインホームステ | Grade: | Serviceinfo: 無線LAN,国民旅遊卡,駐車場, コイン・ランドリー(無料),,,, | Parkinginfo: Parking Space:Car 3、Motorcycle 3、Truck 0

@ 旅館民宿(日文版)-觀光資訊資料庫


Tel: 886-937-078949 | Name: ロングメンインホームステ | Grade: | Serviceinfo: 無線LAN,国民旅遊卡,駐車場, コイン・ランドリー(無料),,,, | Parkinginfo: Parking Space:Car 3、Motorcycle 3、Truck 0

@ 旅館民宿(日文版)-觀光資訊資料庫


電話: 886-937-078949 | 地址: 花蓮縣瑞穗鄉瑞祥村16鄰八德路71號 | 級別: | 服務資訊: 無線網路,國民旅遊卡,停車場,自助洗衣(免費),,,, | 停車資訊: 車位:小客車3輛、機車3輛、大客車0輛 | 描述: 農家生活的好地方。這裡是此村莊裡最老的一戶住家,在最初始的時候,這些樹便被刻意的種植在現在的位置,陪伴著植樹者的歲歲月月。植這些樹的人,用心的雕塑這些樹型,一如對子女的栽培。故它們的樹型並不是天然的,...

@ 旅館民宿 - 觀光資訊資料庫


Tel: 886-937-078949 | Name: ロングメンインホームステ | Grade: | Serviceinfo: 無線LAN,国民旅遊卡,駐車場, コイン・ランドリー(無料),,,, | Parkinginfo: Parking Space:Car 3、Motorcycle 3、Truck 0

@ 旅館民宿(日文版)-觀光資訊資料庫

[ 搜尋所有 886-937-078949 ... ]

根據地址 No. 71 Bade Rd. Ruisui Township Hualien County 978 Taiwan R.O.C 找到的相關資料

無其他 No. 71 Bade Rd. Ruisui Township Hualien County 978 Taiwan R.O.C 資料。

[ 搜尋所有 No. 71 Bade Rd. Ruisui Township Hualien County 978 Taiwan R.O.C ... ]

名稱 Longmen I 找到的公司登記或商業登記

(以下顯示 1 筆) (或要:查詢所有 Longmen I)


登記地址: 臺北市中山區民權東路2段9號8樓之3 | 負責人: 康大埜 | 統編: 22718148 | 核准設立




Name: Breeze warm Homestay | Telephone: 886-966-599275 | Address: No.2-15, Huaxing St., Hualien City, Hualien County 970, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: Homestay in Hualie | Serivce Information: Wi-Fi,,,, | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 0、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0


Name: Merlin20 | Telephone: 886-3-9308720 | Address: No.108-20, Wunuan Rd., Jiaoxi Township, Yilan County 262, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: Bed and Breakfast in Yilan County | Serivce Information: restaurant,Wi-Fi,,,Bike friendly accommodatio | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 2、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0


Name: Albe Farm Homestay | Telephone: 886-2-26382745 | Address: No.82-1, Alibang, Shimen Dist., New Taipei City 253, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: Aliban Ecological Farm is located in the Shimen District of New Taipei City, on a beautiful 10-plus-... | Serivce Information: arking lot,restaurant,hot spring,,,guided tou,experience activities,,Bike friendly accommodatio | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 20、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0


Name: PURPLE GARDEN HOTEL | Telephone: 886-2-25557178 | Address: No.30, Lane 18, Nanjing W. Rd., Datong District, Taipei City 103, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: Hotel located in Taipei City | Serivce Information: | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 0、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0


Name: Hualien 5FM Homestay - Xinyi Branch | Telephone: 886-937-533101 | Address: No.39-1, Xinyi St., Hualien City, Hualien County 970, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: Hualien 5FM Homestay - Xinyi Branch is located in Hualien. It is a 5-minute walk from the nearest ni... | Serivce Information: Wi-Fi,,,Bike friendly accommodatio | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 0、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0

單人房 SINGLE INN-站前館

Name: SINGLE INN | Telephone: 886-7-2363256 | Address: 3-10F,No.392, Bade 1st Rd., Xinxing Dist., Kaohsiung City 800, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: ★★★We are the accommodation of choice for guests traveling to Kaohsiung thanks to the convenient tra... | Serivce Information: restaurant,cafe',bar,Wi-Fi,National travel card,,,Bike friendly accommodatio | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 0、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0


Name: He Di Hotel | Telephone: 886-7-2233288 | Address: No.128, Xianzheng Rd., Lingya Dist., Kaohsiung City 802, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: Cancellation and Refund policies are as below:5% tax is included in the room rates. To ensure your b... | Serivce Information: Bike friendly accommodatio | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 0、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0


Name: San Zhi B&B | Telephone: 886-3-9982309 | Address: No.20-1, Xinxi Rd., Nan’ao Township, Yilan County 272, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: Bed and Breakfast in Yilan County | Serivce Information: | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 0、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0


Name: Macro Bed | Telephone: 886-3-9889517 | Address: No.39-11, Shiliujie Rd., Jiaoxi Township, Yilan County 262, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: Bed and Breakfast in Yilan County | Serivce Information: | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 2、Motorcycle 1、Truck 0


Name: Royal Rose Hotel | Telephone: 886-2-25317333 | Address: No.8, Ln. 133, Linsen N. Rd., Zhongshan Dist., Taipei City 104, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: Hotel located in Taipei City | Serivce Information: Bike friendly accommodatio | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 0、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0


Name: Ida’s l | Telephone: 886-926-308726 | Address: No.2, Ln. 232, Sec. 1, Shanxi Rd., Taitung City, Taitung County 950, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: Bed and Breakfast in Taitung County | Serivce Information: Bike friendly accommodatio | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 0、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0


Name: A Tao Jie Homestay | Telephone: 886-3-8343167 | Address: No.2, Ln. 305, Linsen Rd., Hualien City, Hualien County 970, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: Bed and Breakfast in Hualien County | Serivce Information: | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 0、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0


Name: Ming Quan Da Hotel | Telephone: 886-8-8821725 | Address: No.2, Yuquan Ln., Wenquan Rd., Checheng Township, Pingtung County 944, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: Hotel located in Pingtung County | Serivce Information: Wi-Fi,National travel card,parking lot,hot spring,,,,,Bike friendly accommodatio | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 0、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0


Name: HUA AN HOTEL | Telephone: 886-8-8322254 | Address: No.71-2, Zhongshan Rd., Donggang Township, Pingtung County 928, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: Hotel located in Pingtung County | Serivce Information: Wi-Fi,,,,Bike friendly accommodatio | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 0、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0


Name: RED HOG B&B | Telephone: 886-6-9982048 | Address: No.30, Qimawan, Chima Vil, Xiyu Township, Penghu County 881, Taiwan(R.O.C) | Grade: | Description: Bed and Breakfast in Penghu County | Serivce Information: meeting room,cafe',Wi-Fi,,,laundry service,pick-up service,guided tou, | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 0、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0


Name: Breeze warm Homestay | Telephone: 886-966-599275 | Address: No.2-15, Huaxing St., Hualien City, Hualien County 970, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: Homestay in Hualie | Serivce Information: Wi-Fi,,,, | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 0、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0


Name: Merlin20 | Telephone: 886-3-9308720 | Address: No.108-20, Wunuan Rd., Jiaoxi Township, Yilan County 262, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: Bed and Breakfast in Yilan County | Serivce Information: restaurant,Wi-Fi,,,Bike friendly accommodatio | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 2、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0


Name: Albe Farm Homestay | Telephone: 886-2-26382745 | Address: No.82-1, Alibang, Shimen Dist., New Taipei City 253, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: Aliban Ecological Farm is located in the Shimen District of New Taipei City, on a beautiful 10-plus-... | Serivce Information: arking lot,restaurant,hot spring,,,guided tou,experience activities,,Bike friendly accommodatio | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 20、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0


Name: PURPLE GARDEN HOTEL | Telephone: 886-2-25557178 | Address: No.30, Lane 18, Nanjing W. Rd., Datong District, Taipei City 103, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: Hotel located in Taipei City | Serivce Information: | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 0、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0


Name: Hualien 5FM Homestay - Xinyi Branch | Telephone: 886-937-533101 | Address: No.39-1, Xinyi St., Hualien City, Hualien County 970, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: Hualien 5FM Homestay - Xinyi Branch is located in Hualien. It is a 5-minute walk from the nearest ni... | Serivce Information: Wi-Fi,,,Bike friendly accommodatio | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 0、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0

單人房 SINGLE INN-站前館

Name: SINGLE INN | Telephone: 886-7-2363256 | Address: 3-10F,No.392, Bade 1st Rd., Xinxing Dist., Kaohsiung City 800, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: ★★★We are the accommodation of choice for guests traveling to Kaohsiung thanks to the convenient tra... | Serivce Information: restaurant,cafe',bar,Wi-Fi,National travel card,,,Bike friendly accommodatio | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 0、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0


Name: He Di Hotel | Telephone: 886-7-2233288 | Address: No.128, Xianzheng Rd., Lingya Dist., Kaohsiung City 802, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: Cancellation and Refund policies are as below:5% tax is included in the room rates. To ensure your b... | Serivce Information: Bike friendly accommodatio | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 0、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0


Name: San Zhi B&B | Telephone: 886-3-9982309 | Address: No.20-1, Xinxi Rd., Nan’ao Township, Yilan County 272, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: Bed and Breakfast in Yilan County | Serivce Information: | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 0、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0


Name: Macro Bed | Telephone: 886-3-9889517 | Address: No.39-11, Shiliujie Rd., Jiaoxi Township, Yilan County 262, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: Bed and Breakfast in Yilan County | Serivce Information: | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 2、Motorcycle 1、Truck 0


Name: Royal Rose Hotel | Telephone: 886-2-25317333 | Address: No.8, Ln. 133, Linsen N. Rd., Zhongshan Dist., Taipei City 104, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: Hotel located in Taipei City | Serivce Information: Bike friendly accommodatio | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 0、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0


Name: Ida’s l | Telephone: 886-926-308726 | Address: No.2, Ln. 232, Sec. 1, Shanxi Rd., Taitung City, Taitung County 950, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: Bed and Breakfast in Taitung County | Serivce Information: Bike friendly accommodatio | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 0、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0


Name: A Tao Jie Homestay | Telephone: 886-3-8343167 | Address: No.2, Ln. 305, Linsen Rd., Hualien City, Hualien County 970, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: Bed and Breakfast in Hualien County | Serivce Information: | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 0、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0


Name: Ming Quan Da Hotel | Telephone: 886-8-8821725 | Address: No.2, Yuquan Ln., Wenquan Rd., Checheng Township, Pingtung County 944, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: Hotel located in Pingtung County | Serivce Information: Wi-Fi,National travel card,parking lot,hot spring,,,,,Bike friendly accommodatio | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 0、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0


Name: HUA AN HOTEL | Telephone: 886-8-8322254 | Address: No.71-2, Zhongshan Rd., Donggang Township, Pingtung County 928, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: Hotel located in Pingtung County | Serivce Information: Wi-Fi,,,,Bike friendly accommodatio | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 0、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0


Name: RED HOG B&B | Telephone: 886-6-9982048 | Address: No.30, Qimawan, Chima Vil, Xiyu Township, Penghu County 881, Taiwan(R.O.C) | Grade: | Description: Bed and Breakfast in Penghu County | Serivce Information: meeting room,cafe',Wi-Fi,,,laundry service,pick-up service,guided tou, | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 0、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0
