加拿大食品檢驗局(CFIA)更新發布回收疑遭李斯特菌(Listeria monocytogenes)污染之花椰菜產品(broccoli),經查回收產品未有申請食品輸入查驗紀錄。
- 消費紅綠燈-國際食品資料集 @ 衛生福利部食品藥物管理署

標題名稱加拿大食品檢驗局(CFIA)更新發布回收疑遭李斯特菌(Listeria monocytogenes)污染之花椰菜產品(broccoli),經查回收產品未有申請食品輸入查驗紀錄。的更新日期是2021/08/18, 燈號是綠燈.

標題名稱加拿大食品檢驗局(CFIA)更新發布回收疑遭李斯特菌(Listeria monocytogenes)污染之花椰菜產品(broccoli),經查回收產品未有申請食品輸入查驗紀錄。
內容加拿大食品檢驗局(CFIA)於110年8日13日發布回收疑遭李斯特菌(Listeria monocytogenes)污染之花椰菜產品(broccoli),經查回收產品未有申請食品輸入查驗紀錄 (迄110年8月15日止) 。 回收產品資訊如下: Brand Product Size UPC Codes Additional Info / Distribution None Crunch Mix Dlx Variable Starting with 0235278 All units sold up to and including August 13, 2021 Sold clerk-served and/or pre-packaged in Sobeys, Foodland and Co-op stores in Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador and Prince Edward Island None Brocc/Cauli/Carrot Variable Starting with 0282038 All units sold up to and including August 13, 2021 Sold clerk-served and/or pre-packaged in Sobeys, Foodland and Co-op stores in Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador and Prince Edward Island None Broccoli Florettes Variable Starting with 0208203 All units sold up to and including August 13, 2021 Sold clerk-served and/or pre-packaged in Sobeys, Foodland and Co-op stores in Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador and Prince Edward Island None Broccoli & Cauliflower Florettes Variable Starting with 0208183 All units sold up to and including August 13, 2021 Sold clerk-served and/or pre-packaged in Sobeys, Foodland and Co-op stores in Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador and Prince Edward Island None Veggie Stir Fry Mix Variable Starting with 0208551 All units sold up to and including August 13, 2021 Sold clerk-served and/or pre-packaged in Sobeys, Foodland and Co-op stores in Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador and Prince Edward Island None Vegetable Tray SS Variable Starting with 0252793 All units sold up to and including August 13, 2021 Sold clerk-served and/or pre-packaged in Sobeys, Foodland and Co-op stores in Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador and Prince Edward Island None Celebration Veg Tray W/O Dip Variable Starting with 0282995 All units sold up to and including August 13, 2021 Sold clerk-served and/or pre-packaged in Sobeys, Foodland and Co-op stores in Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador and Prince Edward Island None Celebration Veg Tray FS Variable Starting with 0203006 All units sold up to and including August 13, 2021 Sold clerk-served and/or pre-packaged in Sobeys, Foodland and Co-op stores in Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador and Prince Edward Island None Maple Leaf Vegetable Caro Variable Starting with 0260116 All units sold up to and including August 13, 2021 Sold clerk-served and/or pre-packaged in Sobeys, Foodland and Co-op stores in Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador and Prince Edward Island None Canada Day Tray Variable Starting with 0260116 All units sold up to and including August 13, 2021 Sold clerk-served and/or pre-packaged in Sobeys, Foodland and Co-op stores in Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador and Prince Edward Island None Veggie Might Variable Starting with 0265589 All units sold up to and including August 13, 2021 Sold clerk-served and/or pre-packaged in Sobeys, Foodland and Co-op stores in Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador and Prince Edward Island None Rainbow Veggie Platter Variable Starting with 0265583 All units sold up to and including August 13, 2021 Sold clerk-served and/or pre-packaged in Sobeys, Foodland and Co-op stores in Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador and Prince Edward Island None Vegetable Nibbler Tray Square Variable Starting with 0208673 All units sold up to and including August 13, 2021 Sold clerk-served and/or pre-packaged in Sobeys, Foodland and Co-op stores in Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador and Prince Edward Island None Veg Nibbler Tray 14IN Square Variable Starting with 0208675 All units sold up to and including August 13, 2021 Sold clerk-served and/or pre-packaged in Sobeys, Foodland and Co-op stores in Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador and Prince Edward Island None Broccoli Salad Small w/Cheddar contains Bacon Variable Starting with 0235231 All units sold up to and including August 13, 2021 Sold clerk-served and/or pre-packaged in Sobeys, Foodland and Co-op stores in Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador and Prince Edward Island None Broccoli & Cauliflower Florettes Variable Starting with 0208183 All units sold up to and including August 13, 2021 Sold clerk-served and/or pre-packaged in Sobeys, Foodland and Co-op stores in Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador and Prince Edward Island None Celebration Swt Veg Tray 1000 g Starting with 0208688 All units sold up to and including August 13, 2021 Sold clerk-served and/or pre-packaged in Sobeys, Foodland and Co-op stores in Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador and Prince Edward Island None Lrg GrabNGo Veggie Tray w/Dip 2.2 kg Starting with 0208147 All units sold up to and including August 13, 2021 Sold clerk-served and/or pre-packaged in Sobeys, Foodland and Co-op stores in Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador and Prince Edward Island None Celebration Veg Tray Lg Variable Starting with 0254589 All units sold up to and including August 13, 2021 Sold clerk-served and/or pre-packaged in Sobeys, Foodland and Co-op stores in Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador and Prince Edward Island None Celebration Vegetable Carousel 950 g Starting with 0282997 All units sold up to and including August 13, 2021 Sold clerk-served and/or pre-packaged in Sobeys, Foodland and Co-op stores in Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador and Prince Edward Island None Veggie Tray GrabNGo W/Dip Large 1.95 kg Starting with 0265680 All units sold up to and including August 13, 2021 Sold clerk-served and/or pre-packaged in Sobeys, Foodland and Co-op stores in Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador and Prince Edward Island None Broccoli & Bacon Salad with Cheddar Variable Starting with 0227162 All units sold up to and including August 13, 2021 Sold clerk-served and/or pre-packaged in Sobeys, Foodland and Co-op stores in Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador and Prince Edward Island None Bacon Broccoli Cheddr Salad SS Variable Starting with 0217172 All units sold up to and including August 13, 2021 Sold clerk-served and/or pre-packaged in Sobeys, Foodland and Co-op stores in Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador and Prince Edward Island None Bacon Broccoli Salad Variable Starting with 0267332 All units sold up to and including August 13, 2021 Sold clerk-served and/or pre-packaged in Sobeys, Foodland and Co-op stores in Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador and Prince Edward Island None Bacon Broccoli Salad SS Variable Starting with 0227332 All units sold up to and including August 13, 2021 Sold clerk-served and/or pre-packaged in Sobeys, Foodland and Co-op stores in Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador and Prince Edward Island Hartland Valufoods Small Veggie Variable Starting with 230001 All Packaged on dates up to and including 21AU11 Sold at Hartland Valufoods, 550 Main St., Hartland, NB and Centreville Valufoods, 3145 Main St., Centreville, NB Hartland Valufoods Large Veggie Variable Starting with 250001 All Packaged on dates up to and including 21AU11 Sold at Hartland Valufoods, 550 Main St., Hartland, NB Hartland Valufoods Pasta Salad Variable Starting with 233357 All Packaged on dates up to and including 21AU11 and Best Before dates up to and including 21AU14 Sold at Hartland Valufoods, 550 Main St., Hartland, NB Hartland Valufoods Broccoli Salad Variable Starting with 232348 All Packaged on dates up to and including 21AU11 and Best Before dates up to and including 21AU14 Sold at Hartland Valufoods, 550 Main St., Hartland, NB and Centreville Valufoods, 3145 Main St., Centreville, NB 經查回收產品未有申請食品輸入查驗紀錄,故判定為綠燈。 該國原警訊連結如下:https://inspection.canada.ca/food-recall-warnings-and-allergy-alerts/2021-08-13/eng/1628911547253/1628911553440;; 提醒民眾如赴加拿大旅遊,應避免購買及食用問題食品。 李斯特菌可在一般烹煮溫度下輕易消滅,但能在冷藏低溫下生存和繁殖。一旦感染李斯特菌症,每個人出現的症狀可能會因年齡、性別和抵抗力強弱等而有所不同,一般會在攝食汙染此菌之食物後約12小時內,出現類似感冒或腸胃不適等症狀。食品藥物管理署建議消費者保持個人及食物衛生,避免進食高風險的食物及飲品,生的肉類應該與蔬菜、熟食和即食食物分開存放。避免進食存放在冰箱超過1天的即食食物。在處理完未經煮熟的食物後,要將手、刀和砧板洗乾淨。孕婦與免疫能力低的人應避免飲用未經消毒的牛奶、進食軟乾酪或未經煮熟的蔬菜,並應徹底煮熟食物才進食。(詳細資料可參考食品藥物管理署食品中毒專區,連結https://www.fda.gov.tw/TC/siteContent.aspx?sid=1953) 民眾以個人自用自國外攜回或郵寄回國產品,其金額及數量單項價值在1000美元以下,重量在6公斤以內,得免申請食品輸入查驗,惟輸入供販賣或雖為「個人」自用但超過免驗限量者,仍須依食安法第30條辦理申請食品輸入查驗,違者將依食安法第47條處辦。 旅客攜帶及自外國郵寄入境產品,另應依財政部關務署「入境旅客攜帶行李物品報驗稅放辦法」及「郵包物品進出口通關辦法」之規定辦理,其中活動物及其產品、活植物及其生鮮產品禁止攜帶。動植物產品另涉行政院農業委員會動植物防疫檢疫局動植物檢疫規定者,請洽該局(https://www.baphiq.gov.tw/)查詢。;; 案內產品未有申請食品輸入查驗紀錄,業者應避免輸入。 若有輸入類似或疑似回收警訊產品或相關產品,應立即向外國原廠或出口廠商查證,並依自主管理原則,主動暫停已進口之疑似回收產品販售。 若獲原廠通知已進口之產品為需回收產品,應立即主動下架回收,通知消費者退換貨,並通知公司所在地衛生局與本署。 業者應於採購前要求原廠或輸出者提具檢驗報告或自主管理評估進行相關衛生項目檢驗。




加拿大食品檢驗局(CFIA)更新發布回收疑遭李斯特菌(Listeria monocytogenes)污染之花椰菜產品(broccoli),經查回收產品未有申請食品輸入查驗紀錄。


加拿大食品檢驗局(CFIA)於110年8日13日發布回收疑遭李斯特菌(Listeria monocytogenes)污染之花椰菜產品(broccoli),經查回收產品未有申請食品輸入查驗紀錄 (迄110年8月15日止) 。 回收產品資訊如下: Brand Product Size UPC Codes Additional Info / Distribution None Crunch Mix Dlx Variable Starting with 0235278 All units sold up to and including August 13, 2021 Sold clerk-served and/or pre-packaged in Sobeys, Foodland and Co-op stores in Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador and Prince Edward Island None Brocc/Cauli/Carrot Variable Starting with 0282038 All units sold up to and including August 13, 2021 Sold clerk-served and/or pre-packaged in Sobeys, Foodland and Co-op stores in Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador and Prince Edward Island None Broccoli Florettes Variable Starting with 0208203 All units sold up to and including August 13, 2021 Sold clerk-served and/or pre-packaged in Sobeys, Foodland and Co-op stores in Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador and Prince Edward Island None Broccoli & Cauliflower Florettes Variable Starting with 0208183 All units sold up to and including August 13, 2021 Sold clerk-served and/or pre-packaged in Sobeys, Foodland and Co-op stores in Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador and Prince Edward Island None Veggie Stir Fry Mix Variable Starting with 0208551 All units sold up to and including August 13, 2021 Sold clerk-served and/or pre-packaged in Sobeys, Foodland and Co-op stores in Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador and Prince Edward Island None Vegetable Tray SS Variable Starting with 0252793 All units sold up to and including August 13, 2021 Sold clerk-served and/or pre-packaged in Sobeys, Foodland and Co-op stores in Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador and Prince Edward Island None Celebration Veg Tray W/O Dip Variable Starting with 0282995 All units sold up to and including August 13, 2021 Sold clerk-served and/or pre-packaged in Sobeys, Foodland and Co-op stores in Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador and Prince Edward Island None Celebration Veg Tray FS Variable Starting with 0203006 All units sold up to and including August 13, 2021 Sold clerk-served and/or pre-packaged in Sobeys, Foodland and Co-op stores in Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador and Prince Edward Island None Maple Leaf Vegetable Caro Variable Starting with 0260116 All units sold up to and including August 13, 2021 Sold clerk-served and/or pre-packaged in Sobeys, Foodland and Co-op stores in Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador and Prince Edward Island None Canada Day Tray Variable Starting with 0260116 All units sold up to and including August 13, 2021 Sold clerk-served and/or pre-packaged in Sobeys, Foodland and Co-op stores in Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador and Prince Edward Island None Veggie Might Variable Starting with 0265589 All units sold up to and including August 13, 2021 Sold clerk-served and/or pre-packaged in Sobeys, Foodland and Co-op stores in Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador and Prince Edward Island None Rainbow Veggie Platter Variable Starting with 0265583 All units sold up to and including August 13, 2021 Sold clerk-served and/or pre-packaged in Sobeys, Foodland and Co-op stores in Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador and Prince Edward Island None Vegetable Nibbler Tray Square Variable Starting with 0208673 All units sold up to and including August 13, 2021 Sold clerk-served and/or pre-packaged in Sobeys, Foodland and Co-op stores in Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador and Prince Edward Island None Veg Nibbler Tray 14IN Square Variable Starting with 0208675 All units sold up to and including August 13, 2021 Sold clerk-served and/or pre-packaged in Sobeys, Foodland and Co-op stores in Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador and Prince Edward Island None Broccoli Salad Small w/Cheddar contains Bacon Variable Starting with 0235231 All units sold up to and including August 13, 2021 Sold clerk-served and/or pre-packaged in Sobeys, Foodland and Co-op stores in Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador and Prince Edward Island None Broccoli & Cauliflower Florettes Variable Starting with 0208183 All units sold up to and including August 13, 2021 Sold clerk-served and/or pre-packaged in Sobeys, Foodland and Co-op stores in Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador and Prince Edward Island None Celebration Swt Veg Tray 1000 g Starting with 0208688 All units sold up to and including August 13, 2021 Sold clerk-served and/or pre-packaged in Sobeys, Foodland and Co-op stores in Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador and Prince Edward Island None Lrg GrabNGo Veggie Tray w/Dip 2.2 kg Starting with 0208147 All units sold up to and including August 13, 2021 Sold clerk-served and/or pre-packaged in Sobeys, Foodland and Co-op stores in Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador and Prince Edward Island None Celebration Veg Tray Lg Variable Starting with 0254589 All units sold up to and including August 13, 2021 Sold clerk-served and/or pre-packaged in Sobeys, Foodland and Co-op stores in Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador and Prince Edward Island None Celebration Vegetable Carousel 950 g Starting with 0282997 All units sold up to and including August 13, 2021 Sold clerk-served and/or pre-packaged in Sobeys, Foodland and Co-op stores in Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador and Prince Edward Island None Veggie Tray GrabNGo W/Dip Large 1.95 kg Starting with 0265680 All units sold up to and including August 13, 2021 Sold clerk-served and/or pre-packaged in Sobeys, Foodland and Co-op stores in Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador and Prince Edward Island None Broccoli & Bacon Salad with Cheddar Variable Starting with 0227162 All units sold up to and including August 13, 2021 Sold clerk-served and/or pre-packaged in Sobeys, Foodland and Co-op stores in Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador and Prince Edward Island None Bacon Broccoli Cheddr Salad SS Variable Starting with 0217172 All units sold up to and including August 13, 2021 Sold clerk-served and/or pre-packaged in Sobeys, Foodland and Co-op stores in Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador and Prince Edward Island None Bacon Broccoli Salad Variable Starting with 0267332 All units sold up to and including August 13, 2021 Sold clerk-served and/or pre-packaged in Sobeys, Foodland and Co-op stores in Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador and Prince Edward Island None Bacon Broccoli Salad SS Variable Starting with 0227332 All units sold up to and including August 13, 2021 Sold clerk-served and/or pre-packaged in Sobeys, Foodland and Co-op stores in Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador and Prince Edward Island Hartland Valufoods Small Veggie Variable Starting with 230001 All Packaged on dates up to and including 21AU11 Sold at Hartland Valufoods, 550 Main St., Hartland, NB and Centreville Valufoods, 3145 Main St., Centreville, NB Hartland Valufoods Large Veggie Variable Starting with 250001 All Packaged on dates up to and including 21AU11 Sold at Hartland Valufoods, 550 Main St., Hartland, NB Hartland Valufoods Pasta Salad Variable Starting with 233357 All Packaged on dates up to and including 21AU11 and Best Before dates up to and including 21AU14 Sold at Hartland Valufoods, 550 Main St., Hartland, NB Hartland Valufoods Broccoli Salad Variable Starting with 232348 All Packaged on dates up to and including 21AU11 and Best Before dates up to and including 21AU14 Sold at Hartland Valufoods, 550 Main St., Hartland, NB and Centreville Valufoods, 3145 Main St., Centreville, NB 經查回收產品未有申請食品輸入查驗紀錄,故判定為綠燈。 該國原警訊連結如下:https://inspection.canada.ca/food-recall-warnings-and-allergy-alerts/2021-08-13/eng/1628911547253/1628911553440;; 提醒民眾如赴加拿大旅遊,應避免購買及食用問題食品。 李斯特菌可在一般烹煮溫度下輕易消滅,但能在冷藏低溫下生存和繁殖。一旦感染李斯特菌症,每個人出現的症狀可能會因年齡、性別和抵抗力強弱等而有所不同,一般會在攝食汙染此菌之食物後約12小時內,出現類似感冒或腸胃不適等症狀。食品藥物管理署建議消費者保持個人及食物衛生,避免進食高風險的食物及飲品,生的肉類應該與蔬菜、熟食和即食食物分開存放。避免進食存放在冰箱超過1天的即食食物。在處理完未經煮熟的食物後,要將手、刀和砧板洗乾淨。孕婦與免疫能力低的人應避免飲用未經消毒的牛奶、進食軟乾酪或未經煮熟的蔬菜,並應徹底煮熟食物才進食。(詳細資料可參考食品藥物管理署食品中毒專區,連結https://www.fda.gov.tw/TC/siteContent.aspx?sid=1953) 民眾以個人自用自國外攜回或郵寄回國產品,其金額及數量單項價值在1000美元以下,重量在6公斤以內,得免申請食品輸入查驗,惟輸入供販賣或雖為「個人」自用但超過免驗限量者,仍須依食安法第30條辦理申請食品輸入查驗,違者將依食安法第47條處辦。 旅客攜帶及自外國郵寄入境產品,另應依財政部關務署「入境旅客攜帶行李物品報驗稅放辦法」及「郵包物品進出口通關辦法」之規定辦理,其中活動物及其產品、活植物及其生鮮產品禁止攜帶。動植物產品另涉行政院農業委員會動植物防疫檢疫局動植物檢疫規定者,請洽該局(https://www.baphiq.gov.tw/)查詢。;; 案內產品未有申請食品輸入查驗紀錄,業者應避免輸入。 若有輸入類似或疑似回收警訊產品或相關產品,應立即向外國原廠或出口廠商查證,並依自主管理原則,主動暫停已進口之疑似回收產品販售。 若獲原廠通知已進口之產品為需回收產品,應立即主動下架回收,通知消費者退換貨,並通知公司所在地衛生局與本署。 業者應於採購前要求原廠或輸出者提具檢驗報告或自主管理評估進行相關衛生項目檢驗。





根據名稱 加拿大食品檢驗局 CFIA 更新發布回收疑遭李斯特菌 Listeria monocytogenes 污染之花椰菜產品 broccoli 經查回收產品未有申請食品輸入查驗紀錄 找到的相關資料

無其他 加拿大食品檢驗局 CFIA 更新發布回收疑遭李斯特菌 Listeria monocytogenes 污染之花椰菜產品 broccoli 經查回收產品未有申請食品輸入查驗紀錄 資料。

[ 搜尋所有 加拿大食品檢驗局 CFIA 更新發布回收疑遭李斯特菌 Listeria monocytogenes 污染之花椰菜產品 broccoli 經查回收產品未有申請食品輸入查驗紀錄 ... ]


與加拿大食品檢驗局(CFIA)更新發布回收疑遭李斯特菌(Listeria monocytogenes)污染之花椰菜產品(broccoli),經查回收產品未有申請食品輸入查驗紀錄。同分類的消費紅綠燈-國際食品資料集

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加拿大食品檢查署(CFIA)發布Advantage Health Matters公司回收疑遭沙門氏菌(Salmonella)污染之發芽鼠尾草種子及亞麻籽混合粉末(Sprouted Chia & Fla...

更新日期: 2014/09/16 | 燈號: 綠燈

美國食品藥物管理局(FDA)發布Plum Organics公司自主回收可能造成窒息風險之零食(organic rice milk snacks)產品,問題產品未輸入我國。

更新日期: 2014/09/16 | 燈號: 綠燈

英國食品標準局(FSA)發布Inverawe Smokehouses公司有回收有遭肉毒桿菌 (Clostridium botulinum)污染風險之燻鮭魚(Smoked Trout)產品,問題產品未輸...

更新日期: 2014/09/16 | 燈號: 綠燈

加拿大食品檢查署(CFIA)發布McCain Foods公司回收疑遭玻璃異物汙染之洋蔥圈(Onion Rings)產品,問題產品未輸入我國。

更新日期: 2014/09/17 | 燈號: 綠燈

美國食品藥物管理局(FDA)發布Taylor Farms Pacific, Inc.公司自主回收疑遭沙門氏菌(Salmonella)污染之羅馬番茄(Roma Tomatoes)產品,問題產品未輸入我國...

更新日期: 2014/09/17 | 燈號: 綠燈

紐澳食品標準局(FSANZ)發布Woolworths Limited公司回收疑遭玻璃異物污染之Homebrand Honey Poppas穀物產品,問題產品未輸入我國。

更新日期: 2014/09/17 | 燈號: 綠燈

美國食品藥物管理局(FDA)發布Gel Spice Company, Inc.公司自主回收疑遭沙門氏菌(Salmonella)污染之碎黑胡椒(Ground Black Pepper)產品,問題產品未輸...

更新日期: 2014/09/23 | 燈號: 綠燈

加拿大食品檢查署(CFIA)發布Premier Ingredients公司回收疑遭沙門氏菌(Salmonella)污染之香料(spice)產品,問題產品未輸入我國。

更新日期: 2014/09/23 | 燈號: 綠燈

美國食品藥物管理局(FDA) 發布S&S Food Import corp.公司回收有遭肉毒桿菌 (Clostridium botulinum)污染風險之未去除內臟乾燥湖擬鯉魚(Uneviscerat...

更新日期: 2014/09/28 | 燈號: 綠燈

美國食品藥物管理局(FDA)發布Gold Star Smoked Fish Corp.公司回收疑遭李斯特氏菌(Listeria monocytogenes)污染之煙燻虹鱒 (Cold Smoked S...

更新日期: 2014/09/28 | 燈號: 綠燈

加拿大食品檢查署(CFIA)發布Conan Foods公司回收疑遭沙門氏菌(Salmonella)污染之希臘奧勒岡葉(Greek Oregano Leaves)產品,問題產品未輸入我國。

更新日期: 2014/09/30 | 燈號: 綠燈

美國農業部食品安全檢查署(FSIS)發布Monogram Comfort Foods公司回收儲存溫度控制不當之熱狗棒(Uncured Beef Corn Dogs)產品,問題產品未輸入我國。

更新日期: 2014/09/30 | 燈號: 綠燈

美國農業部食品安全檢查署(FSIS)發布Perdue Food LLC公司回收鮮雞肉(fresh Chicken)產品,因產品於製造過程中偏離正確溫度範圍,問題產品未輸入我國。

更新日期: 2014/09/10 | 燈號: 綠燈

加拿大食品檢查署(CFIA)發布Vinh Fat Food公司回收疑遭大腸桿菌O157:H7 (Escherichia coli O157:H7)污染之冷凍豬肉(frozen pork)產品,問題產品...

更新日期: 2014/09/11 | 燈號: 綠燈


更新日期: 2014/09/12 | 燈號: 綠燈

加拿大食品檢查署(CFIA)發布Advantage Health Matters公司回收疑遭沙門氏菌(Salmonella)污染之發芽鼠尾草種子及亞麻籽混合粉末(Sprouted Chia & Fla...

更新日期: 2014/09/16 | 燈號: 綠燈

美國食品藥物管理局(FDA)發布Plum Organics公司自主回收可能造成窒息風險之零食(organic rice milk snacks)產品,問題產品未輸入我國。

更新日期: 2014/09/16 | 燈號: 綠燈

英國食品標準局(FSA)發布Inverawe Smokehouses公司有回收有遭肉毒桿菌 (Clostridium botulinum)污染風險之燻鮭魚(Smoked Trout)產品,問題產品未輸...

更新日期: 2014/09/16 | 燈號: 綠燈

加拿大食品檢查署(CFIA)發布McCain Foods公司回收疑遭玻璃異物汙染之洋蔥圈(Onion Rings)產品,問題產品未輸入我國。

更新日期: 2014/09/17 | 燈號: 綠燈

美國食品藥物管理局(FDA)發布Taylor Farms Pacific, Inc.公司自主回收疑遭沙門氏菌(Salmonella)污染之羅馬番茄(Roma Tomatoes)產品,問題產品未輸入我國...

更新日期: 2014/09/17 | 燈號: 綠燈

紐澳食品標準局(FSANZ)發布Woolworths Limited公司回收疑遭玻璃異物污染之Homebrand Honey Poppas穀物產品,問題產品未輸入我國。

更新日期: 2014/09/17 | 燈號: 綠燈

美國食品藥物管理局(FDA)發布Gel Spice Company, Inc.公司自主回收疑遭沙門氏菌(Salmonella)污染之碎黑胡椒(Ground Black Pepper)產品,問題產品未輸...

更新日期: 2014/09/23 | 燈號: 綠燈

加拿大食品檢查署(CFIA)發布Premier Ingredients公司回收疑遭沙門氏菌(Salmonella)污染之香料(spice)產品,問題產品未輸入我國。

更新日期: 2014/09/23 | 燈號: 綠燈

美國食品藥物管理局(FDA) 發布S&S Food Import corp.公司回收有遭肉毒桿菌 (Clostridium botulinum)污染風險之未去除內臟乾燥湖擬鯉魚(Uneviscerat...

更新日期: 2014/09/28 | 燈號: 綠燈

美國食品藥物管理局(FDA)發布Gold Star Smoked Fish Corp.公司回收疑遭李斯特氏菌(Listeria monocytogenes)污染之煙燻虹鱒 (Cold Smoked S...

更新日期: 2014/09/28 | 燈號: 綠燈

加拿大食品檢查署(CFIA)發布Conan Foods公司回收疑遭沙門氏菌(Salmonella)污染之希臘奧勒岡葉(Greek Oregano Leaves)產品,問題產品未輸入我國。

更新日期: 2014/09/30 | 燈號: 綠燈

美國農業部食品安全檢查署(FSIS)發布Monogram Comfort Foods公司回收儲存溫度控制不當之熱狗棒(Uncured Beef Corn Dogs)產品,問題產品未輸入我國。

更新日期: 2014/09/30 | 燈號: 綠燈
