Story of the bullet holes
- 台灣糖業公司旅遊景點 @ 台灣糖業股份有限公司

景點名稱Story of the bullet holes的區域是花東, 景點介紹是Right before the HuaLien sugar factory’s factory entrance, there are a lot of remaining bullet holes spreading across steel structure’s&nb....

景點名稱Story of the bullet holes
景點介紹Right before the HuaLien sugar factory’s factory entrance, there are a lot of remaining bullet holes spreading across steel structure’s  columns. These bullet holes were marks that were left behind when US army bombed the Dahe factory during World War II. Fortunately, the whole sugar factory recovered with in a short period of time and the sugar factories also came back to normal operation to produce sugar in the 35th year of the Republic Era.




Story of the bullet holes








Right before the HuaLien sugar factory’s factory entrance, there are a lot of remaining bullet holes spreading across steel structure’s  columns. These bullet holes were marks that were left behind when US army bombed the Dahe factory during World War II. Fortunately, the whole sugar factory recovered with in a short period of time and the sugar factories also came back to normal operation to produce sugar in the 35th year of the Republic Era.















根據名稱 Story of the bullet holes 找到的相關資料

Story of the bullet hole

地址: | 區域: 花東 | 飯店介紹: | 促銷好康: | 景點介紹: Right before the HuaLien sugar factory’s factory entrance, there are a lot of remaining bullet...

@ 台灣糖業公司旅遊景點

Story of the bullet hole

地址: | 區域: 花東 | 飯店介紹: | 促銷好康: | 景點介紹: Right before the HuaLien sugar factory’s factory entrance, there are a lot of remaining bullet...

@ 台灣糖業公司旅遊景點

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與Story of the bullet holes同分類的台灣糖業公司旅遊景點


地址: 高雄市橋頭區糖廠路24號 | 區域: 高屏 | 飯店介紹: | 促銷好康: | 景點介紹: 1902年,鈴木社長為慰藉遠離故鄉的日本技術人員,並希望拉近臺灣農民對製糖會社的向心力,託人從中國大陸蒐集古銅鏡,於橋頭糖廠社宅事務所旁塑立聖觀音像,其優美的外型係仿日本奈良藥師寺的聖觀音像,具有不菲...


地址: | 區域: 花東 | 飯店介紹: | 促銷好康: | 景點介紹: 酒精工場於1919年在壽工場增設,為處理大和工場和壽工場分離出之糖蜜所設立,二次大戰後,因壽工場受損較嚴重且產量小於大和工場故決定將壽工場廢棄,僅復原大和工場,花蓮糖廠重建需要大量建材來源,因而將壽工...

Xihu Sugar Refinery’s Steam Locomotive Exhibition Hall

地址: No. 762, Sec. 2, Zhangshui Rd., Xihu Township, Changhua County 514007, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | 區域: Central Taiwan (Taichung and Changhua) | 飯店介紹: | 促銷好康: | 景點介紹: Located at the Railway Culture Area, it was built in 1977 and was originally a railway inspection st...

Repair Center (Kulele)

地址: No. 191, Sec. 2, Zhongxing Rd., Taitung City, Taitung County 950238, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | 區域: Eastern Taiwan | 飯店介紹: | 促銷好康: | 景點介紹: The former repair center is now the studio of Kuljelje Vatjesan. Kuljelje Vatjesan is a Paiwan craft...


地址: 花蓮縣光復鄉大進村糖廠街19號 | 區域: 花東 | 飯店介紹: | 促銷好康: | 景點介紹: 糖廠以前的理髮部是有男女之分的,但是後來糖廠周邊的美容院林立,設備與技術也優於廠區內的傳統理髮部時,生意越來越差,最後只剩下這間理髮部被保留下來。

Wood/Iron Caravans

地址: No. 19, Tangchang St., Guangfu Township, Hualien County 976002, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | 區域: Eastern Taiwan | 飯店介紹: | 促銷好康: | 景點介紹: Wooden caravans were transferred from Taitung Sugar Factory to Hualien Sugar Factory in the 1980&rsq...

Red brick (with TSC mark) trails

地址: No. 66, Taitang St., Pingtung City, Pingtung County 900041, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | 區域: Southern Taiwan (Kaohsiung and Pingtung) | 飯店介紹: | 促銷好康: | 景點介紹: The sugar industry was the largest industry in Taiwan in the Japanese Colonial Era. During WW2, suga...

Hualien Sugar Factory Dormitory Group 3- Hualien Sugar Factory Staff Dormitory (C-type Staff Dormito...

地址: | 區域: 花東 | 飯店介紹: | 促銷好康: | 景點介紹: Hualien Sugar Factory Staff Dormitory No. 1, 3, No. 5 and No. 7 staff dormitories were built in 1922...

Xihu Sugar Manufacturing Factory (Sugar Factory)

地址: No. 762, Sec. 2, Zhangshui Rd., Xihu Township, Changhua County 514007, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | 區域: Central Taiwan (Taichung and Changhua) | 飯店介紹: | 促銷好康: | 景點介紹: Located at the Sugar Culture Area. After merging the 2 sugar refineries of Changhua and Xizhou, Xihu...


地址: 台南市後壁區烏樹里184號 | 區域: 雲嘉南 | 飯店介紹: | 促銷好康: | 景點介紹: 民國104年重新打造烏樹林烤肉專區,增添遊客便利與舒適性,可容納300人以上烤肉場地,包括懷舊烤肉車廂及新設烤肉座,免費入園、免費停車,另提供舞台區與集合場地供使用(惟要另外收場地費),舉凡公司員工家...

Taiwan Sugar Flower Farm Garden Center

地址: No. 93, Chuangxin Rd., Qiaotou Dist., Kaohsiung City 825405, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | 區域: Southern Taiwan (Kaohsiung and Pingtung) | 飯店介紹: | 促銷好康: | 景點介紹: Taiwan Sugar Flower Farm Garden Center is located at Qiaotou District, Kaohsiung City. This center s...


地址: 臺中市后里區甲后路二段 350 號 | 區域: 中彰 | 飯店介紹: | 促銷好康: | 景點介紹:


Circular Agora Plaza




地址: 雲林縣虎尾鎮民主三路1號 | 區域: 雲嘉南 | 飯店介紹: | 促銷好康: | 景點介紹: 虎尾糖廠職工福利社專售台糖公司優質產品,深獲消費大眾之讚譽與肯定,尤其冷飲冰品,是雲林人童年美味的回味。   淡淡的麥苗香味 呷麥苗冰砂兼養生  虎尾糖廠建於民國前4年,迄今已邁入...


地址: 花蓮縣光復鄉大進村糖廠街19號 | 區域: 花東 | 飯店介紹: | 促銷好康: | 景點介紹: 此棟建於1965年,為加強磚造建築,現為作為商店使用。早期台糖公司園區內的倉庫建築分為兩種使用類型,一種是作為物料或肥料倉庫使用;另外一種是作為砂糖倉庫使用。此棟建築早期是作為物料倉庫使用,目前則改建...

The blockhouse

地址: | 區域: 花東 | 飯店介紹: | 促銷好康: | 景點介紹: The blockhouse was built in 1957 as reinforced concrete building. Hualien Sugar factory is nation&rs...


地址: 高雄市橋頭區糖廠路24號 | 區域: 高屏 | 飯店介紹: | 促銷好康: | 景點介紹: 1902年,鈴木社長為慰藉遠離故鄉的日本技術人員,並希望拉近臺灣農民對製糖會社的向心力,託人從中國大陸蒐集古銅鏡,於橋頭糖廠社宅事務所旁塑立聖觀音像,其優美的外型係仿日本奈良藥師寺的聖觀音像,具有不菲...


地址: | 區域: 花東 | 飯店介紹: | 促銷好康: | 景點介紹: 酒精工場於1919年在壽工場增設,為處理大和工場和壽工場分離出之糖蜜所設立,二次大戰後,因壽工場受損較嚴重且產量小於大和工場故決定將壽工場廢棄,僅復原大和工場,花蓮糖廠重建需要大量建材來源,因而將壽工...

Xihu Sugar Refinery’s Steam Locomotive Exhibition Hall

地址: No. 762, Sec. 2, Zhangshui Rd., Xihu Township, Changhua County 514007, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | 區域: Central Taiwan (Taichung and Changhua) | 飯店介紹: | 促銷好康: | 景點介紹: Located at the Railway Culture Area, it was built in 1977 and was originally a railway inspection st...

Repair Center (Kulele)

地址: No. 191, Sec. 2, Zhongxing Rd., Taitung City, Taitung County 950238, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | 區域: Eastern Taiwan | 飯店介紹: | 促銷好康: | 景點介紹: The former repair center is now the studio of Kuljelje Vatjesan. Kuljelje Vatjesan is a Paiwan craft...


地址: 花蓮縣光復鄉大進村糖廠街19號 | 區域: 花東 | 飯店介紹: | 促銷好康: | 景點介紹: 糖廠以前的理髮部是有男女之分的,但是後來糖廠周邊的美容院林立,設備與技術也優於廠區內的傳統理髮部時,生意越來越差,最後只剩下這間理髮部被保留下來。

Wood/Iron Caravans

地址: No. 19, Tangchang St., Guangfu Township, Hualien County 976002, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | 區域: Eastern Taiwan | 飯店介紹: | 促銷好康: | 景點介紹: Wooden caravans were transferred from Taitung Sugar Factory to Hualien Sugar Factory in the 1980&rsq...

Red brick (with TSC mark) trails

地址: No. 66, Taitang St., Pingtung City, Pingtung County 900041, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | 區域: Southern Taiwan (Kaohsiung and Pingtung) | 飯店介紹: | 促銷好康: | 景點介紹: The sugar industry was the largest industry in Taiwan in the Japanese Colonial Era. During WW2, suga...

Hualien Sugar Factory Dormitory Group 3- Hualien Sugar Factory Staff Dormitory (C-type Staff Dormito...

地址: | 區域: 花東 | 飯店介紹: | 促銷好康: | 景點介紹: Hualien Sugar Factory Staff Dormitory No. 1, 3, No. 5 and No. 7 staff dormitories were built in 1922...

Xihu Sugar Manufacturing Factory (Sugar Factory)

地址: No. 762, Sec. 2, Zhangshui Rd., Xihu Township, Changhua County 514007, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | 區域: Central Taiwan (Taichung and Changhua) | 飯店介紹: | 促銷好康: | 景點介紹: Located at the Sugar Culture Area. After merging the 2 sugar refineries of Changhua and Xizhou, Xihu...


地址: 台南市後壁區烏樹里184號 | 區域: 雲嘉南 | 飯店介紹: | 促銷好康: | 景點介紹: 民國104年重新打造烏樹林烤肉專區,增添遊客便利與舒適性,可容納300人以上烤肉場地,包括懷舊烤肉車廂及新設烤肉座,免費入園、免費停車,另提供舞台區與集合場地供使用(惟要另外收場地費),舉凡公司員工家...

Taiwan Sugar Flower Farm Garden Center

地址: No. 93, Chuangxin Rd., Qiaotou Dist., Kaohsiung City 825405, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | 區域: Southern Taiwan (Kaohsiung and Pingtung) | 飯店介紹: | 促銷好康: | 景點介紹: Taiwan Sugar Flower Farm Garden Center is located at Qiaotou District, Kaohsiung City. This center s...


地址: 臺中市后里區甲后路二段 350 號 | 區域: 中彰 | 飯店介紹: | 促銷好康: | 景點介紹:


Circular Agora Plaza




地址: 雲林縣虎尾鎮民主三路1號 | 區域: 雲嘉南 | 飯店介紹: | 促銷好康: | 景點介紹: 虎尾糖廠職工福利社專售台糖公司優質產品,深獲消費大眾之讚譽與肯定,尤其冷飲冰品,是雲林人童年美味的回味。   淡淡的麥苗香味 呷麥苗冰砂兼養生  虎尾糖廠建於民國前4年,迄今已邁入...


地址: 花蓮縣光復鄉大進村糖廠街19號 | 區域: 花東 | 飯店介紹: | 促銷好康: | 景點介紹: 此棟建於1965年,為加強磚造建築,現為作為商店使用。早期台糖公司園區內的倉庫建築分為兩種使用類型,一種是作為物料或肥料倉庫使用;另外一種是作為砂糖倉庫使用。此棟建築早期是作為物料倉庫使用,目前則改建...

The blockhouse

地址: | 區域: 花東 | 飯店介紹: | 促銷好康: | 景點介紹: The blockhouse was built in 1957 as reinforced concrete building. Hualien Sugar factory is nation&rs...
