The examining attorney will withdraw the refusal if the applicant proves ownership of the foreign re
- 商標專有名詞中英對照 @ 經濟部智慧財產局

商標英文專有名詞The examining attorney will withdraw the refusal if the applicant proves ownership of the foreign registration by an assignment before the filing in the United States.的商標中文專有名詞是如申請人於美國提出申請前,已受讓該境外註冊之商標,則審查官將撤銷該核駁處分。, 序號是44.

商標英文專有名詞The examining attorney will withdraw the refusal if the applicant proves ownership of the foreign registration by an assignment before the filing in the United States.




The examining attorney will withdraw the refusal if the applicant proves ownership of the foreign registration by an assignment before the filing in the United States.



根據名稱 The examining attorney will withdraw the refusal if the applicant proves ownership of the foreign registration by an assignment before the filing in the United States 找到的相關資料

無其他 The examining attorney will withdraw the refusal if the applicant proves ownership of the foreign registration by an assignment before the filing in the United States 資料。

[ 搜尋所有 The examining attorney will withdraw the refusal if the applicant proves ownership of the foreign registration by an assignment before the filing in the United States ... ]


與The examining attorney will withdraw the refusal if the applicant proves ownership of the foreign re同分類的商標專有名詞中英對照


商標中文專有名詞: 淡化 | 序號: 150


商標中文專有名詞: 讀音 | 序號: 524

Both are then forwarded to the examining attorney.

商標中文專有名詞: 兩者隨後一併轉遞審查官。 | 序號: 240


商標中文專有名詞: 情況、環境、情勢 | 序號: 70

proof of use

商標中文專有名詞: 使用證據 | 序號: 446

pursuant to

商標中文專有名詞: 依據、按照 | 序號: 458

acquired distinctiveness

商標中文專有名詞: 取得識別性、後天識別性 | 序號: 8


商標中文專有名詞: 刪除、擦去 | 序號: 138

for the Protection of Industrial Property of 1883

商標中文專有名詞: 成立於1883年,目的在於保護工業財產權。 | 序號: 399


商標中文專有名詞: 法院第一審 | 序號: 55

be similar to

商標中文專有名詞: 與….近似 | 序號: 514

identity of the trade mark

商標中文專有名詞: 商標本質 | 序號: 281

initial examination period

商標中文專有名詞: 初審期間 | 序號: 302

impulse vs. careful, sophisticated purchasing

商標中文專有名詞: 衝動的或世故精明的購買 | 序號: 293


商標中文專有名詞: 恢復、復原 | 序號: 480


商標中文專有名詞: 淡化 | 序號: 150


商標中文專有名詞: 讀音 | 序號: 524

Both are then forwarded to the examining attorney.

商標中文專有名詞: 兩者隨後一併轉遞審查官。 | 序號: 240


商標中文專有名詞: 情況、環境、情勢 | 序號: 70

proof of use

商標中文專有名詞: 使用證據 | 序號: 446

pursuant to

商標中文專有名詞: 依據、按照 | 序號: 458

acquired distinctiveness

商標中文專有名詞: 取得識別性、後天識別性 | 序號: 8


商標中文專有名詞: 刪除、擦去 | 序號: 138

for the Protection of Industrial Property of 1883

商標中文專有名詞: 成立於1883年,目的在於保護工業財產權。 | 序號: 399


商標中文專有名詞: 法院第一審 | 序號: 55

be similar to

商標中文專有名詞: 與….近似 | 序號: 514

identity of the trade mark

商標中文專有名詞: 商標本質 | 序號: 281

initial examination period

商標中文專有名詞: 初審期間 | 序號: 302

impulse vs. careful, sophisticated purchasing

商標中文專有名詞: 衝動的或世故精明的購買 | 序號: 293


商標中文專有名詞: 恢復、復原 | 序號: 480
