- 溯源農糧產品追溯系統-生產者資訊 @ 農業部
追溯編號1311000109的生產者是黃昶升, 使用狀態是通過, 驗證標章是產銷履歷農產品, 聯絡地址是嘉義縣番路鄉, 異動日期是2024/09/23.
追溯編號 | 1311000109 |
生產者 | 黃昶升 |
聯絡地址 | 嘉義縣番路鄉 |
驗證標章 | 產銷履歷農產品 |
網址 | http://www.42-5km.com.tw |
簡介 | 黃昶升,''飲山郁''創辦人。本身從茶園管理、茶葉製造及茶業行銷皆都親力親為,藉由和末端消費者的接觸,可以清楚知道自己在哪個環節需要改進與維持好品質。。茶園座落於阿里山達邦及里佳茶區分別種植金萱茶、青心烏龍和青心大冇。製作的茶葉商品有阿里山原葉綠茶、高山金萱、清花香烏龍茶、輕焙香烏龍茶、中焙香烏龍茶、中焙香烏龍茶、重焙香烏龍茶、涎郁蜜茶、果香紅茶及陳年老茶。。玫瑰烏龍茶"Oo Rose"為飲山郁新研發的特色商品,種植食用玫瑰花結合觀光與茶葉的多樣化,以窨製的方式將阿里山烏龍茶賦予更不一樣的生命,盼能藉此帶動阿里山茶的新感受。。茶葉的經歷:。1.阿里山茶區製茶技術:冠軍。2.百大青農。3.梅山鄉農會阿里山高山茶優良茶競賽初審委員。4.製茶技術丙級證照。5.梅山鄉農會冬季優良茶競賽:頭等獎。6.考取大陸高級技能證照:高級評茶員。Alon takes care of the tea field carefully and does everything himself, from organizing the tea fields, tea making to selling the product. By connecting with the customers, he knows better than anyone else on how to maintain the qualities of products and which parts should be improved.。The tea field is located on the top of the Mt. Ali, Yauvakazna, Tapango and Niacuna tea field area, Taiwan Jinxuan Oolong Tea, Chin Shin Oolong Tea and Chin Shin Dah Pan are planted on each field. 。Oo Rose is one of the special cultivation in Alishanwin, which is edible rose to connect the tourism and increase tea diversity. |
使用狀態 | 通過 |
異動日期 | 2024/09/23 |
追溯編號1311000109 |
生產者黃昶升 |
聯絡地址嘉義縣番路鄉 |
驗證標章產銷履歷農產品 |
網址http://www.42-5km.com.tw |
簡介黃昶升,''飲山郁''創辦人。本身從茶園管理、茶葉製造及茶業行銷皆都親力親為,藉由和末端消費者的接觸,可以清楚知道自己在哪個環節需要改進與維持好品質。。茶園座落於阿里山達邦及里佳茶區分別種植金萱茶、青心烏龍和青心大冇。製作的茶葉商品有阿里山原葉綠茶、高山金萱、清花香烏龍茶、輕焙香烏龍茶、中焙香烏龍茶、中焙香烏龍茶、重焙香烏龍茶、涎郁蜜茶、果香紅茶及陳年老茶。。玫瑰烏龍茶"Oo Rose"為飲山郁新研發的特色商品,種植食用玫瑰花結合觀光與茶葉的多樣化,以窨製的方式將阿里山烏龍茶賦予更不一樣的生命,盼能藉此帶動阿里山茶的新感受。。茶葉的經歷:。1.阿里山茶區製茶技術:冠軍。2.百大青農。3.梅山鄉農會阿里山高山茶優良茶競賽初審委員。4.製茶技術丙級證照。5.梅山鄉農會冬季優良茶競賽:頭等獎。6.考取大陸高級技能證照:高級評茶員。Alon takes care of the tea field carefully and does everything himself, from organizing the tea fields, tea making to selling the product. By connecting with the customers, he knows better than anyone else on how to maintain the qualities of products and which parts should be improved.。The tea field is located on the top of the Mt. Ali, Yauvakazna, Tapango and Niacuna tea field area, Taiwan Jinxuan Oolong Tea, Chin Shin Oolong Tea and Chin Shin Dah Pan are planted on each field. 。Oo Rose is one of the special cultivation in Alishanwin, which is edible rose to connect the tourism and increase tea diversity. |
使用狀態通過 |
異動日期2024/09/23 |
1311000109地圖 [ 導航 ]