職稱助理教授級(含)以上研究型編制外專任教學人員的人員區分是其他人員, 徵才機關是國立高雄科技大學, DATE_FROM是1131007, 有效期間是1131018, 工作地址是國立高雄科技大學輪機工程系: 高雄市旗津區中洲三路482號
Department of Marine Engineering, National Kaohsiung University of Science and Technology. No. 482, Jhongjhou 3rd Rd., ..., 資格條件是應徵者需具有海事學院航運、輪機工程、電機工程、控制工程、機械工程等領域相關之一或跨領域學歷之博士學位與一年以上之業界實務工作經驗,並具全英文授課與產學合作計畫執行能力者。
The applicants with a Ph.D. degree in a related field(s), practi..., 工作項目是研究及教學
Research&Teaching(including course name and syllabus).
The applicants with a Ph.D. degree in a related field(s), practical experience for one year or above, able to teach courses in English, and execute industry-academic cooperation projects are required. Research and cross-disciplinary areas include shipping & transportation,marine engineering,electrical engineering,control engineering,and mechanical engineering.
Research&Teaching(including course name and syllabus)
※Use the link provided to download the relevant information (https://personnel.nkust.edu.tw/p/404-1019-84254.php)
檢具資料 (Application Materials):
2.五年內之著作目錄及最多5篇之送審著作(1篇代表著作及4篇參考著作),其著作目錄請詳列姓名、著作名稱、期刊名稱、卷數、頁數、發表年份 (SCI/SSCI/ ABDC, Impact Factor; Journal Ranking, 領域別 )及 期刊評估指標 (IF和 Rank),並以*註記該篇所有之通訊作者,檢附每篇論文首頁與以 WOS資料庫為主之證明文件。
Curriculum vitae with a publication list and no more than 5 published papers.(1 representative and 4 references)
(Please list the journals published and IF value and Rank by JCR as well as the corresponding author in detail and specify if the academic journals are indexed in SCI.)
3.須已取得博士學位,並檢附碩士以上學歷畢業證書影本photocopy of master and Ph.D. diplomas.
4.博士學位成績單影本Academic transcripts photocopies of Ph.D.degree
5.一年以上業界實務工作經驗或產學合作證明文件 (年資計算到113年9月30日 )
At least one year or above of practical experience or certificated documents of industry-academic cooperation (not including consultation and part-time jobs) and photocopies of professional certificates. (Calculated to September 30,2024)
6.可授課課程名稱及綱要內容(需可全英授課)A list of courses teaching in English (including course name and syllabus).
7.推薦函一封(有指導教授推薦函尤佳)One recommendation letters. (Adviser recommendation letter is better)
8.研究專長、未來研究方向與規劃Research expertise, future research directions, and planning.
Application form (attached file).
For Applicants who are non-nationality persons: proof of nationality (Please provide photocopies of the passport or resident certificates).
聯繫資訊 (Contact information):
聯絡人:張小姐 電話:07-810-0888轉25202 E-mail: tmoffice01@nkust.edu.tw
Contact: Miss CHANG, TEL: +886-7-810888 ext. 25202, E-mail: tmoffice01@nkust.edu.tw
The applicants with a Ph.D. degree in a related field(s), practical experience for one year or above, able to teach courses in English, and execute industry-academic cooperation projects are required. Research and cross-disciplinary areas include shipping & transportation,marine engineering,electrical engineering,control engineering,and mechanical engineering.
Research&Teaching(including course name and syllabus)
※Use the link provided to download the relevant information (https://personnel.nkust.edu.tw/p/404-1019-84254.php)
檢具資料 (Application Materials):
2.五年內之著作目錄及最多5篇之送審著作(1篇代表著作及4篇參考著作),其著作目錄請詳列姓名、著作名稱、期刊名稱、卷數、頁數、發表年份 (SCI/SSCI/ ABDC, Impact Factor; Journal Ranking, 領域別 )及 期刊評估指標 (IF和 Rank),並以*註記該篇所有之通訊作者,檢附每篇論文首頁與以 WOS資料庫為主之證明文件。
Curriculum vitae with a publication list and no more than 5 published papers.(1 representative and 4 references)
(Please list the journals published and IF value and Rank by JCR as well as the corresponding author in detail and specify if the academic journals are indexed in SCI.)
3.須已取得博士學位,並檢附碩士以上學歷畢業證書影本photocopy of master and Ph.D. diplomas.
4.博士學位成績單影本Academic transcripts photocopies of Ph.D.degree
5.一年以上業界實務工作經驗或產學合作證明文件 (年資計算到113年9月30日 )
At least one year or above of practical experience or certificated documents of industry-academic cooperation (not including consultation and part-time jobs) and photocopies of professional certificates. (Calculated to September 30,2024)
6.可授課課程名稱及綱要內容(需可全英授課)A list of courses teaching in English (including course name and syllabus).
7.推薦函一封(有指導教授推薦函尤佳)One recommendation letters. (Adviser recommendation letter is better)
8.研究專長、未來研究方向與規劃Research expertise, future research directions, and planning.
Application form (attached file).
For Applicants who are non-nationality persons: proof of nationality (Please provide photocopies of the passport or resident certificates).
聯繫資訊 (Contact information):
聯絡人:張小姐 電話:07-810-0888轉25202 E-mail: tmoffice01@nkust.edu.tw
Contact: Miss CHANG, TEL: +886-7-810888 ext. 25202, E-mail: tmoffice01@nkust.edu.tw
國立高雄科技大學輪機工程系: 高雄市旗津區中洲三路482號
Department of Marine Engineering, National Kaohsiung University of Science and Technology. No. 482, Jhongjhou 3rd Rd., Cijin District, Kaohsiung City 80543, Taiwan, R.O.C.
根據地址 國立高雄科技大學輪機工程系: 高雄市旗津區中洲三路482號 Department of Marine Engineering National Kaohsiung University of Science and Technology. No. 482 Jhongjhou 3rd Rd. Cijin District Kaohsiung City 80543 Taiwan R.O.C 找到的相關資料
無其他 國立高雄科技大學輪機工程系: 高雄市旗津區中洲三路482號 Department of Marine Engineering National Kaohsiung University of Science and Technology. No. 482 Jhongjhou 3rd Rd. Cijin District Kaohsiung City 80543 Taiwan R.O.C 資料。