中文貨名: 已調製或保藏之雞腿(包括棒棒腿及骨腿)及雞翅,罐頭 | 英文貨名: Prepared or preserved drum sticks of fowls(including legs and leg quarters) and wings of fowls of th... | 實施日期: 0910101 | 截止日期:
貨品分類號列: 16023210206 | 英文貨名: Prepared or preserved drum sticks of fowls(including legs and leg quarters) and wings of fowls of th... | 第一欄稅率: 20% | 第二欄稅率: 0% (PA,NZ) 10% (SG) 20% (GT,NI,SV,HN) | 第三欄稅率: 213% | 統計數量單位: | 統計重量單位: KGM
中文貨名: 已調製或保藏之雞腿(包括棒棒腿及骨腿)及雞翅,罐頭 | 英文貨名: Prepared or preserved drum sticks of fowls(including legs and leg quarters) and wings of fowls of th... | 實施日期: 0910101 | 截止日期:
貨品分類號列: 16023210206 | 英文貨名: Prepared or preserved drum sticks of fowls(including legs and leg quarters) and wings of fowls of th... | 第一欄稅率: 20% | 第二欄稅率: 0% (PA,NZ) 10% (SG) 20% (GT,NI,SV,HN) | 第三欄稅率: 213% | 統計數量單位: | 統計重量單位: KGM