中文貨名: 預煮或以其他方式調製之粒狀、片狀或其他加工(粉、碎粒及細粒除外)之未列名穀類(玉蜀黍(玉米)除外)產品,含米量不低於30%,含肉者 | 英文貨名: Cereals (other than corn (maize)) in grain form or in the form of flakes or other worked grains (exc... | 實施日期: 0921219 | 截止日期:
貨品分類號列: 19049010102 | 英文貨名: Cereals (other than corn (maize)) in grain form or in the form of flakes or other worked grains (exc... | 第一欄稅率: NT$49/KGM | 第二欄稅率: NT$18.4/KGM (NZ) NT$32.6/KGM (SG) NT$49/KGM (PA,GT,NI,SV,HN) | 第三欄稅率: NT$49/KGM | 統計數量單位: | 統計重量單位: KGM
中文貨名: 預煮或以其他方式調製之粒狀、片狀或其他加工(粉、碎粒及細粒除外)之未列名穀類(玉蜀黍(玉米)除外)產品,含米量不低於30%,含肉者 | 英文貨名: Cereals (other than corn (maize)) in grain form or in the form of flakes or other worked grains (exc... | 實施日期: 0921219 | 截止日期:
貨品分類號列: 19049010102 | 英文貨名: Cereals (other than corn (maize)) in grain form or in the form of flakes or other worked grains (exc... | 第一欄稅率: NT$49/KGM | 第二欄稅率: NT$18.4/KGM (NZ) NT$32.6/KGM (SG) NT$49/KGM (PA,GT,NI,SV,HN) | 第三欄稅率: NT$49/KGM | 統計數量單位: | 統計重量單位: KGM