| creator: Tzihong Chiueh;Lupin C. C. Lin | date: 99/6/1 | publisher: | contributor: 天文及天文物理研究所 | language: en | description.note: 已出版;[SCI];有審查制度;具代表性 | relation: ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL 517(2), 1002-1012 | type: article |
| creator: Yuan, TT;Sahu, GK;Whitehead, WE;Greenberg, R;Shih, C | date: 99/7/1 | publisher: | contributor: 生物醫學科學研究所 | language: en | description.note: 已出版;[SCI];有審查制度;具代表性 | relation: Journal of Virology 73(7), 5731-40 | type: article |
| creator: Yuan, TT;Tai, PC;Shih, C | date: 99/12/1 | publisher: | contributor: 生物醫學科學研究所 | language: en | description.note: 已出版;[SCI];有審查制度;具代表性 | relation: Journal of Virology 73(12), 10122-8 | type: article |
| creator: Yuan, TT;Shih, C | date: 00/5/1 | publisher: | contributor: 生物醫學科學研究所 | language: en | description.note: 已出版;[SCI];有審查制度;具代表性 | relation: Journal of Virology 74(10), 4929-32 | type: article |
| creator: 顏娟英 | date: 00/9/1 | publisher: | contributor: 歷史語言研究所 | language: zh | description.note: 已出版;有審查制度;具代表性 | relation: 國立臺灣大學美術史研究集刊 9:179-206 | type: article |
| creator: Le Pogam, S;Yuan, TT;Sahu, GK;Chatterjee, S;Shih, C | date: 00/10/1 | publisher: | contributor: 生物醫學科學研究所 | language: en | description.note: 已出版;[SCI];有審查制度;具代表性 | relation: Journal of Virology 74(19), 9099-105 | type: article |
| creator: Derchyi Wu | date: 02/1/1 | publisher: | contributor: 數學研究所 | language: en | description.note: 已出版;[SCI];有審查制度;具代表性 | relation: INVERSE PROBLEMS 18(1), 2002, 95-109 | type: article |
| creator: Wu, Derchyi | date: 03/1/1 | publisher: | contributor: 數學研究所 | language: en | description.note: 已出版;[SCI];有審查制度;具代表性 | relation: JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS 44 (10 ), 2003, 4640 - 4651 | type: article |
| creator: D. Pelinovsky;Derchyi Wu | date: 03/1/1 | publisher: | contributor: 數學研究所 | language: en | description.note: 已出版;有審查制度;具代表性 | relation: JOURNAL OF PHYSICS A-MATHEMATICAL AND GENERAL 36(20), 2003, 5557 - 5574 | type: article |
| creator: 林宮玄;陳嘉維;孫啟光 | date: 03/4/1 | publisher: | contributor: 物理研究所 | language: zh | description.note: 已出版;沒有審查制度 | relation: 光訊 第101期,頁26-31 | type: article |
| creator: 林宮玄;陳嘉維;孫啟光 | date: 03/7/1 | publisher: | contributor: 物理研究所 | language: zh | description.note: 已出版;沒有審查制度 | relation: 台大工程學刊 第88期,頁3-12 | type: article |
| creator: Hsieh, CL;Lin, KH;Wu, SB;Pan, CC;Chyi, JI;Sun, CK | date: 04/9/1 | publisher: | contributor: 原子與分子科學研究所 | language: en | description.note: 已出版;[SCI];有審查制度 | relation: APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 85(20), 4735-4737 | type: article |
| creator: Derchyi Wu;Ming-Hsien Tu;Yu-Tung Chen;Jen Hsu Chang | date: 05/1/1 | publisher: | contributor: 數學研究所 | language: en | description.note: 已出版;有審查制度;具代表性 | relation: Journal of Physics A-Mathmatical and General 38 ( 27 ), 2005, 6167 - 6181 | type: article |
| creator: 黃英碩;張嘉升;洪紹剛;陳彥甫;胡恩德;楊志文;陳雅柔 | date: 05/2/1 | publisher: | contributor: 物理研究所 | language: zh | description.note: 已出版;有審查制度;具代表性 | relation: 科儀新知 第26卷第4期,18-27 | type: article |
| creator: Lupin C. -C. Lin;Hsiang-Kuang Chang | date: 05/6/1 | publisher: | contributor: 天文及天文物理研究所 | language: en | description.note: 已出版;[SCI];有審查制度;具代表性 | relation: ASTROPHYSICS AND SPACE SCIENCE 297(1-4), 361-367 | type: article |