- 旅館民宿(英文版)-觀光資訊資料庫 @ 交通部觀光署

Mandarin Name東隱文旅的Name是Dongyin Hotel, Telephone是886-2-23773959, Address是1,3-7F., No.55, Sec. 2, Shennong Rd., Yilan City, Yilan County 260, Taiwan (R.O.C.), Grade是2, Description是Hotel in Ilan - Fuchun Hotel At Fuchun Hotel, we provide not only accommodation and catering service of a professional level, more importantly, the u..., Parking Information是Parking Space:Car 0、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0.


NameDongyin Hotel
Mandarin Name東隱文旅
DescriptionHotel in Ilan - Fuchun Hotel At Fuchun Hotel, we provide not only accommodation and catering service of a professional level, more importantly, the unique style formulated from our sophisticated culture! We sincerely hope all of our guests can feel the infinite sensation in it. Whether you are on business or vacation, you will be able to get rid off your pressure with ease during your stay at the atmosphere of elegance and quietness here in Fuchun Hotel. To show our appreciation towards your visit, we have applied for an travel accident insurance for every check-in guest and provide other heartening services, including free breakfast and shuttle reservation. We have also set up a private parking area exclusively for guests to highlight our hospitality. With these consistent and caring service, Fuchun Hotel in Ilan guarantees you a heartwarming and satisfying trip!
Address1,3-7F., No.55, Sec. 2, Shennong Rd., Yilan City, Yilan County 260, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
RegionYilan County
TownYilan City
Picture 1 Description(空)
Picture 2 Description(空)
Picture 3 Description(空)
SpecDouble(Assessible room)3100
Serivce Information(空)
Parking InformationParking Space:Car 0、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0
Total Number of Rooms55
Lowest Price2700
Hightest Price3150
Total Number of People160
Accessibility Rooms0
Public Toilets(空)
Lifting Equipment(空)
Parking Space0




Dongyin Hotel

Mandarin Name



Hotel in Ilan - Fuchun Hotel At Fuchun Hotel, we provide not only accommodation and catering service of a professional level, more importantly, the unique style formulated from our sophisticated culture! We sincerely hope all of our guests can feel the infinite sensation in it. Whether you are on business or vacation, you will be able to get rid off your pressure with ease during your stay at the atmosphere of elegance and quietness here in Fuchun Hotel. To show our appreciation towards your visit, we have applied for an travel accident insurance for every check-in guest and provide other heartening services, including free breakfast and shuttle reservation. We have also set up a private parking area exclusively for guests to highlight our hospitality. With these consistent and caring service, Fuchun Hotel in Ilan guarantees you a heartwarming and satisfying trip!




1,3-7F., No.55, Sec. 2, Shennong Rd., Yilan City, Yilan County 260, Taiwan (R.O.C.)




Yilan County


Yilan City











Picture 1 Description




Picture 2 Description




Picture 3 Description











Double(Assessible room)3100

Serivce Information


Parking Information

Parking Space:Car 0、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0

Total Number of Rooms


Lowest Price


Hightest Price






Total Number of People


Accessibility Rooms


Public Toilets


Lifting Equipment


Parking Space




東隱文旅地圖 [ 導航 ]


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Name: hangri-la2 | Telephone: 886-836-76191 | Address: No.113, Zhongliu Vil., Dongyin Township, Lienchiang County 212, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: Bed and Breakfast in Lienchiang County | Serivce Information: restaurant,Internet,Wi-Fi,iTaiwan WiFi,,,,pick-up service,,,Bike friendly accommodatio | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 0、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0

@ 旅館民宿(英文版)-觀光資訊資料庫


Name: Dong yong travel | Telephone: 886-836-77168 | Address: No.29, Lehua Vil., Dongyin Township, Lienchiang County 212, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: Hotel located in Lienchiang | Serivce Information: Internet,Wi-Fi,National travel card,,,,laundry service,pick-up service,,,Bike friendly accommodatio | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 0、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0

@ 旅館民宿(英文版)-觀光資訊資料庫


Name: hangri-la2 | Telephone: 886-836-76191 | Address: No.113, Zhongliu Vil., Dongyin Township, Lienchiang County 212, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: Bed and Breakfast in Lienchiang County | Serivce Information: restaurant,Internet,Wi-Fi,iTaiwan WiFi,,,,pick-up service,,,Bike friendly accommodatio | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 0、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0

@ 旅館民宿(英文版)-觀光資訊資料庫


Name: Dong yong travel | Telephone: 886-836-77168 | Address: No.29, Lehua Vil., Dongyin Township, Lienchiang County 212, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: Hotel located in Lienchiang | Serivce Information: Internet,Wi-Fi,National travel card,,,,laundry service,pick-up service,,,Bike friendly accommodatio | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 0、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0

@ 旅館民宿(英文版)-觀光資訊資料庫


Name: hangri-la2 | Telephone: 886-836-76191 | Address: No.113, Zhongliu Vil., Dongyin Township, Lienchiang County 212, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: Bed and Breakfast in Lienchiang County | Serivce Information: restaurant,Internet,Wi-Fi,iTaiwan WiFi,,,,pick-up service,,,Bike friendly accommodatio | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 0、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0

@ 旅館民宿(英文版)-觀光資訊資料庫


Name: Dong yong travel | Telephone: 886-836-77168 | Address: No.29, Lehua Vil., Dongyin Township, Lienchiang County 212, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: Hotel located in Lienchiang | Serivce Information: Internet,Wi-Fi,National travel card,,,,laundry service,pick-up service,,,Bike friendly accommodatio | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 0、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0

@ 旅館民宿(英文版)-觀光資訊資料庫


Name: hangri-la2 | Telephone: 886-836-76191 | Address: No.113, Zhongliu Vil., Dongyin Township, Lienchiang County 212, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: Bed and Breakfast in Lienchiang County | Serivce Information: restaurant,Internet,Wi-Fi,iTaiwan WiFi,,,,pick-up service,,,Bike friendly accommodatio | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 0、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0

@ 旅館民宿(英文版)-觀光資訊資料庫


Name: Dong yong travel | Telephone: 886-836-77168 | Address: No.29, Lehua Vil., Dongyin Township, Lienchiang County 212, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: Hotel located in Lienchiang | Serivce Information: Internet,Wi-Fi,National travel card,,,,laundry service,pick-up service,,,Bike friendly accommodatio | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 0、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0

@ 旅館民宿(英文版)-觀光資訊資料庫
[ 搜尋所有 Dongyin Hotel ... ]

根據電話 886-2-23773959 找到的相關資料

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Tel: 886-2-23773959 | Name: 東隠文旅団 | Grade: 2 | Serviceinfo: | Parkinginfo: Parking Space:Car 0、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0

@ 旅館民宿(日文版)-觀光資訊資料庫


電話: 886-2-23773959 | 地址: 宜蘭縣宜蘭市神農路二段55號1、3至7樓 | 級別: 2 | 服務資訊: | 停車資訊: 車位:小客車0輛、機車0輛、大客車0輛 | 描述: 宜蘭飯店 - 福郡大飯店在福郡,我們提供的不只是專業水準的住宿與餐飲服務,更重要的,我們讓您感受到福郡精緻細膩的內涵所塑造出的獨特風格! 我們衷心盼望所有光臨的貴賓,都能親自體會到其中傳達的無限情趣。...

@ 旅館民宿 - 觀光資訊資料庫


電話: 886-2-23773959 | 地址: 宜蘭縣宜蘭市神農路二段55號1、3至7樓 | 級別: 2 | 服務資訊: | 停車資訊: 車位:小客車0輛、機車0輛、大客車0輛 | 描述: 宜蘭飯店 - 福郡大飯店在福郡,我們提供的不只是專業水準的住宿與餐飲服務,更重要的,我們讓您感受到福郡精緻細膩的內涵所塑造出的獨特風格! 我們衷心盼望所有光臨的貴賓,都能親自體會到其中傳達的無限情趣。...

@ 旅館民宿 - 觀光資訊資料庫


Tel: 886-2-23773959 | Name: 東旅宜蘭館 | Grade: | Serviceinfo: レストラン,無線LAN,バリアフリールーム,,,, | Parkinginfo: Parking Space:Car 0、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0

@ 旅館民宿(日文版)-觀光資訊資料庫


Name: Hotel East Grou | Telephone: 886-2-23773959 | Address: 1,3-7F., No.55, Sec. 2, Shennong Rd., Yilan City, Yilan County 260, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: Hotel in Ilan - Hotel East Yilan , we provide not only accommodation and catering service of a prof... | Serivce Information: restaurant,Wi-Fi,Assessible room,,,, | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 0、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0

@ 旅館民宿(英文版)-觀光資訊資料庫


電話: 886-2-23773959 | 地址: 宜蘭縣宜蘭市神農路二段55號1、3至7樓 | 級別: | 服務資訊: 餐廳,無線網路,無障礙客房,,,, | 停車資訊: 車位:小客車0輛、機車0輛、大客車0輛 | 描述: 坐落於宜蘭是的設計旅店。盡享鄉村之息的美好時光低調日式侘寂與清水模風格,呼應著宜蘭舊城所散發的懷舊魅力。在這裡,時間的流逝都更加悠然。步入宜蘭東旅,彷彿進入時光迴廊。尋求寧靜者在此尋得心靈淨土,旅行者...

@ 旅館民宿 - 觀光資訊資料庫


Tel: 886-2-23773959 | Name: 東隠文旅団 | Grade: 2 | Serviceinfo: | Parkinginfo: Parking Space:Car 0、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0

@ 旅館民宿(日文版)-觀光資訊資料庫


電話: 886-2-23773959 | 地址: 宜蘭縣宜蘭市神農路二段55號1、3至7樓 | 級別: 2 | 服務資訊: | 停車資訊: 車位:小客車0輛、機車0輛、大客車0輛 | 描述: 宜蘭飯店 - 福郡大飯店在福郡,我們提供的不只是專業水準的住宿與餐飲服務,更重要的,我們讓您感受到福郡精緻細膩的內涵所塑造出的獨特風格! 我們衷心盼望所有光臨的貴賓,都能親自體會到其中傳達的無限情趣。...

@ 旅館民宿 - 觀光資訊資料庫


電話: 886-2-23773959 | 地址: 宜蘭縣宜蘭市神農路二段55號1、3至7樓 | 級別: 2 | 服務資訊: | 停車資訊: 車位:小客車0輛、機車0輛、大客車0輛 | 描述: 宜蘭飯店 - 福郡大飯店在福郡,我們提供的不只是專業水準的住宿與餐飲服務,更重要的,我們讓您感受到福郡精緻細膩的內涵所塑造出的獨特風格! 我們衷心盼望所有光臨的貴賓,都能親自體會到其中傳達的無限情趣。...

@ 旅館民宿 - 觀光資訊資料庫


Tel: 886-2-23773959 | Name: 東旅宜蘭館 | Grade: | Serviceinfo: レストラン,無線LAN,バリアフリールーム,,,, | Parkinginfo: Parking Space:Car 0、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0

@ 旅館民宿(日文版)-觀光資訊資料庫


Name: Hotel East Grou | Telephone: 886-2-23773959 | Address: 1,3-7F., No.55, Sec. 2, Shennong Rd., Yilan City, Yilan County 260, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: Hotel in Ilan - Hotel East Yilan , we provide not only accommodation and catering service of a prof... | Serivce Information: restaurant,Wi-Fi,Assessible room,,,, | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 0、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0

@ 旅館民宿(英文版)-觀光資訊資料庫


電話: 886-2-23773959 | 地址: 宜蘭縣宜蘭市神農路二段55號1、3至7樓 | 級別: | 服務資訊: 餐廳,無線網路,無障礙客房,,,, | 停車資訊: 車位:小客車0輛、機車0輛、大客車0輛 | 描述: 坐落於宜蘭是的設計旅店。盡享鄉村之息的美好時光低調日式侘寂與清水模風格,呼應著宜蘭舊城所散發的懷舊魅力。在這裡,時間的流逝都更加悠然。步入宜蘭東旅,彷彿進入時光迴廊。尋求寧靜者在此尋得心靈淨土,旅行者...

@ 旅館民宿 - 觀光資訊資料庫
[ 搜尋所有 886-2-23773959 ... ]

根據地址 1 3-7F. No.55 Sec. 2 Shennong Rd. Yilan City Yilan County 260 Taiwan R.O.C 找到的相關資料

無其他 1 3-7F. No.55 Sec. 2 Shennong Rd. Yilan City Yilan County 260 Taiwan R.O.C 資料。

[ 搜尋所有 1 3-7F. No.55 Sec. 2 Shennong Rd. Yilan City Yilan County 260 Taiwan R.O.C ... ]



Name: Heyi Culture Travel Bed and Breakfast | Telephone: 886-937-600823 | Address: No.25, Dongfeng St., Taitung City, Taitung County 950, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: Bed and Breakfast in Taitung County | Serivce Information: Bike friendly accommodatio | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 0、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0


Name: Enjoy House | Telephone: 886-6-9215850 | Address: No.2, Ln. 255, Wenxue Rd., Magong City, Penghu County 880, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: Bed and Breakfast in Penghu County | Serivce Information: | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 0、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0


Name: Coast II Triple Bed and Breakfast | Telephone: 886-3-8525288 | Address: No.23, Hai’an Rd., Ji’an Township, Hualien County 973, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: Homestay located in Hualie | Serivce Information: | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 0、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0


Name: ALTROVE HOUSE | Telephone: 886-912-276747 | Address: No. 53, Guangming Rd., Hengchun Township, Pingtung County 946, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: Homestay located in Pingtung | Serivce Information: | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 0、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0


Name: KUN HOTEL | Telephone: 886-4-24517333 | Address: No.56, Ln. 33, Fuxing N. 3rd St., Xitun Dist., Taichung City 407, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: Hotel located in Taichung City | Serivce Information: meeting room,gym,Internet,Wi-Fi,National travel card,parking lot,coin-operated laundry,free internet... | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 0、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0


Name: Manma | Telephone: 886-987-348729 | Address: No.7, Aly. 9, Ln. 309, Dapu Central Rd., Sanxing Township, Yilan County 266, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: Bed and Breakfast in Yilan County | Serivce Information: restaurant,Wi-Fi,parking lot,,,,guided tou,experience activities,,,Bike friendly accommodatio | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 1、Motorcycle 3、Truck 0


Name: Lao Chuan Zhang Homestay | Telephone: 886-3-9600510 | Address: No.1, Aly. 3, Ln. 103, Sec. 2, Qinhe Rd., Wujie Township, Yilan County 268, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: Bed and Breakfast in Yilan County | Serivce Information: | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 0、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0


Name: Rich Zone Hotel | Telephone: 886-2-28822308 | Address: 2-3F., No.8, Aly. 15, Ln. 149, Fugang St., Shilin Dist., Taipei City 111, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: Hotel located in Taipei City | Serivce Information: | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 0、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0


Name: Zhumei Homestay | Telephone: 886-37-941889 | Address: No.35-2, Henglongshan, Tai’an Township, Miaoli County 365, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: Bed and Breakfast in Miaoli County | Serivce Information: | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 5、Motorcycle 10、Truck 0


Name: MINGCHIH RESORT | Telephone: 886-3-9894104 | Address: No.1, Mingchin Mountain village, Datong Township, Yilan County 267, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: 3 | Description: Hotel located in Yilan County | Serivce Information: | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 0、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0


Name: Duo Romance Motel | Telephone: 886-3-8316622 | Address: No.123, Guoxing 1st St., Hualien City, Hualien County 970, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: Duo Romance Motel has completely renovated all of the rooms to present you our brand new image and s... | Serivce Information: restaurant,Wi-Fi,National travel card,parking lot,,,business travel center,pick-up service,bicycle r... | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 0、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0


Name: Makapahay Creative | Telephone: 886-963-820380 | Address: No.517, Gengsheng Rd., Taitung City, Taitung County 950, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: Bed and Breakfast in Taitung County | Serivce Information: cafe',Wi-Fi,National travel card,parking lot,,,,bicycle rental,, | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 0、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0


Name: Feeling house | Telephone: 886-916-039707 | Address: No.1, Ln. 152, Sheng’an 2nd St., Ji’an Township, Hualien County 973, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: Bed and Breakfast in Hualien County | Serivce Information: | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 0、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0


Name: GOGO HOTEL | Telephone: 886-4-23693399 | Address: No.138, Sichuan Rd., Xitun Dist., Taichung City 407, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: Hotel located in Taichung City | Serivce Information: restaurant,Wi-Fi,National travel card,parking lot,free internet,,,,laundry service,bicycle rental,mo... | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 40、Motorcycle 20、Truck 0


Name: Holo Hostel Hotel | Telephone: 886-988-223668 | Address: No.58-3, Fuguo Rd., Hualien City, Hualien County 970, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: Bed and Breakfast in Hualien County | Serivce Information: Bike friendly accommodatio | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 0、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0


Name: Heyi Culture Travel Bed and Breakfast | Telephone: 886-937-600823 | Address: No.25, Dongfeng St., Taitung City, Taitung County 950, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: Bed and Breakfast in Taitung County | Serivce Information: Bike friendly accommodatio | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 0、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0


Name: Enjoy House | Telephone: 886-6-9215850 | Address: No.2, Ln. 255, Wenxue Rd., Magong City, Penghu County 880, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: Bed and Breakfast in Penghu County | Serivce Information: | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 0、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0


Name: Coast II Triple Bed and Breakfast | Telephone: 886-3-8525288 | Address: No.23, Hai’an Rd., Ji’an Township, Hualien County 973, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: Homestay located in Hualie | Serivce Information: | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 0、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0


Name: ALTROVE HOUSE | Telephone: 886-912-276747 | Address: No. 53, Guangming Rd., Hengchun Township, Pingtung County 946, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: Homestay located in Pingtung | Serivce Information: | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 0、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0


Name: KUN HOTEL | Telephone: 886-4-24517333 | Address: No.56, Ln. 33, Fuxing N. 3rd St., Xitun Dist., Taichung City 407, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: Hotel located in Taichung City | Serivce Information: meeting room,gym,Internet,Wi-Fi,National travel card,parking lot,coin-operated laundry,free internet... | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 0、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0


Name: Manma | Telephone: 886-987-348729 | Address: No.7, Aly. 9, Ln. 309, Dapu Central Rd., Sanxing Township, Yilan County 266, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: Bed and Breakfast in Yilan County | Serivce Information: restaurant,Wi-Fi,parking lot,,,,guided tou,experience activities,,,Bike friendly accommodatio | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 1、Motorcycle 3、Truck 0


Name: Lao Chuan Zhang Homestay | Telephone: 886-3-9600510 | Address: No.1, Aly. 3, Ln. 103, Sec. 2, Qinhe Rd., Wujie Township, Yilan County 268, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: Bed and Breakfast in Yilan County | Serivce Information: | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 0、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0


Name: Rich Zone Hotel | Telephone: 886-2-28822308 | Address: 2-3F., No.8, Aly. 15, Ln. 149, Fugang St., Shilin Dist., Taipei City 111, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: Hotel located in Taipei City | Serivce Information: | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 0、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0


Name: Zhumei Homestay | Telephone: 886-37-941889 | Address: No.35-2, Henglongshan, Tai’an Township, Miaoli County 365, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: Bed and Breakfast in Miaoli County | Serivce Information: | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 5、Motorcycle 10、Truck 0


Name: MINGCHIH RESORT | Telephone: 886-3-9894104 | Address: No.1, Mingchin Mountain village, Datong Township, Yilan County 267, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: 3 | Description: Hotel located in Yilan County | Serivce Information: | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 0、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0


Name: Duo Romance Motel | Telephone: 886-3-8316622 | Address: No.123, Guoxing 1st St., Hualien City, Hualien County 970, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: Duo Romance Motel has completely renovated all of the rooms to present you our brand new image and s... | Serivce Information: restaurant,Wi-Fi,National travel card,parking lot,,,business travel center,pick-up service,bicycle r... | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 0、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0


Name: Makapahay Creative | Telephone: 886-963-820380 | Address: No.517, Gengsheng Rd., Taitung City, Taitung County 950, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: Bed and Breakfast in Taitung County | Serivce Information: cafe',Wi-Fi,National travel card,parking lot,,,,bicycle rental,, | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 0、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0


Name: Feeling house | Telephone: 886-916-039707 | Address: No.1, Ln. 152, Sheng’an 2nd St., Ji’an Township, Hualien County 973, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: Bed and Breakfast in Hualien County | Serivce Information: | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 0、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0


Name: GOGO HOTEL | Telephone: 886-4-23693399 | Address: No.138, Sichuan Rd., Xitun Dist., Taichung City 407, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: Hotel located in Taichung City | Serivce Information: restaurant,Wi-Fi,National travel card,parking lot,free internet,,,,laundry service,bicycle rental,mo... | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 40、Motorcycle 20、Truck 0


Name: Holo Hostel Hotel | Telephone: 886-988-223668 | Address: No.58-3, Fuguo Rd., Hualien City, Hualien County 970, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: Bed and Breakfast in Hualien County | Serivce Information: Bike friendly accommodatio | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 0、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0
