- 旅館民宿(英文版)-觀光資訊資料庫 @ 交通部觀光署

Mandarin Name鳥語花香的Name是Flower, Telephone是886-915-099062, Address是No.2, Ln. 5, Sanjie 3rd Rd., Wujie Township, Yilan County 268, Taiwan (R.O.C.), Description是Bed and Breakfast in Yilan County, Serivce Information是Internet,Wi-Fi,National travel card,parking lot,senoir room,,,,,Bike friendly accommodatio, Parking Information是Parking Space:Car 6、Motorcycle 5、Truck 0.


Mandarin Name鳥語花香
DescriptionBed and Breakfast in Yilan County
AddressNo.2, Ln. 5, Sanjie 3rd Rd., Wujie Township, Yilan County 268, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
RegionYilan County
TownWujie Townshi
Picture1圖1 :
Picture 1 Description(空)
Picture 2 Description(空)
Picture 3 Description(空)
Serivce InformationInternet,Wi-Fi,National travel card,parking lot,senoir room,,,,,Bike friendly accommodatio
Parking InformationParking Space:Car 6、Motorcycle 5、Truck 0
Total Number of Rooms5
Lowest Price2100
Hightest Price6600
Total Number of People16
Accessibility Rooms0
Public Toilets0
Lifting Equipment0
Parking Space11





Mandarin Name



Bed and Breakfast in Yilan County




No.2, Ln. 5, Sanjie 3rd Rd., Wujie Township, Yilan County 268, Taiwan (R.O.C.)




Yilan County


Wujie Townshi










圖1 :

Picture 1 Description




Picture 2 Description




Picture 3 Description












Serivce Information

Internet,Wi-Fi,National travel card,parking lot,senoir room,,,,,Bike friendly accommodatio

Parking Information

Parking Space:Car 6、Motorcycle 5、Truck 0

Total Number of Rooms


Lowest Price


Hightest Price






Total Number of People


Accessibility Rooms


Public Toilets


Lifting Equipment


Parking Space




鳥語花香地圖 [ 導航 ]


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根據名稱 Flower 找到的相關資料

(以下顯示 8 筆) (或要:直接搜尋所有 Flower ...)


Name: Tong Zhuang Homestay | Telephone: 886-37-220788 | Address: No.35-12, Fude, Gongguan Township, Miaoli County 363, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: Miaoli|House of Tung FlowersWhite snow in a mountain forest; the delight of Tung flower landFollowin... | Serivce Information: restaurant,meeting room,Wi-Fi,National travel card,parking lot,,,pick-up service, | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 0、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0

@ 旅館民宿(英文版)-觀光資訊資料庫


Name: Tong Zhuang Homestay | Telephone: 886-37-220788 | Address: No.35-12, Fude, Gongguan Township, Miaoli County 363, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: Miaoli|House of Tung FlowersWhite snow in a mountain forest; the delight of Tung flower landFollowin... | Serivce Information: restaurant,meeting room,Wi-Fi,National travel card,parking lot,,,pick-up service, | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 0、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0

@ 旅館民宿(英文版)-觀光資訊資料庫


Name: Red Maple Boutique Hotel | Telephone: 886-49-2997848 | Address: No.176, Sec. 1, Zhongshan Rd., Puli Township, Nantou County 545, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: 4 | Description: The Tai Yi Ecological Leisure Farm is a four-star hotel with a combination of Nantou County's first ... | Serivce Information: Internet,parking lot,store,cafe',restaurant,banquet,meeting room,,,business travel center,,Bike frie... | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 0、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0

@ 旅館民宿(英文版)-觀光資訊資料庫


Name: flower's Home | Telephone: 886-978-769379 | Address: No. 16-1, Xianju, Jincheng Township, Kinmen County 893, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: 1 | Description: Welcome home-Flower's home. Many people asked why the homestay was named Flower's home. Does... | Serivce Information: restaurant,store,Wi-Fi,parking lot,free internet,,,,playground,indoor playground,pick-up service,mob... | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 0、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0

@ 旅館民宿(英文版)-觀光資訊資料庫

高絲 無限肌緻 花漾戀彩限定蜜粉、高絲 無限肌緻 驕縱花綻限定蜜粉、高絲 無限肌緻 花綻薔薇限定蜜粉、高絲 無限肌緻 綻彩花顏限定蜜粉。高絲 無限肌緻 薔薇柔光美肌蜜粉、高絲 雪肌精 雪耀魔幻蜜粉(雪...

英文品名: INFINITY KOSE ROYAL FLOWER COLLECTION VIII COMPACT POWDER、INFINITY KOSE ROYAL FLOWER COLLECTION IX C... | 用途: 防曬、美化臉部肌膚。 | 劑型: 固狀劑型 | 包裝: 盒裝;;附外盒;;桶裝專供分裝使用 | 化粧品類別: 防晒化粧用品 | 限制項目: 輸 入 | 申請商名稱: 台灣高絲股份有限公司 | 有效日期: 2024/06/30

@ 特定用途化粧品許可證資料集


Name: Red Maple Boutique Hotel | Telephone: 886-49-2997848 | Address: No.176, Sec. 1, Zhongshan Rd., Puli Township, Nantou County 545, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: 4 | Description: The Tai Yi Ecological Leisure Farm is a four-star hotel with a combination of Nantou County's first ... | Serivce Information: Internet,parking lot,store,cafe',restaurant,banquet,meeting room,,,business travel center,,Bike frie... | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 0、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0

@ 旅館民宿(英文版)-觀光資訊資料庫

新加坡食品局(SFA)發布回收Hand Flower品牌醬油(Soy Sauce)產品,因產品含有過量苯甲酸(benzoic acid),經查回收產品未有食品輸入查驗紀錄。

更新日期: 2022/09/08 | 燈號: 綠燈

@ 消費紅綠燈-國際食品資料集


Name: Flower Wall Homestay | Telephone: 886-900-251828 | Address: No.188, Sec. 3, Sanxing Rd., Sanxing Township, Yilan County 266, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: Featuring a quiet, spacious rest area and expansive, refreshing scenic views, Flower Mast Vacation V... | Serivce Information: restaurant,cafe',Internet,Wi-Fi,parking lot,,,experience activities, | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 0、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0

@ 旅館民宿(英文版)-觀光資訊資料庫


Name: Tong Zhuang Homestay | Telephone: 886-37-220788 | Address: No.35-12, Fude, Gongguan Township, Miaoli County 363, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: Miaoli|House of Tung FlowersWhite snow in a mountain forest; the delight of Tung flower landFollowin... | Serivce Information: restaurant,meeting room,Wi-Fi,National travel card,parking lot,,,pick-up service, | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 0、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0

@ 旅館民宿(英文版)-觀光資訊資料庫


Name: Tong Zhuang Homestay | Telephone: 886-37-220788 | Address: No.35-12, Fude, Gongguan Township, Miaoli County 363, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: Miaoli|House of Tung FlowersWhite snow in a mountain forest; the delight of Tung flower landFollowin... | Serivce Information: restaurant,meeting room,Wi-Fi,National travel card,parking lot,,,pick-up service, | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 0、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0

@ 旅館民宿(英文版)-觀光資訊資料庫


Name: Red Maple Boutique Hotel | Telephone: 886-49-2997848 | Address: No.176, Sec. 1, Zhongshan Rd., Puli Township, Nantou County 545, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: 4 | Description: The Tai Yi Ecological Leisure Farm is a four-star hotel with a combination of Nantou County's first ... | Serivce Information: Internet,parking lot,store,cafe',restaurant,banquet,meeting room,,,business travel center,,Bike frie... | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 0、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0

@ 旅館民宿(英文版)-觀光資訊資料庫


Name: flower's Home | Telephone: 886-978-769379 | Address: No. 16-1, Xianju, Jincheng Township, Kinmen County 893, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: 1 | Description: Welcome home-Flower's home. Many people asked why the homestay was named Flower's home. Does... | Serivce Information: restaurant,store,Wi-Fi,parking lot,free internet,,,,playground,indoor playground,pick-up service,mob... | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 0、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0

@ 旅館民宿(英文版)-觀光資訊資料庫

高絲 無限肌緻 花漾戀彩限定蜜粉、高絲 無限肌緻 驕縱花綻限定蜜粉、高絲 無限肌緻 花綻薔薇限定蜜粉、高絲 無限肌緻 綻彩花顏限定蜜粉。高絲 無限肌緻 薔薇柔光美肌蜜粉、高絲 雪肌精 雪耀魔幻蜜粉(雪...

英文品名: INFINITY KOSE ROYAL FLOWER COLLECTION VIII COMPACT POWDER、INFINITY KOSE ROYAL FLOWER COLLECTION IX C... | 用途: 防曬、美化臉部肌膚。 | 劑型: 固狀劑型 | 包裝: 盒裝;;附外盒;;桶裝專供分裝使用 | 化粧品類別: 防晒化粧用品 | 限制項目: 輸 入 | 申請商名稱: 台灣高絲股份有限公司 | 有效日期: 2024/06/30

@ 特定用途化粧品許可證資料集


Name: Red Maple Boutique Hotel | Telephone: 886-49-2997848 | Address: No.176, Sec. 1, Zhongshan Rd., Puli Township, Nantou County 545, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: 4 | Description: The Tai Yi Ecological Leisure Farm is a four-star hotel with a combination of Nantou County's first ... | Serivce Information: Internet,parking lot,store,cafe',restaurant,banquet,meeting room,,,business travel center,,Bike frie... | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 0、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0

@ 旅館民宿(英文版)-觀光資訊資料庫

新加坡食品局(SFA)發布回收Hand Flower品牌醬油(Soy Sauce)產品,因產品含有過量苯甲酸(benzoic acid),經查回收產品未有食品輸入查驗紀錄。

更新日期: 2022/09/08 | 燈號: 綠燈

@ 消費紅綠燈-國際食品資料集


Name: Flower Wall Homestay | Telephone: 886-900-251828 | Address: No.188, Sec. 3, Sanxing Rd., Sanxing Township, Yilan County 266, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: Featuring a quiet, spacious rest area and expansive, refreshing scenic views, Flower Mast Vacation V... | Serivce Information: restaurant,cafe',Internet,Wi-Fi,parking lot,,,experience activities, | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 0、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0

@ 旅館民宿(英文版)-觀光資訊資料庫

[ 搜尋所有 Flower ... ]

根據電話 886-915-099062 找到的相關資料

(以下顯示 6 筆) (或要:直接搜尋所有 886-915-099062 ...)


電話: 886-915-099062 | 地址: 宜蘭縣五結鄉三結三路5巷2號 | 級別: | 服務資訊: | 停車資訊: 車位:小客車2輛、機車5輛、大客車0輛 | 描述: 位於宜蘭縣的民宿

@ 旅館民宿 - 觀光資訊資料庫


Tel: 886-915-099062 | Name: フラワーズ | Grade: | Serviceinfo: 有線LAN,無線LAN,国民旅遊卡,駐車場,シニアルーム,,,,,自転車フレンドリー旅宿 | Parkinginfo: Parking Space:Car 6、Motorcycle 5、Truck 0

@ 旅館民宿(日文版)-觀光資訊資料庫


電話: 886-915-099062 | 地址: 宜蘭縣五結鄉三結三路5巷2號 | 級別: | 服務資訊: 有線網路,無線網路,國民旅遊卡,停車場,高齡房,,,,,自行車友善旅宿 | 停車資訊: 車位:小客車6輛、機車5輛、大客車0輛 | 描述: 位於宜蘭縣的民宿

@ 旅館民宿 - 觀光資訊資料庫


電話: 886-915-099062 | 地址: 宜蘭縣五結鄉三結三路5巷2號 | 級別: | 服務資訊: 有線網路,無線網路,國民旅遊卡,停車場,高齡房,,,,,自行車友善旅宿 | 停車資訊: 車位:小客車6輛、機車5輛、大客車0輛 | 描述: 位於宜蘭縣的民宿

@ 旅館民宿 - 觀光資訊資料庫


Tel: 886-915-099062 | Name: フラワーズ | Grade: | Serviceinfo: 有線LAN,無線LAN,国民旅遊卡,駐車場,シニアルーム,,,,,自転車フレンドリー旅宿 | Parkinginfo: Parking Space:Car 6、Motorcycle 5、Truck 0

@ 旅館民宿(日文版)-觀光資訊資料庫


Name: Flowers | Telephone: 886-915-099062 | Address: No.2, Ln. 5, Sanjie 3rd Rd., Wujie Township, Yilan County 268, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: Bed and Breakfast in Yilan County | Serivce Information: Internet,Wi-Fi,National travel card,parking lot,senoir room,,,,,Bike friendly accommodation | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 6、Motorcycle 5、Truck 0

@ 旅館民宿(英文版)-觀光資訊資料庫


電話: 886-915-099062 | 地址: 宜蘭縣五結鄉三結三路5巷2號 | 級別: | 服務資訊: | 停車資訊: 車位:小客車2輛、機車5輛、大客車0輛 | 描述: 位於宜蘭縣的民宿

@ 旅館民宿 - 觀光資訊資料庫


Tel: 886-915-099062 | Name: フラワーズ | Grade: | Serviceinfo: 有線LAN,無線LAN,国民旅遊卡,駐車場,シニアルーム,,,,,自転車フレンドリー旅宿 | Parkinginfo: Parking Space:Car 6、Motorcycle 5、Truck 0

@ 旅館民宿(日文版)-觀光資訊資料庫


電話: 886-915-099062 | 地址: 宜蘭縣五結鄉三結三路5巷2號 | 級別: | 服務資訊: 有線網路,無線網路,國民旅遊卡,停車場,高齡房,,,,,自行車友善旅宿 | 停車資訊: 車位:小客車6輛、機車5輛、大客車0輛 | 描述: 位於宜蘭縣的民宿

@ 旅館民宿 - 觀光資訊資料庫


電話: 886-915-099062 | 地址: 宜蘭縣五結鄉三結三路5巷2號 | 級別: | 服務資訊: 有線網路,無線網路,國民旅遊卡,停車場,高齡房,,,,,自行車友善旅宿 | 停車資訊: 車位:小客車6輛、機車5輛、大客車0輛 | 描述: 位於宜蘭縣的民宿

@ 旅館民宿 - 觀光資訊資料庫


Tel: 886-915-099062 | Name: フラワーズ | Grade: | Serviceinfo: 有線LAN,無線LAN,国民旅遊卡,駐車場,シニアルーム,,,,,自転車フレンドリー旅宿 | Parkinginfo: Parking Space:Car 6、Motorcycle 5、Truck 0

@ 旅館民宿(日文版)-觀光資訊資料庫


Name: Flowers | Telephone: 886-915-099062 | Address: No.2, Ln. 5, Sanjie 3rd Rd., Wujie Township, Yilan County 268, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: Bed and Breakfast in Yilan County | Serivce Information: Internet,Wi-Fi,National travel card,parking lot,senoir room,,,,,Bike friendly accommodation | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 6、Motorcycle 5、Truck 0

@ 旅館民宿(英文版)-觀光資訊資料庫

[ 搜尋所有 886-915-099062 ... ]

根據地址 No.2 Ln. 5 Sanjie 3rd Rd. Wujie Township Yilan County 268 Taiwan R.O.C 找到的相關資料

(以下顯示 6 筆) (或要:直接搜尋所有 No.2 Ln. 5 Sanjie 3rd Rd. Wujie Township Yilan County 268 Taiwan R.O.C ...)


Name: Yilan greenbird of happiness B&B | Telephone: 886-939-241070 | Address: No.10, Ln. 5, Sanjie 3rd Rd., Wujie Township, Yilan County 268, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: Yilan Greenbird of Happiness B&B is located in Wujie Township, Yilan County surrounded by rice field... | Serivce Information: Wi-Fi,parking lot,,,bicycle rental,guided tou,experience activities, | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 4、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0

@ 旅館民宿(英文版)-觀光資訊資料庫


Name: Yilan greenbird of happiness B&B | Telephone: 886-939-241070 | Address: No.10, Ln. 5, Sanjie 3rd Rd., Wujie Township, Yilan County 268, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: Yilan Greenbird of Happiness B&B is located in Wujie Township, Yilan County surrounded by rice field... | Serivce Information: Wi-Fi,parking lot,,,bicycle rental,guided tou,experience activities, | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 4、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0

@ 旅館民宿(英文版)-觀光資訊資料庫


Name: Sioufu Bed and Breakfast | Telephone: 886-921-200977 | Address: No.8, Ln. 5, Sanjie 3rd Rd., Wujie Township, Yilan County 268, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: Bed and Breakfast in Yilan County | Serivce Information: Bike friendly accommodation | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 1、Motorcycle 5、Truck 0

@ 旅館民宿(英文版)-觀光資訊資料庫


Name: Tongxinyu Homestay | Telephone: 886-926-120417 | Address: No. 6, Ln. 5, Sanjie 3rd Rd., Wujie Township, Yilan County 268, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: Homestay located in Yilan | Serivce Information: Bike friendly accommodation | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 2、Motorcycle 5、Truck 0

@ 旅館民宿(英文版)-觀光資訊資料庫


Name: Sioufu Bed and Breakfast | Telephone: 886-921-200977 | Address: No.8, Ln. 5, Sanjie 3rd Rd., Wujie Township, Yilan County 268, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: Bed and Breakfast in Yilan County | Serivce Information: Bike friendly accommodatio | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 1、Motorcycle 5、Truck 0

@ 旅館民宿(英文版)-觀光資訊資料庫


Name: Tongxinyu Homestay | Telephone: 886-926-120417 | Address: No. 6, Ln. 5, Sanjie 3rd Rd., Wujie Township, Yilan County 268, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: Homestay located in Yila | Serivce Information: Bike friendly accommodatio | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 2、Motorcycle 5、Truck 0

@ 旅館民宿(英文版)-觀光資訊資料庫


Name: Yilan greenbird of happiness B&B | Telephone: 886-939-241070 | Address: No.10, Ln. 5, Sanjie 3rd Rd., Wujie Township, Yilan County 268, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: Yilan Greenbird of Happiness B&B is located in Wujie Township, Yilan County surrounded by rice field... | Serivce Information: Wi-Fi,parking lot,,,bicycle rental,guided tou,experience activities, | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 4、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0

@ 旅館民宿(英文版)-觀光資訊資料庫


Name: Yilan greenbird of happiness B&B | Telephone: 886-939-241070 | Address: No.10, Ln. 5, Sanjie 3rd Rd., Wujie Township, Yilan County 268, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: Yilan Greenbird of Happiness B&B is located in Wujie Township, Yilan County surrounded by rice field... | Serivce Information: Wi-Fi,parking lot,,,bicycle rental,guided tou,experience activities, | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 4、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0

@ 旅館民宿(英文版)-觀光資訊資料庫


Name: Sioufu Bed and Breakfast | Telephone: 886-921-200977 | Address: No.8, Ln. 5, Sanjie 3rd Rd., Wujie Township, Yilan County 268, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: Bed and Breakfast in Yilan County | Serivce Information: Bike friendly accommodation | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 1、Motorcycle 5、Truck 0

@ 旅館民宿(英文版)-觀光資訊資料庫


Name: Tongxinyu Homestay | Telephone: 886-926-120417 | Address: No. 6, Ln. 5, Sanjie 3rd Rd., Wujie Township, Yilan County 268, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: Homestay located in Yilan | Serivce Information: Bike friendly accommodation | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 2、Motorcycle 5、Truck 0

@ 旅館民宿(英文版)-觀光資訊資料庫


Name: Sioufu Bed and Breakfast | Telephone: 886-921-200977 | Address: No.8, Ln. 5, Sanjie 3rd Rd., Wujie Township, Yilan County 268, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: Bed and Breakfast in Yilan County | Serivce Information: Bike friendly accommodatio | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 1、Motorcycle 5、Truck 0

@ 旅館民宿(英文版)-觀光資訊資料庫


Name: Tongxinyu Homestay | Telephone: 886-926-120417 | Address: No. 6, Ln. 5, Sanjie 3rd Rd., Wujie Township, Yilan County 268, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: Homestay located in Yila | Serivce Information: Bike friendly accommodatio | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 2、Motorcycle 5、Truck 0

@ 旅館民宿(英文版)-觀光資訊資料庫

[ 搜尋所有 No.2 Ln. 5 Sanjie 3rd Rd. Wujie Township Yilan County 268 Taiwan R.O.C ... ]


(以下顯示 1 筆)

HANA CASA FLOWER | 地址: 台北市忠誠路二段98巷5弄8號1樓 | 電話: 02-2876-7810

名稱 Flower 找到的公司登記或商業登記

(以下顯示 8 筆) (或要:查詢所有 Flower)




陳柏樹20180634核准設立 - 獨資 (核准文號: 1059300283)



劉楊金桂22257932廢止 (107年10月30日 高市府經商公字 第1076645710號)


登記地址: 新竹市東區水源里太原路173號,175號1樓 | 負責人: 李崇志 | 統編: 16181581 | 核准設立

登記地址: 苗栗縣後龍鎮北龍里3鄰田心99-6號 | 負責人: 李玉鼎 | 統編: 16447695 | 核准設立

登記地址: 彰化縣田尾鄉溪畔村模範巷152、156號 | 負責人: 陳玉妹 | 統編: 16672453 | 核准設立

登記地址: 嘉義縣民雄鄉西安村進興街314號 | 負責人: 陳柏樹 | 統編: 20180634 | 核准設立 - 獨資 (核准文號: 1059300283)

登記地址: 新北市三重區新北大道2段88號4樓 | 負責人: 施養謙 | 統編: 22091623 | 核准設立

登記地址: 新北市蘆洲區民權路3巷14弄11號5樓 | 負責人: 高柳金 | 統編: 22242349 | 核准設立

登記地址: 高雄市新興區七賢二路8巷19號 | 負責人: 劉楊金桂 | 統編: 22257932 | 廢止 (107年10月30日 高市府經商公字 第1076645710號)

登記地址: 高雄市鳥松區神農路54之6號 | 負責人: 陳尚寶 | 統編: 22537575 | 核准設立

[ 查詢所有 Flower ... ]




Name: Ding Feng Guesthou | Telephone: 886-966-573068 | Address: No.42-1, Laoshan, Shoufeng Township, Hualien County 974, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: Bed and Breakfast in Hualien County | Serivce Information: | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 0、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0


Name: DUOAI | Telephone: 886-3-9880900 | Address: No.12, Ln. 34, Xinyi Rd., Jiaoxi Township, Yilan County 262, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: Hotel located in Yilan County | Serivce Information: | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 5、Motorcycle 2、Truck 1


Name: Ya Man Ni Motel | Telephone: 886-37-629777 | Address: No.96, Gongyuan 6th St., Toufen Township, Miaoli County 351, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: Hotel located in Miaoli County | Serivce Information: Bike friendly accommodatio | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 21、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0


Name: Star feather | Telephone: 886-982-780570 | Address: No.321, Zhongzheng Rd., Shoufeng Township, Hualien County 974, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: Homestay located in Hualie | Serivce Information: | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 0、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0


Name: Hi, Zebra Travel | Telephone: 886-958-665908 | Address: No.8, Aly. 93, Ln. 185, Sec. 1, Funong Rd., Dongshan Township, Yilan County 269, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: Bed and Breakfast in Yilan County | Serivce Information: | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 1、Motorcycle 3、Truck 0


Name: Fu Bao Motel | Telephone: 886-3-8332888 | Address: No.101, Guolian 2nd Rd., Hualien City, Hualien County 970, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: Hotel located in Hualien County | Serivce Information: Bike friendly accommodatio | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 0、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0


Name: Xiaoban Tianei1 Cuo Homestay | Telephone: 886-49-2676468 | Address: No.121-1, Aixiang Rd., Lugu Township, Nantou County 558, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: Bed and Breakfast in Nantou County | Serivce Information: | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 0、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0


Name: yao-hong | Telephone: 886-921-098121 | Address: No.13, Gongzheng E. St., Fenglin Township, Hualien County 975, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: Bed and Breakfast in Hualien County | Serivce Information: | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 0、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0


Name: Homelike B&B | Telephone: 886-921-240981 | Address: No.21, Shuiyuan, Guanshan Township, Taitung County 956, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: Bed and Breakfast in Taitung County | Serivce Information: | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 0、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0


Name: Shang Her Yuan B&B | Telephone: 886-82-332666 | Address: No.77, Lindou, Jinhu Township, Kinmen County 891, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: Shangheyuan B&B in Kinmen was opened in July 2012. It's located in a quiet and clean village surroun... | Serivce Information: arking lot,restaurant,Internet,National travel card,meeting room,,,bicycle rental,guided tou, | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 0、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0


Name: Eco green boat bed and breakfast | Telephone: 886-926-581531 | Address: No.21, Zhenzhu 3rd Rd., Dongshan Township, Yilan County 269, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: Ecology River is located in Dongshan, just 11.3 km from Yilan City.Every room at this family stay is... | Serivce Information: Wi-Fi,,,,laundry service,,,Bike friendly accommodatio | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 1、Motorcycle 5、Truck 0


Name: Starvilla | Telephone: 886-49-2802946 | Address: No.51, Rongguang Ln., Ren’ai Township, Nantou County 546, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: Stargazing Villa is located in Cingjing Farm, has an excellent location, excellent landscape and con... | Serivce Information: arking lot,restaurant,Internet,National travel card,,,guided tou,experience activities, | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 0、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0


Name: Sakadang Homestay | Telephone: 886-3-8611623 | Address: No.141, Fushi, Xiulin Township, Hualien County 972, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: Bed and Breakfast in Hualien County | Serivce Information: | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 5、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0


Name: Grand View Resort Beitou | Telephone: 886-2-28988888 | Address: No.30, Youya Rd., Beitou Dist., Taipei City 112, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: 5 | Description: Located in Beitou high ground, neighboring Yangmingshan National Park, overlooking the Danfeng mount... | Serivce Information: restaurant,meeting room,cafe',banquet,gym,swimming pool,Internet,Wi-Fi,sauna,National travel card,pa... | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 109、Motorcycle 96、Truck 2


Name: Tipsy | Telephone: 886-900-768008 | Address: No. 3, Jinmen City, 6th, Jincheng Town, 893 Jincheng Town, Jinmen County | Grade: | Description: Homestay located in Kinme | Serivce Information: restaurant,meeting room,cafe',Wi-Fi,National travel card,parking lot,,,,post and telecommunications ... | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 0、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0


Name: Ding Feng Guesthou | Telephone: 886-966-573068 | Address: No.42-1, Laoshan, Shoufeng Township, Hualien County 974, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: Bed and Breakfast in Hualien County | Serivce Information: | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 0、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0


Name: DUOAI | Telephone: 886-3-9880900 | Address: No.12, Ln. 34, Xinyi Rd., Jiaoxi Township, Yilan County 262, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: Hotel located in Yilan County | Serivce Information: | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 5、Motorcycle 2、Truck 1


Name: Ya Man Ni Motel | Telephone: 886-37-629777 | Address: No.96, Gongyuan 6th St., Toufen Township, Miaoli County 351, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: Hotel located in Miaoli County | Serivce Information: Bike friendly accommodatio | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 21、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0


Name: Star feather | Telephone: 886-982-780570 | Address: No.321, Zhongzheng Rd., Shoufeng Township, Hualien County 974, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: Homestay located in Hualie | Serivce Information: | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 0、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0


Name: Hi, Zebra Travel | Telephone: 886-958-665908 | Address: No.8, Aly. 93, Ln. 185, Sec. 1, Funong Rd., Dongshan Township, Yilan County 269, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: Bed and Breakfast in Yilan County | Serivce Information: | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 1、Motorcycle 3、Truck 0


Name: Fu Bao Motel | Telephone: 886-3-8332888 | Address: No.101, Guolian 2nd Rd., Hualien City, Hualien County 970, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: Hotel located in Hualien County | Serivce Information: Bike friendly accommodatio | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 0、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0


Name: Xiaoban Tianei1 Cuo Homestay | Telephone: 886-49-2676468 | Address: No.121-1, Aixiang Rd., Lugu Township, Nantou County 558, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: Bed and Breakfast in Nantou County | Serivce Information: | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 0、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0


Name: yao-hong | Telephone: 886-921-098121 | Address: No.13, Gongzheng E. St., Fenglin Township, Hualien County 975, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: Bed and Breakfast in Hualien County | Serivce Information: | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 0、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0


Name: Homelike B&B | Telephone: 886-921-240981 | Address: No.21, Shuiyuan, Guanshan Township, Taitung County 956, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: Bed and Breakfast in Taitung County | Serivce Information: | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 0、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0


Name: Shang Her Yuan B&B | Telephone: 886-82-332666 | Address: No.77, Lindou, Jinhu Township, Kinmen County 891, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: Shangheyuan B&B in Kinmen was opened in July 2012. It's located in a quiet and clean village surroun... | Serivce Information: arking lot,restaurant,Internet,National travel card,meeting room,,,bicycle rental,guided tou, | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 0、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0


Name: Eco green boat bed and breakfast | Telephone: 886-926-581531 | Address: No.21, Zhenzhu 3rd Rd., Dongshan Township, Yilan County 269, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: Ecology River is located in Dongshan, just 11.3 km from Yilan City.Every room at this family stay is... | Serivce Information: Wi-Fi,,,,laundry service,,,Bike friendly accommodatio | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 1、Motorcycle 5、Truck 0


Name: Starvilla | Telephone: 886-49-2802946 | Address: No.51, Rongguang Ln., Ren’ai Township, Nantou County 546, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: Stargazing Villa is located in Cingjing Farm, has an excellent location, excellent landscape and con... | Serivce Information: arking lot,restaurant,Internet,National travel card,,,guided tou,experience activities, | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 0、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0


Name: Sakadang Homestay | Telephone: 886-3-8611623 | Address: No.141, Fushi, Xiulin Township, Hualien County 972, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: Bed and Breakfast in Hualien County | Serivce Information: | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 5、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0


Name: Grand View Resort Beitou | Telephone: 886-2-28988888 | Address: No.30, Youya Rd., Beitou Dist., Taipei City 112, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: 5 | Description: Located in Beitou high ground, neighboring Yangmingshan National Park, overlooking the Danfeng mount... | Serivce Information: restaurant,meeting room,cafe',banquet,gym,swimming pool,Internet,Wi-Fi,sauna,National travel card,pa... | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 109、Motorcycle 96、Truck 2


Name: Tipsy | Telephone: 886-900-768008 | Address: No. 3, Jinmen City, 6th, Jincheng Town, 893 Jincheng Town, Jinmen County | Grade: | Description: Homestay located in Kinme | Serivce Information: restaurant,meeting room,cafe',Wi-Fi,National travel card,parking lot,,,,post and telecommunications ... | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 0、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0
