Adon restaurant
- 澎湖馬公觀光商圈繁榮促進會會員名冊(第九屆)英文 @ 澎湖縣政府

CompanyAdon restaurant的Telephone是9276683, Job Title是members of, Contact是Chen Xingdong, Address是Makung City store Road 6, Lane 6.

#Adon restaurant的地圖

Job Titlemembers of
ContactChen Xingdong
CompanyAdon restaurant
AddressMakung City store Road 6, Lane 6
Mobile Phone(空)



Job Title

members of


Chen Xingdong


Adon restaurant


Makung City store Road 6, Lane 6

Mobile Phone








Adon restaurant地圖 [ 導航 ]

Adon restaurant的地址位於

Makung City store Road 6, Lane 6


根據名稱 Adon restaurant 找到的相關資料

無其他 Adon restaurant 資料。

[ 搜尋所有 Adon restaurant ... ]

根據電話 9276683 找到的相關資料

# 9276683 於 餐飲 - 觀光資訊資料庫

地址880 澎湖縣馬公市新店路6巷6號
營業時間11:00-14:00; 16:30-21:00
識別碼: C3_376560000A_000717
名稱: 阿東海鮮餐廳
描述: 阿東是從西嶼外燴辦桌起家,於2008年在馬公市成立第一間獨棟辦桌喜宴海鮮餐廳,共六層樓;雖然是喜宴餐廳但是散客一樣可以去享用單點海鮮料理。各式食材料理起來可說是得心應手,並且與台灣辦桌菜餚有著截然不同的風味。《不提供免洗筷及免洗湯匙之商家》
地址: 880 澎湖縣馬公市新店路6巷6號
郵政號碼: 880
縣市: 澎湖縣
鄉鎮市區: 馬公市
電話: 886-6-9276683;886-6-9260203;886-920-
營業時間: 11:00-14:00; 16:30-21:00
圖1: (空)
圖1描述: (空)
圖2: (空)
圖2描述: (空)
圖3: (空)
圖3描述: (空)
經度: 119.58197
緯度: 23.5631
分類: 03
地圖: (空)
停車資訊: (空)
[ 搜尋所有 9276683 ... ]

根據地址 Makung City store Road 6 Lane 6 找到的相關資料

無其他 Makung City store Road 6 Lane 6 資料。

[ 搜尋所有 Makung City store Road 6 Lane 6 ... ]

與Adon restaurant同分類的澎湖馬公觀光商圈繁榮促進會會員名冊(第九屆)英文

Baohua Hotel

Mobile Phone: | Telephone: 9274881 | Job Title: member | Contact: Lvkun Hong | Address: Chung Cheng Road, Makung City, 2

enjoy a summer bed and breakfast

Mobile Phone: | Telephone: 9273399 | Job Title: director | Contact: Ye Xin and | Address: Makung City North Star Street No. 32

Dadongshan Grou

Mobile Phone: 0911-674958 | Telephone: 9218692 | Job Title: 51,executive director of | Contact: Lvheng Xu | Address: Makung City Guanghua No. 172

ZTE Travel

Mobile Phone: 0932-032906 | Telephone: 9267111 | Job Title: members of | Contact: Pan Liwe | Address: Shuter RoadMakung City, No. 17 of 3

dry benefitlinemedicine

Mobile Phone: 0932-973035 | Telephone: 9272489 | Job Title: director | Contact: Xue Guanghua | Address: middle of the streetMagongNo. 42

Ju island food and beverage

Mobile Phone: | Telephone: 9261726 | Job Title: Member | Contact: Chen Yuying | Address: Makung Zhongshan Road 20-4

Ju Island anecdote

Mobile Phone: 988777800 | Telephone: 9271937 | Job Title: member | Contact: leaves Rui Li | Address: Makung City central Street, 30

Chang ri long

Mobile Phone: 0931-890600 | Telephone: 9266442 | Job Title: governing | Contact: Lvmei Feng | Address: Makung City Road, a bright 61

Qing Lin Hotel

Mobile Phone: 0985-026288 | Telephone: 9265326 | Job Title: candidates supervisor | Contact: Xu Ginger | Address: Makung City Charity Road 28

Dubbo sho

Mobile Phone: | Telephone: 9272078 | Job Title: Member | Contact: Chen Lixiong | Address: Chung Cheng Makung City, 37

and birch Express

Mobile Phone: | Telephone: 9277199 | Job Title: member | Contact: Sukun Na | Address: Linhai City Road, No. 7-6 Makung

Adon restaurant

Mobile Phone: | Telephone: 9276683 | Job Title: members of | Contact: Chen Xingdong | Address: Makung City store Road 6, Lane 6

grow restaurant

Mobile Phone: | Telephone: 9271686 | Job Title: members of | Contact: Lin Cai Yuegui | Address: Makung City national Road No. 9

Renpin octopus balls and lot

Mobile Phone: | Telephone: 9274373 | Job Title: members of | Contact: Xu Jiere | Address: Makung Zhongzheng Road 7, Lane 2

Jin Yucheng silver floor

Mobile Phone: 0961-311351 | Telephone: 9272832 | Job Title: alternate member | Contact: Huang Zhensheng | Address: Magong Renai Road 45

Baohua Hotel

Mobile Phone: | Telephone: 9274881 | Job Title: member | Contact: Lvkun Hong | Address: Chung Cheng Road, Makung City, 2

enjoy a summer bed and breakfast

Mobile Phone: | Telephone: 9273399 | Job Title: director | Contact: Ye Xin and | Address: Makung City North Star Street No. 32

Dadongshan Grou

Mobile Phone: 0911-674958 | Telephone: 9218692 | Job Title: 51,executive director of | Contact: Lvheng Xu | Address: Makung City Guanghua No. 172

ZTE Travel

Mobile Phone: 0932-032906 | Telephone: 9267111 | Job Title: members of | Contact: Pan Liwe | Address: Shuter RoadMakung City, No. 17 of 3

dry benefitlinemedicine

Mobile Phone: 0932-973035 | Telephone: 9272489 | Job Title: director | Contact: Xue Guanghua | Address: middle of the streetMagongNo. 42

Ju island food and beverage

Mobile Phone: | Telephone: 9261726 | Job Title: Member | Contact: Chen Yuying | Address: Makung Zhongshan Road 20-4

Ju Island anecdote

Mobile Phone: 988777800 | Telephone: 9271937 | Job Title: member | Contact: leaves Rui Li | Address: Makung City central Street, 30

Chang ri long

Mobile Phone: 0931-890600 | Telephone: 9266442 | Job Title: governing | Contact: Lvmei Feng | Address: Makung City Road, a bright 61

Qing Lin Hotel

Mobile Phone: 0985-026288 | Telephone: 9265326 | Job Title: candidates supervisor | Contact: Xu Ginger | Address: Makung City Charity Road 28

Dubbo sho

Mobile Phone: | Telephone: 9272078 | Job Title: Member | Contact: Chen Lixiong | Address: Chung Cheng Makung City, 37

and birch Express

Mobile Phone: | Telephone: 9277199 | Job Title: member | Contact: Sukun Na | Address: Linhai City Road, No. 7-6 Makung

Adon restaurant

Mobile Phone: | Telephone: 9276683 | Job Title: members of | Contact: Chen Xingdong | Address: Makung City store Road 6, Lane 6

grow restaurant

Mobile Phone: | Telephone: 9271686 | Job Title: members of | Contact: Lin Cai Yuegui | Address: Makung City national Road No. 9

Renpin octopus balls and lot

Mobile Phone: | Telephone: 9274373 | Job Title: members of | Contact: Xu Jiere | Address: Makung Zhongzheng Road 7, Lane 2

Jin Yucheng silver floor

Mobile Phone: 0961-311351 | Telephone: 9272832 | Job Title: alternate member | Contact: Huang Zhensheng | Address: Magong Renai Road 45
