Ordinary shoe stack Bed and Breakfast
- 澎湖縣合法民宿名冊-英文版 @ 澎湖縣政府

Bed and Breakfasts nameOrdinary shoe stack Bed and Breakfast的Cellular phone是0900-778190, Address是Makung City, Penghu County 338 West Methodist, Registration Number of rooms是5, Capacity是12.

#Ordinary shoe stack Bed and Breakfast的地圖

Registration Number718
Bed and Breakfasts nameOrdinary shoe stack Bed and Breakfast
AddressMakung City, Penghu County 338 West Methodist
Contact phone(空)
Cellular phone0900-778190
Registration Number of rooms5
Establishment or registration date2018/6/21

Registration Number


Bed and Breakfasts name

Ordinary shoe stack Bed and Breakfast


Makung City, Penghu County 338 West Methodist

Contact phone




Cellular phone


Registration Number of rooms




Establishment or registration date


Ordinary shoe stack Bed and Breakfast地圖 [ 導航 ]

Ordinary shoe stack Bed and Breakfast的地址位於

Makung City, Penghu County 338 West Methodist


根據名稱 Ordinary shoe stack Bed and Breakfast 找到的相關資料

無其他 Ordinary shoe stack Bed and Breakfast 資料。

[ 搜尋所有 Ordinary shoe stack Bed and Breakfast ... ]

根據地址 Makung City Penghu County 338 West Methodist 找到的相關資料

無其他 Makung City Penghu County 338 West Methodist 資料。

[ 搜尋所有 Makung City Penghu County 338 West Methodist ... ]

與Ordinary shoe stack Bed and Breakfast同分類的澎湖縣合法民宿名冊-英文版

Sunshine Harajuku boutique B & B

Contact phone: 06-9272901 | Cellular phone: 0939-768657 | Address: Makung City, Penghu County in more than three glorious Road 370, Lane 2 | Registration Number of rooms: 4 | Capacity: 16

Fish House Bed and Breakfast

Contact phone: 06-9271515 | Cellular phone: 0932-758476 | Address: Makung City, Penghu County West Methodist 83 of 86 | Registration Number of rooms: 4 | Capacity: 14

Karen Hall Bed and Breakfast two Museum

Contact phone: 06-9214858 | Cellular phone: 0913-379377 | Address: Penghu Kosei many rural village of 2 71 | Registration Number of rooms: 8 | Capacity: 32

Greek border and Breakfast

Contact phone: 06-9951926 | Cellular phone: 0931-887733 | Address: Makung City, Penghu County landscape in No. 59 | Registration Number of rooms: 3 | Capacity: 8

Ideal nest Bed and Breakfast

Contact phone: | Cellular phone: 0952-651091 | Address: Makung City, Penghu County landscape in No. 17 of 41 | Registration Number of rooms: 4 | Capacity: 12

Tiramisu Su Sea View Bed and Breakfast

Contact phone: | Cellular phone: 0939-143787 | Address: Makung City, Penghu County West Methodist No. 256 of 1 | Registration Number of rooms: 5 | Capacity: 14

Penghu story with Bed and Breakfast

Contact phone: 06-9214662 | Cellular phone: 0976-378174 | Address: Penghu Magong Xing Ren Li No. 211 of 3 | Registration Number of rooms: 4 | Capacity: 15

Cloud B & B to enjoy

Contact phone: 0918-348211 | Cellular phone: 0912-968211 | Address: Makung City, Penghu County East-ri literature Road 255, Lane 6 | Registration Number of rooms: 4 | Capacity: 16

Island style Bed and Breakfast

Contact phone: 06-9911481 | Cellular phone: 0985-838895 | Address: Baisha Township Penghu County Jebel village of 13 183 | Registration Number of rooms: 3 | Capacity: 10

Red octopus Bed and Breakfast

Contact phone: | Cellular phone: 0912-796929 0966-702798 | Address: Makung City, Penghu County before Liu Lane 5 of 7 | Registration Number of rooms: 3 | Capacity: 10

Yi Penghu Bed and Breakfast

Contact phone: 06-9261915 | Cellular phone: 0935-931496 | Address: Glory Glory Street 95 in Makung City, Penghu County | Registration Number of rooms: 12 | Capacity: 32

Ju Island Trail Bed and Breakfast

Contact phone: 06-9260607 | Cellular phone: - | Address: Penghu County Kosei Township Xu Village No. 75 of 3 | Registration Number of rooms: 3 | Capacity: 10

People living from the sea bed and breakfast

Contact phone: 06-9982440 | Cellular phone: 0935-827579 | Address: Siyu Township, Penghu County in Wai village 4 of 35 | Registration Number of rooms: 4 | Capacity: 16

Sweet potato vine and Breakfast

Contact phone: 06-9221228 | Cellular phone: 0917-672251 | Address: Makung City, Penghu County East-ri large Yin Street, 85 | Registration Number of rooms: 4 | Capacity: 12

Baisha Bay Bed and Breakfast

Contact phone: | Cellular phone: 0929-021728 | Address: Baisha Township Penghu Tuncun No. 12 of 11 | Registration Number of rooms: 5 | Capacity: 14

Sunshine Harajuku boutique B & B

Contact phone: 06-9272901 | Cellular phone: 0939-768657 | Address: Makung City, Penghu County in more than three glorious Road 370, Lane 2 | Registration Number of rooms: 4 | Capacity: 16

Fish House Bed and Breakfast

Contact phone: 06-9271515 | Cellular phone: 0932-758476 | Address: Makung City, Penghu County West Methodist 83 of 86 | Registration Number of rooms: 4 | Capacity: 14

Karen Hall Bed and Breakfast two Museum

Contact phone: 06-9214858 | Cellular phone: 0913-379377 | Address: Penghu Kosei many rural village of 2 71 | Registration Number of rooms: 8 | Capacity: 32

Greek border and Breakfast

Contact phone: 06-9951926 | Cellular phone: 0931-887733 | Address: Makung City, Penghu County landscape in No. 59 | Registration Number of rooms: 3 | Capacity: 8

Ideal nest Bed and Breakfast

Contact phone: | Cellular phone: 0952-651091 | Address: Makung City, Penghu County landscape in No. 17 of 41 | Registration Number of rooms: 4 | Capacity: 12

Tiramisu Su Sea View Bed and Breakfast

Contact phone: | Cellular phone: 0939-143787 | Address: Makung City, Penghu County West Methodist No. 256 of 1 | Registration Number of rooms: 5 | Capacity: 14

Penghu story with Bed and Breakfast

Contact phone: 06-9214662 | Cellular phone: 0976-378174 | Address: Penghu Magong Xing Ren Li No. 211 of 3 | Registration Number of rooms: 4 | Capacity: 15

Cloud B & B to enjoy

Contact phone: 0918-348211 | Cellular phone: 0912-968211 | Address: Makung City, Penghu County East-ri literature Road 255, Lane 6 | Registration Number of rooms: 4 | Capacity: 16

Island style Bed and Breakfast

Contact phone: 06-9911481 | Cellular phone: 0985-838895 | Address: Baisha Township Penghu County Jebel village of 13 183 | Registration Number of rooms: 3 | Capacity: 10

Red octopus Bed and Breakfast

Contact phone: | Cellular phone: 0912-796929 0966-702798 | Address: Makung City, Penghu County before Liu Lane 5 of 7 | Registration Number of rooms: 3 | Capacity: 10

Yi Penghu Bed and Breakfast

Contact phone: 06-9261915 | Cellular phone: 0935-931496 | Address: Glory Glory Street 95 in Makung City, Penghu County | Registration Number of rooms: 12 | Capacity: 32

Ju Island Trail Bed and Breakfast

Contact phone: 06-9260607 | Cellular phone: - | Address: Penghu County Kosei Township Xu Village No. 75 of 3 | Registration Number of rooms: 3 | Capacity: 10

People living from the sea bed and breakfast

Contact phone: 06-9982440 | Cellular phone: 0935-827579 | Address: Siyu Township, Penghu County in Wai village 4 of 35 | Registration Number of rooms: 4 | Capacity: 16

Sweet potato vine and Breakfast

Contact phone: 06-9221228 | Cellular phone: 0917-672251 | Address: Makung City, Penghu County East-ri large Yin Street, 85 | Registration Number of rooms: 4 | Capacity: 12

Baisha Bay Bed and Breakfast

Contact phone: | Cellular phone: 0929-021728 | Address: Baisha Township Penghu Tuncun No. 12 of 11 | Registration Number of rooms: 5 | Capacity: 14
