貨品號列48114100002的中文貨名是自黏性紙及紙板,捲筒或平版,第4803、4809、4810節所述者除外, 英文貨名是Self-adhesive paper and paperboard, in rolls or sheets, other than goods of the kind described in heading No. 48.03, 48.09 or 48.10, 實施日期是0930101.
貨品分類號列: 48114100002 | 英文貨名: Self-adhesive paper and paperboard, in rolls or sheets, other than goods of the kind described in he... | 第一欄稅率: 0% | 第二欄稅率: 0% (PA,GT,NI,SV,HN,NZ,SG) | 第三欄稅率: 5% | 統計數量單位: | 統計重量單位: KGM
貨品分類號列: 48114100002 | 英文貨名: Self-adhesive paper and paperboard, in rolls or sheets, other than goods of the kind described in he... | 第一欄稅率: 0% | 第二欄稅率: 0% (PA,GT,NI,SV,HN,NZ,SG) | 第三欄稅率: 5% | 統計數量單位: | 統計重量單位: KGM
中文貨名: 自黏性紙及紙板,捲筒或平版,第4803、4809、4810節所述者除外 | 英文貨名: Self-adhesive paper and paperboard, in rolls or sheets, other than goods of the kind described in he... | 實施日期: 1021129 | 截止日期: 9999999
中文貨名: 自黏性紙及紙板,捲筒或平版,第4803、4809或4810節所述者除外 | 英文貨名: Self-adhesive paper and paperboard, in rolls or sheets, other than goods of the kind described in he... | 實施日期: 0860601 | 截止日期: 0921231
中文貨名: 自黏性紙及紙板,捲筒或平版,第4803、4809、4810節所述者除外 | 英文貨名: Self-adhesive paper and paperboard, in rolls or sheets, other than goods of the kind described in he... | 實施日期: 1021129 | 截止日期: 9999999
中文貨名: 自黏性紙及紙板,捲筒或平版,第4803、4809或4810節所述者除外 | 英文貨名: Self-adhesive paper and paperboard, in rolls or sheets, other than goods of the kind described in he... | 實施日期: 0860601 | 截止日期: 0921231