貨品號列98257200的中文貨名是第18069092及19019091號之其他調製食品,含米量不低於30%者, 英文貨名是Other food preparations, containing not less than 30% of rice, of Division Nos. 18069092 and 19019091, 實施日期是1021129, 截止日期是9999999.
中文貨名: 冷凍豬腳(包括前、後腿蹄膀及腱子肉)及橫膈膜 | 英文貨名: Feet (including hocks of the front and hind legs, shank muscle) and skirts of swine, frozen | 實施日期: 1021129 | 截止日期: 9999999
中文貨名: 冷凍豬腳(包括前、後腿蹄膀及腱子肉)及橫膈膜 | 英文貨名: Feet (including hocks of the front and hind legs, shank muscle) and skirts of swine, frozen | 實施日期: 0910101 | 截止日期: 1091231
中文貨名: 冷凍豬腳(包括前、後腿蹄膀及腱子肉)及橫膈膜 | 英文貨名: Feet (including hocks of the front and hind legs, shank muscle) and skirts of swine, frozen | 實施日期: 1021129 | 截止日期: 9999999
中文貨名: 冷凍豬腳(包括前、後腿蹄膀及腱子肉)及橫膈膜 | 英文貨名: Feet (including hocks of the front and hind legs, shank muscle) and skirts of swine, frozen | 實施日期: 0910101 | 截止日期: 1091231