Qishan Sugar Factory Ice Treats Shop
- 台灣糖業公司旅遊景點 @ 台灣糖業股份有限公司

景點名稱Qishan Sugar Factory Ice Treats Shop的地址是No. 33, Zhongxiao St., Qishan Dist., Kaohsiung City 842056, Taiwan (R.O.C.), 區域是Southern Taiwan (Kaohsiung and Pingtung), 景點介紹是Nanzixian River lies to the west of Qishan Sugar Factory, and one can see Qiwei Mountain, the branch of the Central Mountain Range, when looking north....

#Qishan Sugar Factory Ice Treats Shop的地圖

景點名稱Qishan Sugar Factory Ice Treats Shop
區域Southern Taiwan (Kaohsiung and Pingtung)
景點介紹Nanzixian River lies to the west of Qishan Sugar Factory, and one can see Qiwei Mountain, the branch of the Central Mountain Range, when looking northwards from the sugar factory. It is surrounded by mountains and water and is a rest point when heading to mountainous areas such as Liugui, Jiaxian and Maolin from downtown Kaohsiung. Qishan Sugar Factory was founded in 1909 and ceased its sugar manufacturing operation in 2002. Currently, it is now manufacturing various kinds of ice treats and foods. Its special yeast ice treat is a must-order item for visitors. This place has abundant trees and green shades, while having facilities such as sugar factory park, shopping street, parking lot for all sorts of vehicles and bikes, Qimei Bikeway, exhibition of small trains, skating field and green lands. It is suitable for family recreation.
細詳資料Operating hours: 8:30AM-5:30PM Tel: +886-7-6113265 Fax: +886-7-6117154 Address: No. 33, Zhongxiao St., Qishan Dist., Kaohsiung City 842056, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
地址No. 33, Zhongxiao St., Qishan Dist., Kaohsiung City 842056, Taiwan (R.O.C.)




Qishan Sugar Factory Ice Treats Shop




Southern Taiwan (Kaohsiung and Pingtung)




Nanzixian River lies to the west of Qishan Sugar Factory, and one can see Qiwei Mountain, the branch of the Central Mountain Range, when looking northwards from the sugar factory. It is surrounded by mountains and water and is a rest point when heading to mountainous areas such as Liugui, Jiaxian and Maolin from downtown Kaohsiung. Qishan Sugar Factory was founded in 1909 and ceased its sugar manufacturing operation in 2002. Currently, it is now manufacturing various kinds of ice treats and foods. Its special yeast ice treat is a must-order item for visitors. This place has abundant trees and green shades, while having facilities such as sugar factory park, shopping street, parking lot for all sorts of vehicles and bikes, Qimei Bikeway, exhibition of small trains, skating field and green lands. It is suitable for family recreation.




Operating hours: 8:30AM-5:30PM Tel: +886-7-6113265 Fax: +886-7-6117154 Address: No. 33, Zhongxiao St., Qishan Dist., Kaohsiung City 842056, Taiwan (R.O.C.)




No. 33, Zhongxiao St., Qishan Dist., Kaohsiung City 842056, Taiwan (R.O.C.)







Qishan Sugar Factory Ice Treats Shop地圖 [ 導航 ]

Qishan Sugar Factory Ice Treats Shop的地址位於

No. 33, Zhongxiao St., Qishan Dist., Kaohsiung City 842056, Taiwan (R.O.C.)


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根據地址 No. 33 Zhongxiao St. Qishan Dist. Kaohsiung City 842056 Taiwan R.O.C 找到的相關資料

(以下顯示 3 筆) (或要:直接搜尋所有 No. 33 Zhongxiao St. Qishan Dist. Kaohsiung City 842056 Taiwan R.O.C ...)

Qishan Sugar Factory Ice Treats Sho

地址: No. 33, Zhongxiao St., Qishan Dist., Kaohsiung City 842056, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | 區域: Southern Taiwan (Kaohsiung and Pingtung) | 飯店介紹: | 促銷好康: | 景點介紹: Nanzixian River lies to the west of Qishan Sugar Factory, and one can see Qiwei Mountain, the branch...

@ 台灣糖業公司旅遊景點


統一編號: 53640808 | 電話號碼: 08-7215683 | 高雄市旗山區忠孝街33之11號

@ 出進口廠商登記資料


統一編號: 84066096 | 電話號碼: 07-3519891 | 高雄市旗山區東昌里忠孝街33之9號

@ 出進口廠商登記資料

Qishan Sugar Factory Ice Treats Sho

地址: No. 33, Zhongxiao St., Qishan Dist., Kaohsiung City 842056, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | 區域: Southern Taiwan (Kaohsiung and Pingtung) | 飯店介紹: | 促銷好康: | 景點介紹: Nanzixian River lies to the west of Qishan Sugar Factory, and one can see Qiwei Mountain, the branch...

@ 台灣糖業公司旅遊景點


統一編號: 53640808 | 電話號碼: 08-7215683 | 高雄市旗山區忠孝街33之11號

@ 出進口廠商登記資料


統一編號: 84066096 | 電話號碼: 07-3519891 | 高雄市旗山區東昌里忠孝街33之9號

@ 出進口廠商登記資料

[ 搜尋所有 No. 33 Zhongxiao St. Qishan Dist. Kaohsiung City 842056 Taiwan R.O.C ... ]


與Qishan Sugar Factory Ice Treats Shop同分類的台灣糖業公司旅遊景點


地址: 花蓮縣光復鄉大進村糖廠街19號 | 區域: 花東 | 飯店介紹: | 促銷好康: | 景點介紹: 花蓮觀光糖廠生產有一系列的消暑冰品,水源取自馬錫山純淨無污染的天然山泉水,以及花東縱谷在地生產的新鮮乳品等新鮮食材,經過數十年的口碑累積,提供多樣化的口味選擇,有口感滑順濃郁的冰淇淋、還有透心涼的冰棒...


地址: | 區域: 花東 | 飯店介紹: | 促銷好康: | 景點介紹: 建物は鉄筋コンクリート構造で、主に砂糖の貯蔵を目的とした倉庫があり、第一倉庫から第五倉庫・中央倉庫の他に、材料倉庫・肥料倉庫及び機械収納専用の倉庫がありました。 これらの倉庫は商品の積み下ろしをしやす...

Xihu Sugar Refinery’s Sugar Train Sto

地址: No. 762, Sec. 2, Zhangshui Rd., Xihu Township, Changhua County 514007, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | 區域: Central Taiwan (Taichung and Changhua) | 飯店介紹: | 促銷好康: | 景點介紹: Located at the Railway Culture Area, and it was put into service from 2003. It has an inter-embedde...


地址: 臺中市后里區甲后路二段 350 號 | 區域: 中彰 | 飯店介紹: | 促銷好康: | 景點介紹: 目前煙囪及囪底隧道興建於西元1939(昭和14)年,由大日本製糖株式會社所建,位於鍋爐室後方,為糖廠歷經西元1935(昭和10)年關刀山大地震後將原位於如今修護所後方原址遷移至現址後重新建造。煙囪原基...


地址: 花蓮縣光復鄉大進村糖廠街19號 | 區域: 花東 | 飯店介紹: | 促銷好康: | 景點介紹: 曾經為光復原料區、工會、政風等辦公室,許多製片廠商、導演經常指定,作為拍片現場的道景屋。為屋頂採四斜面水泥瓦構造之建築結構,美侖美奐,室內用橫拉式氣窗(無雙窗)裝置,室外台基用花格磚通風,房屋四周斜撐...

Le Ark Cocina 方舟音樂餐廳

地址: 臺東縣臺東市中興路二段191號 | 區域: 花東 | 飯店介紹: | 促銷好康: | 景點介紹:

於歷史建築台東台糖文創園區,以後現代主義解構概念及現代人視覺型態,創造跨域藝術平台,將各領域藝術摩擦、共融,產生新的藝術形式:結合交響樂團、AI生成沈浸式投影、燈光音響、Fine Dining ...


地址: 臺東縣臺東市中興路二段191號 | 區域: 花東 | 飯店介紹: | 促銷好康: | 景點介紹:



地址: 臺東縣臺東市中興路二段191號 | 區域: 花東 | 飯店介紹: | 促銷好康: | 景點介紹:

深黑義法餐酒館,製糖時期是大秤量所,現今成為園區內獨具一格的義法餐酒館,晚上會有live表演,用餐氣氛極佳。此外,深黑的老闆簡志勳先生是鐵花村著名餐廳「天地人居酒屋」的創始人喔! 深黑團隊自20...

Xihu Sugar Refinery’s Ecological Pond

地址: No. 762, Sec. 2, Zhangshui Rd., Xihu Township, Changhua County 514007, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | 區域: Central Taiwan (Taichung and Changhua) | 飯店介紹: | 促銷好康: | 景點介紹: Located at the Outdoor Activity Area, it is the sewage processing pond of the sugar refinery which i...

Hualien Sugar Factory’s Cultural Exhibition Room

地址: No. 19, Tangchang St., Guangfu Township, Hualien County 976002, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | 區域: Eastern Taiwan | 飯店介紹: | 促銷好康: | 景點介紹: Hualien Sugar Factory’s Cultural Exhibition Room was founded on February 7, 2007. Since its op...


地址: 屏東縣南州鄉溪北村永安路1號 | 區域: 高屏 | 飯店介紹: | 促銷好康: | 景點介紹: 廠區內的花卉區內,農曆春節期間,種植大批波斯菊與向日葵,盛開期間,百花齊放,爭妍鬥麗,展現一大片令人目不暇給的花海盛景。遊客可以利用春節及例假日,前往賞花。


地址: 臺東縣臺東市中興路二段191號 | 區域: 花東 | 飯店介紹: | 促銷好康: | 景點介紹:


Xihu Sugar Refinery’s Sugar Train Stop

地址: No. 762, Sec. 2, Zhangshui Rd., Xihu Township, Changhua County 514007, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | 區域: Central Taiwan (Taichung and Changhua) | 飯店介紹: | 促銷好康: | 景點介紹: Located at the Railway Culture Area, and it was put into service from 2003. It has an inter-embedde...


地址: 彰化縣溪湖鎮大竹里彰水路2段762號 | 區域: 中彰 | 飯店介紹: | 促銷好康: | 景點介紹:



地址: 花蓮縣光復鄉大進村糖廠街19號 | 區域: 花東 | 飯店介紹: | 促銷好康: | 景點介紹: 從日治時期迄今,糖廠內的員工都會撐場區內的所有鐵道路線為構內線(閩南語發音,或稱廠內線),它是一種統稱。大正10年(1921年)鹽水港製糖株式會社開始鋪設大和工場所屬鐵道路線。根據民國66年(1977...


地址: 花蓮縣光復鄉大進村糖廠街19號 | 區域: 花東 | 飯店介紹: | 促銷好康: | 景點介紹: 花蓮觀光糖廠生產有一系列的消暑冰品,水源取自馬錫山純淨無污染的天然山泉水,以及花東縱谷在地生產的新鮮乳品等新鮮食材,經過數十年的口碑累積,提供多樣化的口味選擇,有口感滑順濃郁的冰淇淋、還有透心涼的冰棒...


地址: | 區域: 花東 | 飯店介紹: | 促銷好康: | 景點介紹: 建物は鉄筋コンクリート構造で、主に砂糖の貯蔵を目的とした倉庫があり、第一倉庫から第五倉庫・中央倉庫の他に、材料倉庫・肥料倉庫及び機械収納専用の倉庫がありました。 これらの倉庫は商品の積み下ろしをしやす...

Xihu Sugar Refinery’s Sugar Train Sto

地址: No. 762, Sec. 2, Zhangshui Rd., Xihu Township, Changhua County 514007, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | 區域: Central Taiwan (Taichung and Changhua) | 飯店介紹: | 促銷好康: | 景點介紹: Located at the Railway Culture Area, and it was put into service from 2003. It has an inter-embedde...


地址: 臺中市后里區甲后路二段 350 號 | 區域: 中彰 | 飯店介紹: | 促銷好康: | 景點介紹: 目前煙囪及囪底隧道興建於西元1939(昭和14)年,由大日本製糖株式會社所建,位於鍋爐室後方,為糖廠歷經西元1935(昭和10)年關刀山大地震後將原位於如今修護所後方原址遷移至現址後重新建造。煙囪原基...


地址: 花蓮縣光復鄉大進村糖廠街19號 | 區域: 花東 | 飯店介紹: | 促銷好康: | 景點介紹: 曾經為光復原料區、工會、政風等辦公室,許多製片廠商、導演經常指定,作為拍片現場的道景屋。為屋頂採四斜面水泥瓦構造之建築結構,美侖美奐,室內用橫拉式氣窗(無雙窗)裝置,室外台基用花格磚通風,房屋四周斜撐...

Le Ark Cocina 方舟音樂餐廳

地址: 臺東縣臺東市中興路二段191號 | 區域: 花東 | 飯店介紹: | 促銷好康: | 景點介紹:

於歷史建築台東台糖文創園區,以後現代主義解構概念及現代人視覺型態,創造跨域藝術平台,將各領域藝術摩擦、共融,產生新的藝術形式:結合交響樂團、AI生成沈浸式投影、燈光音響、Fine Dining ...


地址: 臺東縣臺東市中興路二段191號 | 區域: 花東 | 飯店介紹: | 促銷好康: | 景點介紹:



地址: 臺東縣臺東市中興路二段191號 | 區域: 花東 | 飯店介紹: | 促銷好康: | 景點介紹:

深黑義法餐酒館,製糖時期是大秤量所,現今成為園區內獨具一格的義法餐酒館,晚上會有live表演,用餐氣氛極佳。此外,深黑的老闆簡志勳先生是鐵花村著名餐廳「天地人居酒屋」的創始人喔! 深黑團隊自20...

Xihu Sugar Refinery’s Ecological Pond

地址: No. 762, Sec. 2, Zhangshui Rd., Xihu Township, Changhua County 514007, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | 區域: Central Taiwan (Taichung and Changhua) | 飯店介紹: | 促銷好康: | 景點介紹: Located at the Outdoor Activity Area, it is the sewage processing pond of the sugar refinery which i...

Hualien Sugar Factory’s Cultural Exhibition Room

地址: No. 19, Tangchang St., Guangfu Township, Hualien County 976002, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | 區域: Eastern Taiwan | 飯店介紹: | 促銷好康: | 景點介紹: Hualien Sugar Factory’s Cultural Exhibition Room was founded on February 7, 2007. Since its op...


地址: 屏東縣南州鄉溪北村永安路1號 | 區域: 高屏 | 飯店介紹: | 促銷好康: | 景點介紹: 廠區內的花卉區內,農曆春節期間,種植大批波斯菊與向日葵,盛開期間,百花齊放,爭妍鬥麗,展現一大片令人目不暇給的花海盛景。遊客可以利用春節及例假日,前往賞花。


地址: 臺東縣臺東市中興路二段191號 | 區域: 花東 | 飯店介紹: | 促銷好康: | 景點介紹:


Xihu Sugar Refinery’s Sugar Train Stop

地址: No. 762, Sec. 2, Zhangshui Rd., Xihu Township, Changhua County 514007, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | 區域: Central Taiwan (Taichung and Changhua) | 飯店介紹: | 促銷好康: | 景點介紹: Located at the Railway Culture Area, and it was put into service from 2003. It has an inter-embedde...


地址: 彰化縣溪湖鎮大竹里彰水路2段762號 | 區域: 中彰 | 飯店介紹: | 促銷好康: | 景點介紹:



地址: 花蓮縣光復鄉大進村糖廠街19號 | 區域: 花東 | 飯店介紹: | 促銷好康: | 景點介紹: 從日治時期迄今,糖廠內的員工都會撐場區內的所有鐵道路線為構內線(閩南語發音,或稱廠內線),它是一種統稱。大正10年(1921年)鹽水港製糖株式會社開始鋪設大和工場所屬鐵道路線。根據民國66年(1977...
