proof of use
- 商標專有名詞中英對照 @ 經濟部智慧財產局

商標英文專有名詞proof of use的商標中文專有名詞是使用證據, 序號是446.

商標英文專有名詞proof of use




proof of use



根據名稱 proof of use 找到的相關資料

(以下顯示 8 筆) (或要:直接搜尋所有 proof of use ...)


執行單位: 資策會 | 產出年度: 98 | 產出單位: 資策會 | 計畫名稱: 服務導向機台開放平台軟體發展計畫 | 領域: 電資通光 | 技術規格: 1. 提供主機虛擬化平台,集中化管理、操作自動化、資源最佳 2. 提供移轉使用中的虛擬主機至不同的實體硬體 3. 提供資源使用狀態監控功能 4. 節省主機配置時間 5. 可靠性-能夠即時完整移轉執行中... | 潛力預估: 1.研發虛擬資料中心技術,引領IDC產業進入 Resource On Demand (類似Amazon EC2)新境界,提供IDC 產業創新優質應用與服務。 2.研發綠能與自動化電能節能技術,提升系統...

@ 經濟部產業技術司可移轉技術資料集

Hualien Sugar Factory Dormitory Group 3- Hualien Sugar Factory Staff Dormitory (C-type Staff Dormito...

地址: | 區域: 花東 | 飯店介紹: | 促銷好康: | 景點介紹: Hualien Sugar Factory Staff Dormitory No. 1, 3, No. 5 and No. 7 staff dormitories were built in 1922...

@ 台灣糖業公司旅遊景點


Name: CHIFONG JIBEI OCEAN CASTLE PARADISE | Telephone: 886-6-9911111 | Address: No.182-15, Jibei, Baisha Township, Penghu County 884, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: 1. The only environmentally-friendly green building hotel to use steel structure, wood cement board ... | Serivce Information: Bike friendly accommodatio | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 0、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0

@ 旅館民宿(英文版)-觀光資訊資料庫


Name: CHIFONG JIBEI OCEAN CASTLE PARADISE | Telephone: 886-6-9911111 | Address: No.182-15, Jibei, Baisha Township, Penghu County 884, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: 1. The only environmentally-friendly green building hotel to use steel structure, wood cement board ... | Serivce Information: Bike friendly accommodation | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 0、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0

@ 旅館民宿(英文版)-觀光資訊資料庫


Name: CHANCE HOTEL | Telephone: 886-4-22297161 | Address: No.163, Jianguo Rd., Central Dist., Taichung City 400, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: 2 | Description: Located near the transportation hub of Taichung, Taichung Railway Station, CHANCE HOTEL is only a 5-... | Serivce Information: restaurant,Wi-Fi,National travel card,Assessible room,,,, | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 4、Motorcycle 10、Truck 0

@ 旅館民宿(英文版)-觀光資訊資料庫


Name: - | Telephone: 886-4-22296151 | Address: No.5, Sec. 1, Shuangshi Rd., Central Dist., Taichung City 400, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: 2 | Description: Palmer King Hotel is near the Taichung Railway Station (6 minutes' of walk). You can go to Jiguang S... | Serivce Information: | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 11、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0

@ 旅館民宿(英文版)-觀光資訊資料庫


Name: CHANCE HOTEL | Telephone: 886-4-22297161 | Address: No.163, Jianguo Rd., Central Dist., Taichung City 400, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: 2 | Description: Located near the transportation hub of Taichung, Taichung Railway Station, CHANCE HOTEL is only a 5-... | Serivce Information: restaurant,Wi-Fi,National travel card,Assessible room,,,, | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 4、Motorcycle 10、Truck 0

@ 旅館民宿(英文版)-觀光資訊資料庫


Name: Palmer Hotel | Telephone: 886-4-22296151 | Address: No.5, Sec. 1, Shuangshi Rd., Central Dist., Taichung City 400, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: 2 | Description: Palmer King Hotel is near the Taichung Railway Station (6 minutes' of walk). You can go to Jigua... | Serivce Information: Assessible room,,,, | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 11、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0

@ 旅館民宿(英文版)-觀光資訊資料庫


執行單位: 資策會 | 產出年度: 98 | 產出單位: 資策會 | 計畫名稱: 服務導向機台開放平台軟體發展計畫 | 領域: 電資通光 | 技術規格: 1. 提供主機虛擬化平台,集中化管理、操作自動化、資源最佳 2. 提供移轉使用中的虛擬主機至不同的實體硬體 3. 提供資源使用狀態監控功能 4. 節省主機配置時間 5. 可靠性-能夠即時完整移轉執行中... | 潛力預估: 1.研發虛擬資料中心技術,引領IDC產業進入 Resource On Demand (類似Amazon EC2)新境界,提供IDC 產業創新優質應用與服務。 2.研發綠能與自動化電能節能技術,提升系統...

@ 經濟部產業技術司可移轉技術資料集

Hualien Sugar Factory Dormitory Group 3- Hualien Sugar Factory Staff Dormitory (C-type Staff Dormito...

地址: | 區域: 花東 | 飯店介紹: | 促銷好康: | 景點介紹: Hualien Sugar Factory Staff Dormitory No. 1, 3, No. 5 and No. 7 staff dormitories were built in 1922...

@ 台灣糖業公司旅遊景點


Name: CHIFONG JIBEI OCEAN CASTLE PARADISE | Telephone: 886-6-9911111 | Address: No.182-15, Jibei, Baisha Township, Penghu County 884, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: 1. The only environmentally-friendly green building hotel to use steel structure, wood cement board ... | Serivce Information: Bike friendly accommodatio | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 0、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0

@ 旅館民宿(英文版)-觀光資訊資料庫


Name: CHIFONG JIBEI OCEAN CASTLE PARADISE | Telephone: 886-6-9911111 | Address: No.182-15, Jibei, Baisha Township, Penghu County 884, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: 1. The only environmentally-friendly green building hotel to use steel structure, wood cement board ... | Serivce Information: Bike friendly accommodation | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 0、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0

@ 旅館民宿(英文版)-觀光資訊資料庫


Name: CHANCE HOTEL | Telephone: 886-4-22297161 | Address: No.163, Jianguo Rd., Central Dist., Taichung City 400, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: 2 | Description: Located near the transportation hub of Taichung, Taichung Railway Station, CHANCE HOTEL is only a 5-... | Serivce Information: restaurant,Wi-Fi,National travel card,Assessible room,,,, | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 4、Motorcycle 10、Truck 0

@ 旅館民宿(英文版)-觀光資訊資料庫


Name: - | Telephone: 886-4-22296151 | Address: No.5, Sec. 1, Shuangshi Rd., Central Dist., Taichung City 400, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: 2 | Description: Palmer King Hotel is near the Taichung Railway Station (6 minutes' of walk). You can go to Jiguang S... | Serivce Information: | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 11、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0

@ 旅館民宿(英文版)-觀光資訊資料庫


Name: CHANCE HOTEL | Telephone: 886-4-22297161 | Address: No.163, Jianguo Rd., Central Dist., Taichung City 400, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: 2 | Description: Located near the transportation hub of Taichung, Taichung Railway Station, CHANCE HOTEL is only a 5-... | Serivce Information: restaurant,Wi-Fi,National travel card,Assessible room,,,, | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 4、Motorcycle 10、Truck 0

@ 旅館民宿(英文版)-觀光資訊資料庫


Name: Palmer Hotel | Telephone: 886-4-22296151 | Address: No.5, Sec. 1, Shuangshi Rd., Central Dist., Taichung City 400, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: 2 | Description: Palmer King Hotel is near the Taichung Railway Station (6 minutes' of walk). You can go to Jigua... | Serivce Information: Assessible room,,,, | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 11、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0

@ 旅館民宿(英文版)-觀光資訊資料庫

[ 搜尋所有 proof of use ... ]


與proof of use同分類的商標專有名詞中英對照

identification of goods or services

商標中文專有名詞: 商品及服務之認定 | 序號: 279


商標中文專有名詞: 受讓人 | 序號: 41

Lanham Act

商標中文專有名詞: 藍能法 | 序號: 337

to go through the opposition period

商標中文專有名詞: 經過異議期間 | 序號: 387


商標中文專有名詞: 名譽、聲譽 | 序號: 213


商標中文專有名詞: 責任;負擔 | 序號: 54

international registration(IR)

商標中文專有名詞: 國際註冊 | 序號: 318

defensive mark

商標中文專有名詞: 防護商標 | 序號: 136

Power of Attorney

商標中文專有名詞: 委任狀 | 序號: 413


商標中文專有名詞: 證明 | 序號: 334

“A collective mark is a mark used by the members of a cooperative, an Association of other collectiv...

商標中文專有名詞: 團體標章”係指由合作機構、社團或其他集合團體或組織之成員所使用之商標或服務標章。 | 序號: 83

Typed form

商標中文專有名詞: 打字形式(指商標係以打字形式表現) | 序號: 576


商標中文專有名詞: 可用的、可實行的 | 序號: 217


商標中文專有名詞: 履行、完成 | 序號: 283

cause confusion

商標中文專有名詞: 發生混淆 | 序號: 106

identification of goods or services

商標中文專有名詞: 商品及服務之認定 | 序號: 279


商標中文專有名詞: 受讓人 | 序號: 41

Lanham Act

商標中文專有名詞: 藍能法 | 序號: 337

to go through the opposition period

商標中文專有名詞: 經過異議期間 | 序號: 387


商標中文專有名詞: 名譽、聲譽 | 序號: 213


商標中文專有名詞: 責任;負擔 | 序號: 54

international registration(IR)

商標中文專有名詞: 國際註冊 | 序號: 318

defensive mark

商標中文專有名詞: 防護商標 | 序號: 136

Power of Attorney

商標中文專有名詞: 委任狀 | 序號: 413


商標中文專有名詞: 證明 | 序號: 334

“A collective mark is a mark used by the members of a cooperative, an Association of other collectiv...

商標中文專有名詞: 團體標章”係指由合作機構、社團或其他集合團體或組織之成員所使用之商標或服務標章。 | 序號: 83

Typed form

商標中文專有名詞: 打字形式(指商標係以打字形式表現) | 序號: 576


商標中文專有名詞: 可用的、可實行的 | 序號: 217


商標中文專有名詞: 履行、完成 | 序號: 283

cause confusion

商標中文專有名詞: 發生混淆 | 序號: 106
