- 旅館民宿(英文版)-觀光資訊資料庫 @ 交通部觀光署

Mandarin Name山泉大飯店的Name是Sun Spring Resort, Telephone是886-3-9887979, Address是No.36, Sec. 6, Jiaoxi Rd., Jiaoxi Township, Yilan County 262, Taiwan (R.O.C.), Description是Sun Spring Resort is a leisure resort hotel located in Jiaoxi (Jiaosi), Yilan. All safety measures and facilities adhere to the strictest standards ma..., Serivce Information是restaurant,meeting room,cafe',banquet,Wi-Fi,parking lot,hot spring,,,,pick-up service,bicycle rental,mobile payment,nursing room,AED,,,Bike friendly a..., Parking Information是Parking Space:Car 40、Motorcycle 30、Truck 5.


NameSun Spring Resort
Mandarin Name山泉大飯店
DescriptionSun Spring Resort is a leisure resort hotel located in Jiaoxi (Jiaosi), Yilan. All safety measures and facilities adhere to the strictest standards mandated by the government. Sun Spring Resort is located eight-minute-walk away from the Jiaoxi train station. The hotel is facing mountains with its back facing Lanyang Plain. The hotel is conveniently located among a number of popular attraction points including Jiaoxi Park, Jiaoxi swimming pool, hiking trails, and so on. The hotel's back is facing Turtle Island with a magnificent view.Every room in Sun Spring Resort has hot springs. The hotel has a public hot spring spa pool, two outdoor naked hot spring pools, two indoor naked hot spring pools, free Chinese Western breakfast buffet for guests, delicious and healthy combination meals, free bicycle rental, free binocular rental, free parking, free transportation from and to the Jiaoxi train station for guests.At the top floor you can overlook the magnificent view of Jiaoxi, Yilan. The restaurants can double as conference rooms and places to host various activities such as a birthday party and a business dinner. The hotel has a game room for rent and full body massage with oil for purchase. You can access WiFi anywhere in the hotel.
AddressNo.36, Sec. 6, Jiaoxi Rd., Jiaoxi Township, Yilan County 262, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
RegionYilan County
TownJiaoxi Townshi
Picture 1 Description(空)
Picture 2 Description(空)
Picture 3 Description(空)
SpecDouble5800;Double5800;Suite8200;Double(Assessible room)5800;Suite12000
Serivce Informationrestaurant,meeting room,cafe',banquet,Wi-Fi,parking lot,hot spring,,,,pick-up service,bicycle rental,mobile payment,nursing room,AED,,,Bike friendly accommodatio
Parking InformationParking Space:Car 40、Motorcycle 30、Truck 5
Total Number of Rooms146
Lowest Price4600
Hightest Price12000
Total Number of People292
Accessibility Rooms0
Public Toilets(空)
Lifting Equipment(空)
Parking Space75




Sun Spring Resort

Mandarin Name



Sun Spring Resort is a leisure resort hotel located in Jiaoxi (Jiaosi), Yilan. All safety measures and facilities adhere to the strictest standards mandated by the government. Sun Spring Resort is located eight-minute-walk away from the Jiaoxi train station. The hotel is facing mountains with its back facing Lanyang Plain. The hotel is conveniently located among a number of popular attraction points including Jiaoxi Park, Jiaoxi swimming pool, hiking trails, and so on. The hotel's back is facing Turtle Island with a magnificent view.Every room in Sun Spring Resort has hot springs. The hotel has a public hot spring spa pool, two outdoor naked hot spring pools, two indoor naked hot spring pools, free Chinese Western breakfast buffet for guests, delicious and healthy combination meals, free bicycle rental, free binocular rental, free parking, free transportation from and to the Jiaoxi train station for guests.At the top floor you can overlook the magnificent view of Jiaoxi, Yilan. The restaurants can double as conference rooms and places to host various activities such as a birthday party and a business dinner. The hotel has a game room for rent and full body massage with oil for purchase. You can access WiFi anywhere in the hotel.




No.36, Sec. 6, Jiaoxi Rd., Jiaoxi Township, Yilan County 262, Taiwan (R.O.C.)




Yilan County


Jiaoxi Townshi











Picture 1 Description




Picture 2 Description




Picture 3 Description











Double5800;Double5800;Suite8200;Double(Assessible room)5800;Suite12000

Serivce Information

restaurant,meeting room,cafe',banquet,Wi-Fi,parking lot,hot spring,,,,pick-up service,bicycle rental,mobile payment,nursing room,AED,,,Bike friendly accommodatio

Parking Information

Parking Space:Car 40、Motorcycle 30、Truck 5

Total Number of Rooms


Lowest Price


Hightest Price






Total Number of People


Accessibility Rooms


Public Toilets


Lifting Equipment


Parking Space




山泉大飯店地圖 [ 導航 ]


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# Sun Spring Resort 於 旅館民宿(英文版)-觀光資訊資料庫 - 1

NameSun Spring Resort
Mandarin Name山泉大飯店
DescriptionSun Spring Resort is a leisure resort hotel located in Jiaoxi (Jiaosi), Yilan. All safety measures and facilities adhere to the strictest standards mandated by the government. Sun Spring Resort is located eight-minute-walk away from the Jiaoxi train station. The hotel is facing mountains with its back facing Lanyang Plain. The hotel is conveniently located among a number of popular attraction points including Jiaoxi Park, Jiaoxi swimming pool, hiking trails, and so on. The hotel's back is facing Turtle Island with a magnificent view.Every room in Sun Spring Resort has hot springs. The hotel has a public hot spring spa pool, two outdoor naked hot spring pools, two indoor naked hot spring pools, free Chinese Western breakfast buffet for guests, delicious and healthy combination meals, free bicycle rental, free binocular rental, free parking, free transportation from and to the Jiaoxi train station for guests.At the top floor you can overlook the magnificent view of Jiaoxi, Yilan. The restaurants can double as conference rooms and places to host various activities such as a birthday party and a business dinner. The hotel has a game room for rent and full body massage with oil for purchase. You can access WiFi anywhere in the hotel.
AddressNo.36, Sec. 6, Jiaoxi Rd., Jiaoxi Township, Yilan County 262, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
RegionYilan County
TownJiaoxi Townshi
Picture 1 Description(空)
Picture 2 Description(空)
Picture 3 Description(空)
SpecDouble5800;Double5800;Suite8200;Double(Assessible room)5800;Suite12000
Serivce Informationrestaurant,meeting room,cafe',banquet,Wi-Fi,parking lot,hot spring,,,,pick-up service,bicycle rental,mobile payment,nursing room,AED,,,Bike friendly accommodatio
Parking InformationParking Space:Car 40、Motorcycle 30、Truck 5
Total Number of Rooms146
Lowest Price4600
Hightest Price12000
Total Number of People292
Accessibility Rooms0
Public Toilets(空)
Lifting Equipment(空)
Parking Space75
Id: E4_A15010000H_004225
Name: Sun Spring Resort
Mandarin Name: 山泉大飯店
Description: Sun Spring Resort is a leisure resort hotel located in Jiaoxi (Jiaosi), Yilan. All safety measures and facilities adhere to the strictest standards mandated by the government. Sun Spring Resort is located eight-minute-walk away from the Jiaoxi train station. The hotel is facing mountains with its back facing Lanyang Plain. The hotel is conveniently located among a number of popular attraction points including Jiaoxi Park, Jiaoxi swimming pool, hiking trails, and so on. The hotel's back is facing Turtle Island with a magnificent view.Every room in Sun Spring Resort has hot springs. The hotel has a public hot spring spa pool, two outdoor naked hot spring pools, two indoor naked hot spring pools, free Chinese Western breakfast buffet for guests, delicious and healthy combination meals, free bicycle rental, free binocular rental, free parking, free transportation from and to the Jiaoxi train station for guests.At the top floor you can overlook the magnificent view of Jiaoxi, Yilan. The restaurants can double as conference rooms and places to host various activities such as a birthday party and a business dinner. The hotel has a game room for rent and full body massage with oil for purchase. You can access WiFi anywhere in the hotel.
Grade: (空)
Address: No.36, Sec. 6, Jiaoxi Rd., Jiaoxi Township, Yilan County 262, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Zipcode: 262
Region: Yilan County
Town: Jiaoxi Townshi
Telephone: 886-3-9887979
Fax: 886-3-9880066
Gov: A15010000H
Website: http://www.sunspring-resort.com.tw
Picture1: https://taiwan.taiwanstay.net.tw/twpic/19935.jpg
Picture 1 Description: (空)
Picture2: https://taiwan.taiwanstay.net.tw/twpic/28133.JPG
Picture 2 Description: (空)
Picture3: https://taiwan.taiwanstay.net.tw/twpic/32773.jpg
Picture 3 Description: (空)
Longitude: 121.778110
Latitude: 24.830705
Class: 2
Map: (空)
Spec: Double5800;Double5800;Suite8200;Double(Assessible room)5800;Suite12000
Serivce Information: restaurant,meeting room,cafe',banquet,Wi-Fi,parking lot,hot spring,,,,pick-up service,bicycle rental,mobile payment,nursing room,AED,,,Bike friendly accommodatio
Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 40、Motorcycle 30、Truck 5
Total Number of Rooms: 146
Lowest Price: 4600
Hightest Price: 12000
TaiwanHost: 0
Email: ervices@sunspring-resort.com.tw
Total Number of People: 292
Accessibility Rooms: 0
Public Toilets: (空)
Lifting Equipment: (空)
Parking Space: 75

# Sun Spring Resort 於 旅館民宿(日文版)-觀光資訊資料庫 - 2

Name山泉大飯店 サンスプリング リゾート
Description台湾交通部観光局認定の観光ホテルとして、山泉飯店(Sun Spring Resort, サンスプリングリゾート)は宜蘭縣の礁溪溫泉區に位置しています。防災器具を始め、国家標準安全基準を満たしたセキュリティーシステムを完備しております。礁溪駅からおよそ徒歩8分。礁溪公園に面しており、ホテル後方からは亀山島を一見できます。各部屋の浴室では温泉からのお湯がご利用できます。マッサージ機能のついた、広い屋外のスパも利用できます。男性用、女性用の室内、屋外大浴場も4つあります。中華、西洋料理などの朝食が含まれています。(宿泊者に限ります)健康に気を使うお客様のための精進料理も格安でご用意できます。ドクターフィッシュフットスパ。温泉の地域を訪問するために無料のレンタル自転車を提供しています。屋上にて、さまざまな種類の希少な鳥を鑑賞することができます。約1,000坪の面積の庭の無料駐車場があります。礁溪駅に往復シャトルバスを無料で提供しています。(予約必要)ホテルの屋上には、亀の日の出という宜蘭の最高の景色を楽しむことができます。ホテルは、レストラン2軒では40テーブルの合計を収容することができ、結婚式の会場として使用することができます。ホテルは、会議会場を装備し約150人を収容することができます。ホテルには旅行者のための利用可能なチェスルームのレンタルがあります。沐泉スパルームはエッセンシャルオイルアロマセラピーのコースを提供しています。ホテルでは、無線インターネットアクセスをご利用いただけます。屋上の展望台は宜蘭の美しい景色を楽しむことができます。山泉饭店系宜兰礁溪,隶属交通部观光局的观光饭店,各项安全措施及消防设备,均具国家标准。位于礁溪火车站旁,下车后至本饭店步行约8 分钟。饭店面山背兰阳平原,面对礁溪公园,背面可远眺龟山岛,景色怡人。房房均有滚烫的温泉,2 大户外成人及儿童SPA 池,有各项冲激按摩设备,4 个室内、户外男女汤可以裸浴,中西式自助早餐免费供应住客,备有精致养生套餐,廉价供应,最新引进温泉鱼足浴SPA,让小鱼亲亲双足,免费提供脚踏车,可逛礁溪温泉区,备有望远镜可赏鸟,1,000 坪免费花园停车场,事前预约可免费接送礁溪车站。顶楼可欣赏兰阳第一景-龟山朝日,2 个餐厅可做喜宴场地,共可容纳40 桌,备有可容纳150 人左右的会议场地,备有桥棋艺室可供租用,沐泉Spa Room 提供全身精油放松芳疗。一楼咖啡厅可无线上网,所有客房都备有有线网路,柜台提供WiFi 机台,还有半开放式渔歌星空餐厅,醇酒、美景尽收眼底。
Specダブル (ツイン)5800;ダブル (ツイン)5800;スイート8200;ダブル (ツイン)(バリアフリーの部屋)5800;スイート12000
ParkinginfoParking Space:Car 40、Motorcycle 30、Truck 5
Id: J4_315080000H_004225
Name: 山泉大飯店 サンスプリング リゾート
Name_c: 山泉大飯店
Description: 台湾交通部観光局認定の観光ホテルとして、山泉飯店(Sun Spring Resort, サンスプリングリゾート)は宜蘭縣の礁溪溫泉區に位置しています。防災器具を始め、国家標準安全基準を満たしたセキュリティーシステムを完備しております。礁溪駅からおよそ徒歩8分。礁溪公園に面しており、ホテル後方からは亀山島を一見できます。各部屋の浴室では温泉からのお湯がご利用できます。マッサージ機能のついた、広い屋外のスパも利用できます。男性用、女性用の室内、屋外大浴場も4つあります。中華、西洋料理などの朝食が含まれています。(宿泊者に限ります)健康に気を使うお客様のための精進料理も格安でご用意できます。ドクターフィッシュフットスパ。温泉の地域を訪問するために無料のレンタル自転車を提供しています。屋上にて、さまざまな種類の希少な鳥を鑑賞することができます。約1,000坪の面積の庭の無料駐車場があります。礁溪駅に往復シャトルバスを無料で提供しています。(予約必要)ホテルの屋上には、亀の日の出という宜蘭の最高の景色を楽しむことができます。ホテルは、レストラン2軒では40テーブルの合計を収容することができ、結婚式の会場として使用することができます。ホテルは、会議会場を装備し約150人を収容することができます。ホテルには旅行者のための利用可能なチェスルームのレンタルがあります。沐泉スパルームはエッセンシャルオイルアロマセラピーのコースを提供しています。ホテルでは、無線インターネットアクセスをご利用いただけます。屋上の展望台は宜蘭の美しい景色を楽しむことができます。山泉饭店系宜兰礁溪,隶属交通部观光局的观光饭店,各项安全措施及消防设备,均具国家标准。位于礁溪火车站旁,下车后至本饭店步行约8 分钟。饭店面山背兰阳平原,面对礁溪公园,背面可远眺龟山岛,景色怡人。房房均有滚烫的温泉,2 大户外成人及儿童SPA 池,有各项冲激按摩设备,4 个室内、户外男女汤可以裸浴,中西式自助早餐免费供应住客,备有精致养生套餐,廉价供应,最新引进温泉鱼足浴SPA,让小鱼亲亲双足,免费提供脚踏车,可逛礁溪温泉区,备有望远镜可赏鸟,1,000 坪免费花园停车场,事前预约可免费接送礁溪车站。顶楼可欣赏兰阳第一景-龟山朝日,2 个餐厅可做喜宴场地,共可容纳40 桌,备有可容纳150 人左右的会议场地,备有桥棋艺室可供租用,沐泉Spa Room 提供全身精油放松芳疗。一楼咖啡厅可无线上网,所有客房都备有有线网路,柜台提供WiFi 机台,还有半开放式渔歌星空餐厅,醇酒、美景尽收眼底。
Grade: (空)
Add: 宜蘭県礁渓郷礁渓路六段36号
Zipcode: 262
Region: 宜蘭県
Town: 礁渓郷
Tel: 886-3-9887979
Fax: 886-3-9880066
Gov: 315080000H
Website: http://www.sunspring-resort.com.tw
Picture1: https://taiwan.taiwanstay.net.tw/twpic/19935.jpg
Picdescribe1: 露天溫泉spa池,提供親子遊憩之處。
Picture2: https://taiwan.taiwanstay.net.tw/twpic/28133.JPG
Picdescribe2: 礁溪山泉大飯店大廳
Picture3: https://taiwan.taiwanstay.net.tw/twpic/32773.jpg
Picdescribe3: 日是男女裸湯
Px: 121.77811
Py: 24.830705
Class: 2
Map: (空)
Spec: ダブル (ツイン)5800;ダブル (ツイン)5800;スイート8200;ダブル (ツイン)(バリアフリーの部屋)5800;スイート12000
Serviceinfo: レストラン,会議室,カフェ,宴会場,無線LAN,駐車場,温泉,,,,送迎サービス,レンタル自転車,スマホ決済,授乳室,AED,,,自転車フレンドリー旅宿
Parkinginfo: Parking Space:Car 40、Motorcycle 30、Truck 5
TotalNumberofRooms: 146
LowestPrice: 4600
CeilingPrice: 12000
TaiwanHost: 0
IndustryEmail: ervices@sunspring-resort.com.tw
TotalNumberofPeople: 292
AccessibilityRooms: 0
PublicToilets: (空)
LiftingEquipment: (空)
ParkingSpace: 75

# Sun Spring Resort 於 旅館民宿(日文版)-觀光資訊資料庫 - 3

Name山泉大飯店 サンスプリング リゾート
Description台湾交通部観光局認定の観光ホテルとして、山泉飯店(Sun Spring Resort, サンスプリングリゾート)は宜蘭縣の礁溪溫泉區に位置しています。防災器具を始め、国家標準安全基準を満たしたセキュリティーシステムを完備しております。礁溪駅からおよそ徒歩8分。礁溪公園に面しており、ホテル後方からは亀山島を一見できます。各部屋の浴室では温泉からのお湯がご利用できます。マッサージ機能のついた、広い屋外のスパも利用できます。男性用、女性用の室内、屋外大浴場も4つあります。中華、西洋料理などの朝食が含まれています。(宿泊者に限ります)健康に気を使うお客様のための精進料理も格安でご用意できます。ドクターフィッシュフットスパ。温泉の地域を訪問するために無料のレンタル自転車を提供しています。屋上にて、さまざまな種類の希少な鳥を鑑賞することができます。約1,000坪の面積の庭の無料駐車場があります。礁溪駅に往復シャトルバスを無料で提供しています。(予約必要)ホテルの屋上には、亀の日の出という宜蘭の最高の景色を楽しむことができます。ホテルは、レストラン2軒では40テーブルの合計を収容することができ、結婚式の会場として使用することができます。ホテルは、会議会場を装備し約150人を収容することができます。ホテルには旅行者のための利用可能なチェスルームのレンタルがあります。沐泉スパルームはエッセンシャルオイルアロマセラピーのコースを提供しています。ホテルでは、無線インターネットアクセスをご利用いただけます。屋上の展望台は宜蘭の美しい景色を楽しむことができます。山泉饭店系宜兰礁溪,隶属交通部观光局的观光饭店,各项安全措施及消防设备,均具国家标准。位于礁溪火车站旁,下车后至本饭店步行约8 分钟。饭店面山背兰阳平原,面对礁溪公园,背面可远眺龟山岛,景色怡人。房房均有滚烫的温泉,2 大户外成人及儿童SPA 池,有各项冲激按摩设备,4 个室内、户外男女汤可以裸浴,中西式自助早餐免费供应住客,备有精致养生套餐,廉价供应,最新引进温泉鱼足浴SPA,让小鱼亲亲双足,免费提供脚踏车,可逛礁溪温泉区,备有望远镜可赏鸟,1,000 坪免费花园停车场,事前预约可免费接送礁溪车站。顶楼可欣赏兰阳第一景-龟山朝日,2 个餐厅可做喜宴场地,共可容纳40 桌,备有可容纳150 人左右的会议场地,备有桥棋艺室可供租用,沐泉Spa Room 提供全身精油放松芳疗。一楼咖啡厅可无线上网,所有客房都备有有线网路,柜台提供WiFi 机台,还有半开放式渔歌星空餐厅,醇酒、美景尽收眼底。
Specダブル (ツイン)5800;ダブル (ツイン)5800;スイート8200;ダブル (ツイン)(バリアフリーの部屋)5800;スイート12000
ParkinginfoParking Space:Car 40、Motorcycle 30、Truck 5
Id: J4_A15010000H_004225
Name: 山泉大飯店 サンスプリング リゾート
Name_c: 山泉大飯店
Description: 台湾交通部観光局認定の観光ホテルとして、山泉飯店(Sun Spring Resort, サンスプリングリゾート)は宜蘭縣の礁溪溫泉區に位置しています。防災器具を始め、国家標準安全基準を満たしたセキュリティーシステムを完備しております。礁溪駅からおよそ徒歩8分。礁溪公園に面しており、ホテル後方からは亀山島を一見できます。各部屋の浴室では温泉からのお湯がご利用できます。マッサージ機能のついた、広い屋外のスパも利用できます。男性用、女性用の室内、屋外大浴場も4つあります。中華、西洋料理などの朝食が含まれています。(宿泊者に限ります)健康に気を使うお客様のための精進料理も格安でご用意できます。ドクターフィッシュフットスパ。温泉の地域を訪問するために無料のレンタル自転車を提供しています。屋上にて、さまざまな種類の希少な鳥を鑑賞することができます。約1,000坪の面積の庭の無料駐車場があります。礁溪駅に往復シャトルバスを無料で提供しています。(予約必要)ホテルの屋上には、亀の日の出という宜蘭の最高の景色を楽しむことができます。ホテルは、レストラン2軒では40テーブルの合計を収容することができ、結婚式の会場として使用することができます。ホテルは、会議会場を装備し約150人を収容することができます。ホテルには旅行者のための利用可能なチェスルームのレンタルがあります。沐泉スパルームはエッセンシャルオイルアロマセラピーのコースを提供しています。ホテルでは、無線インターネットアクセスをご利用いただけます。屋上の展望台は宜蘭の美しい景色を楽しむことができます。山泉饭店系宜兰礁溪,隶属交通部观光局的观光饭店,各项安全措施及消防设备,均具国家标准。位于礁溪火车站旁,下车后至本饭店步行约8 分钟。饭店面山背兰阳平原,面对礁溪公园,背面可远眺龟山岛,景色怡人。房房均有滚烫的温泉,2 大户外成人及儿童SPA 池,有各项冲激按摩设备,4 个室内、户外男女汤可以裸浴,中西式自助早餐免费供应住客,备有精致养生套餐,廉价供应,最新引进温泉鱼足浴SPA,让小鱼亲亲双足,免费提供脚踏车,可逛礁溪温泉区,备有望远镜可赏鸟,1,000 坪免费花园停车场,事前预约可免费接送礁溪车站。顶楼可欣赏兰阳第一景-龟山朝日,2 个餐厅可做喜宴场地,共可容纳40 桌,备有可容纳150 人左右的会议场地,备有桥棋艺室可供租用,沐泉Spa Room 提供全身精油放松芳疗。一楼咖啡厅可无线上网,所有客房都备有有线网路,柜台提供WiFi 机台,还有半开放式渔歌星空餐厅,醇酒、美景尽收眼底。
Grade: (空)
Add: 宜蘭県礁渓郷礁渓路六段36号
Zipcode: 262
Region: 宜蘭県
Town: 礁渓郷
Tel: 886-3-9887979
Fax: 886-3-9880066
Gov: A15010000H
Website: http://www.sunspring-resort.com.tw
Picture1: https://taiwan.taiwanstay.net.tw/twpic/19935.jpg
Picdescribe1: 露天溫泉spa池,提供親子遊憩之處。
Picture2: https://taiwan.taiwanstay.net.tw/twpic/28133.JPG
Picdescribe2: 礁溪山泉大飯店大廳
Picture3: https://taiwan.taiwanstay.net.tw/twpic/32773.jpg
Picdescribe3: 日是男女裸湯
Px: 121.77811
Py: 24.830705
Class: 2
Map: (空)
Spec: ダブル (ツイン)5800;ダブル (ツイン)5800;スイート8200;ダブル (ツイン)(バリアフリーの部屋)5800;スイート12000
Serviceinfo: レストラン,会議室,カフェ,宴会場,無線LAN,駐車場,温泉,,,,送迎サービス,レンタル自転車,スマホ決済,授乳室,AED,,,自転車フレンドリー旅宿
Parkinginfo: Parking Space:Car 40、Motorcycle 30、Truck 5
TotalNumberofRooms: 146
LowestPrice: 4600
CeilingPrice: 12000
TaiwanHost: 0
IndustryEmail: ervices@sunspring-resort.com.tw
TotalNumberofPeople: 292
AccessibilityRooms: 0
PublicToilets: (空)
LiftingEquipment: (空)
ParkingSpace: 75

# Sun Spring Resort 於 旅館民宿(英文版)-觀光資訊資料庫 - 4

NameFuli Hot Spring Resort
Mandarin Name馥麗溫泉大飯店
DescriptionThe brand image of the Fuli Hot Spring Resort is based on the two Chinese characters that make up its name, “Fu” and “Li”. With room type : CEO Suit, Royal Suite, Assam Suite with Japanese Living Room, Family Suite, Superior Double Twin, Superior Room, all the room carries a minimalist design that accentuates the natural scenery outside its balcony. For a resident with taste and an inclination toward lifestyles of health and sustainability, this room of humanistic culture is for you. Moreover, as you indulge yourself in a nourishing beauty soak, you also receive a beauty treatment that frees your body, mind and soul.Open to Fuli guests year round, our outdoor water facilities include a water amusement area for children, a wading pool, and a hot spring Jacuzzi. Surrounded by the verdancy of Moalan Mountain and fragrance of the green, this is a great spot to enjoy a sun bath and soak up refreshing phytoncides. Our indoor facilities include handcraft activities, chldren’s play room, x-box play room, snooker pool tables, table tennis, table soccer, chess room, KTV, gym, reading room, aroma therapy spa, stone spa, that all make your vacation more exiting.Cheers Banquet Hall: This spacious multi-functional banquet hall is a rarity around Sun Moon Lake area. There are eight private rooms inside the hall with footage between 30 to 50 square meters, and the hall can be partially compartmented or fully open. Imperial Kitchen: Using chef-selected Nantou specials that have come into season, we serve an array of delicacies and creative cross-national cuisines that accord with the 24 solar terms for maximum health benefits. Supreme Room: Simply elegant and well-lit, this conference room can accommodate up to 300 participants. Its height allows a vista of Sun Moon Lake and the surrounding sceneries make this conference hall a luxury. Lunchtea delicatessen: There is provided light meal and all kind of spirituous beverages and soft drinks. Whether making toasts in the company of close friends, or savoring fine moonshine alone, the desires lying deep in your soul will be awakened and released.Open to Fuli guests year round, our outdoor water facilities include a water amusement area for children, a wading pool, and a hot spring Jacuzzi. Surrounded by the verdancy of Moalan Mountain and fragrance of the green, this is a great spot to enjoy a sun bath and soak up refreshing phytoncides. Our indoor facilities include handcraft activities, chldren’s play room, x-box play room, snooker pool tables, table tennis, table soccer, chess room, KTV, gym, reading room, aroma therapy spa, stone spa, that all will make your vacation more exiting.
AddressNo.250-1, Zhongshan Rd., Yuchi Township, Nantou County 555, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
RegionNantou County
TownYuchi Townshi
Picture 1 Description(空)
Picture 2 Description(空)
Picture 3 Description(空)
Serivce Informationrestaurant,meeting room,cafe',bar,banquet,gym,store,swimming pool,Internet,Wi-Fi,iTaiwan WiFi,hot spring,National travel card,parking lot,,,post and telecommunications service,business travel center,valuables depository,indoor playground,pick-up service,bicycle rental,guided tou,experience activities,,Bike friendly accommodatio
Parking InformationParking Space:Car 55、Motorcycle 30、Truck 4
Total Number of Rooms95
Lowest Price18000
Hightest Price50000
Total Number of People226
Accessibility Rooms0
Public Toilets(空)
Lifting Equipment(空)
Parking Space89
Id: E4_315080000H_001471
Name: Fuli Hot Spring Resort
Mandarin Name: 馥麗溫泉大飯店
Description: The brand image of the Fuli Hot Spring Resort is based on the two Chinese characters that make up its name, “Fu” and “Li”. With room type : CEO Suit, Royal Suite, Assam Suite with Japanese Living Room, Family Suite, Superior Double Twin, Superior Room, all the room carries a minimalist design that accentuates the natural scenery outside its balcony. For a resident with taste and an inclination toward lifestyles of health and sustainability, this room of humanistic culture is for you. Moreover, as you indulge yourself in a nourishing beauty soak, you also receive a beauty treatment that frees your body, mind and soul.Open to Fuli guests year round, our outdoor water facilities include a water amusement area for children, a wading pool, and a hot spring Jacuzzi. Surrounded by the verdancy of Moalan Mountain and fragrance of the green, this is a great spot to enjoy a sun bath and soak up refreshing phytoncides. Our indoor facilities include handcraft activities, chldren’s play room, x-box play room, snooker pool tables, table tennis, table soccer, chess room, KTV, gym, reading room, aroma therapy spa, stone spa, that all make your vacation more exiting.Cheers Banquet Hall: This spacious multi-functional banquet hall is a rarity around Sun Moon Lake area. There are eight private rooms inside the hall with footage between 30 to 50 square meters, and the hall can be partially compartmented or fully open. Imperial Kitchen: Using chef-selected Nantou specials that have come into season, we serve an array of delicacies and creative cross-national cuisines that accord with the 24 solar terms for maximum health benefits. Supreme Room: Simply elegant and well-lit, this conference room can accommodate up to 300 participants. Its height allows a vista of Sun Moon Lake and the surrounding sceneries make this conference hall a luxury. Lunchtea delicatessen: There is provided light meal and all kind of spirituous beverages and soft drinks. Whether making toasts in the company of close friends, or savoring fine moonshine alone, the desires lying deep in your soul will be awakened and released.Open to Fuli guests year round, our outdoor water facilities include a water amusement area for children, a wading pool, and a hot spring Jacuzzi. Surrounded by the verdancy of Moalan Mountain and fragrance of the green, this is a great spot to enjoy a sun bath and soak up refreshing phytoncides. Our indoor facilities include handcraft activities, chldren’s play room, x-box play room, snooker pool tables, table tennis, table soccer, chess room, KTV, gym, reading room, aroma therapy spa, stone spa, that all will make your vacation more exiting.
Grade: (空)
Address: No.250-1, Zhongshan Rd., Yuchi Township, Nantou County 555, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Zipcode: 555
Region: Nantou County
Town: Yuchi Townshi
Telephone: 886-49-2856698
Fax: 886-49-2856678
Gov: 315080000H
Website: http://www.fuli-resort.com
Picture1: https://taiwan.taiwanstay.net.tw/twpic/46382.jpg
Picture 1 Description: (空)
Picture2: https://taiwan.taiwanstay.net.tw/twpic/49440.jpg
Picture 2 Description: (空)
Picture3: https://taiwan.taiwanstay.net.tw/twpic/521.jpg
Picture 3 Description: (空)
Longitude: 120.908334
Latitude: 23.867923
Class: 3
Map: (空)
Spec: Double20000;Suite18000
Serivce Information: restaurant,meeting room,cafe',bar,banquet,gym,store,swimming pool,Internet,Wi-Fi,iTaiwan WiFi,hot spring,National travel card,parking lot,,,post and telecommunications service,business travel center,valuables depository,indoor playground,pick-up service,bicycle rental,guided tou,experience activities,,Bike friendly accommodatio
Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 55、Motorcycle 30、Truck 4
Total Number of Rooms: 95
Lowest Price: 18000
Hightest Price: 50000
TaiwanHost: 0
Email: ervice@fuli-resort.com
Total Number of People: 226
Accessibility Rooms: 0
Public Toilets: (空)
Lifting Equipment: (空)
Parking Space: 89

# Sun Spring Resort 於 旅館民宿(英文版)-觀光資訊資料庫 - 5

NameFuli Hot Spring Resort
Mandarin Name馥麗溫泉大飯店
DescriptionThe brand image of the Fuli Hot Spring Resort is based on the two Chinese characters that make up its name, “Fu” and “Li”. With room type : CEO Suit, Royal Suite, Assam Suite with Japanese Living Room, Family Suite, Superior Double Twin, Superior Room, all the room carries a minimalist design that accentuates the natural scenery outside its balcony. For a resident with taste and an inclination toward lifestyles of health and sustainability, this room of humanistic culture is for you. Moreover, as you indulge yourself in a nourishing beauty soak, you also receive a beauty treatment that frees your body, mind and soul.Open to Fuli guests year round, our outdoor water facilities include a water amusement area for children, a wading pool, and a hot spring Jacuzzi. Surrounded by the verdancy of Moalan Mountain and fragrance of the green, this is a great spot to enjoy a sun bath and soak up refreshing phytoncides. Our indoor facilities include handcraft activities, chldren’s play room, x-box play room, snooker pool tables, table tennis, table soccer, chess room, KTV, gym, reading room, aroma therapy spa, stone spa, that all make your vacation more exiting.Cheers Banquet Hall: This spacious multi-functional banquet hall is a rarity around Sun Moon Lake area. There are eight private rooms inside the hall with footage between 30 to 50 square meters, and the hall can be partially compartmented or fully open. Imperial Kitchen: Using chef-selected Nantou specials that have come into season, we serve an array of delicacies and creative cross-national cuisines that accord with the 24 solar terms for maximum health benefits. Supreme Room: Simply elegant and well-lit, this conference room can accommodate up to 300 participants. Its height allows a vista of Sun Moon Lake and the surrounding sceneries make this conference hall a luxury. Lunchtea delicatessen: There is provided light meal and all kind of spirituous beverages and soft drinks. Whether making toasts in the company of close friends, or savoring fine moonshine alone, the desires lying deep in your soul will be awakened and released.Open to Fuli guests year round, our outdoor water facilities include a water amusement area for children, a wading pool, and a hot spring Jacuzzi. Surrounded by the verdancy of Moalan Mountain and fragrance of the green, this is a great spot to enjoy a sun bath and soak up refreshing phytoncides. Our indoor facilities include handcraft activities, chldren’s play room, x-box play room, snooker pool tables, table tennis, table soccer, chess room, KTV, gym, reading room, aroma therapy spa, stone spa, that all will make your vacation more exiting.
AddressNo.250-1, Zhongshan Rd., Yuchi Township, Nantou County 555, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
RegionNantou County
TownYuchi Townshi
Picture 1 Description(空)
Picture 2 Description(空)
Picture 3 Description(空)
Serivce Informationrestaurant,meeting room,cafe',bar,banquet,gym,store,swimming pool,Internet,Wi-Fi,iTaiwan WiFi,hot spring,National travel card,parking lot,,,post and telecommunications service,business travel center,valuables depository,indoor playground,pick-up service,bicycle rental,guided tou,experience activities,,Bike friendly accommodatio
Parking InformationParking Space:Car 55、Motorcycle 30、Truck 4
Total Number of Rooms95
Lowest Price18000
Hightest Price50000
Total Number of People226
Accessibility Rooms0
Public Toilets(空)
Lifting Equipment(空)
Parking Space89
Id: E4_A15010000H_001471
Name: Fuli Hot Spring Resort
Mandarin Name: 馥麗溫泉大飯店
Description: The brand image of the Fuli Hot Spring Resort is based on the two Chinese characters that make up its name, “Fu” and “Li”. With room type : CEO Suit, Royal Suite, Assam Suite with Japanese Living Room, Family Suite, Superior Double Twin, Superior Room, all the room carries a minimalist design that accentuates the natural scenery outside its balcony. For a resident with taste and an inclination toward lifestyles of health and sustainability, this room of humanistic culture is for you. Moreover, as you indulge yourself in a nourishing beauty soak, you also receive a beauty treatment that frees your body, mind and soul.Open to Fuli guests year round, our outdoor water facilities include a water amusement area for children, a wading pool, and a hot spring Jacuzzi. Surrounded by the verdancy of Moalan Mountain and fragrance of the green, this is a great spot to enjoy a sun bath and soak up refreshing phytoncides. Our indoor facilities include handcraft activities, chldren’s play room, x-box play room, snooker pool tables, table tennis, table soccer, chess room, KTV, gym, reading room, aroma therapy spa, stone spa, that all make your vacation more exiting.Cheers Banquet Hall: This spacious multi-functional banquet hall is a rarity around Sun Moon Lake area. There are eight private rooms inside the hall with footage between 30 to 50 square meters, and the hall can be partially compartmented or fully open. Imperial Kitchen: Using chef-selected Nantou specials that have come into season, we serve an array of delicacies and creative cross-national cuisines that accord with the 24 solar terms for maximum health benefits. Supreme Room: Simply elegant and well-lit, this conference room can accommodate up to 300 participants. Its height allows a vista of Sun Moon Lake and the surrounding sceneries make this conference hall a luxury. Lunchtea delicatessen: There is provided light meal and all kind of spirituous beverages and soft drinks. Whether making toasts in the company of close friends, or savoring fine moonshine alone, the desires lying deep in your soul will be awakened and released.Open to Fuli guests year round, our outdoor water facilities include a water amusement area for children, a wading pool, and a hot spring Jacuzzi. Surrounded by the verdancy of Moalan Mountain and fragrance of the green, this is a great spot to enjoy a sun bath and soak up refreshing phytoncides. Our indoor facilities include handcraft activities, chldren’s play room, x-box play room, snooker pool tables, table tennis, table soccer, chess room, KTV, gym, reading room, aroma therapy spa, stone spa, that all will make your vacation more exiting.
Grade: (空)
Address: No.250-1, Zhongshan Rd., Yuchi Township, Nantou County 555, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Zipcode: 555
Region: Nantou County
Town: Yuchi Townshi
Telephone: 886-49-2856698
Fax: 886-49-2856678
Gov: A15010000H
Website: http://www.fuli-resort.com
Picture1: https://taiwan.taiwanstay.net.tw/twpic/46382.jpg
Picture 1 Description: (空)
Picture2: https://taiwan.taiwanstay.net.tw/twpic/49440.jpg
Picture 2 Description: (空)
Picture3: https://taiwan.taiwanstay.net.tw/twpic/521.jpg
Picture 3 Description: (空)
Longitude: 120.908334
Latitude: 23.867923
Class: 3
Map: (空)
Spec: Double20000;Suite18000
Serivce Information: restaurant,meeting room,cafe',bar,banquet,gym,store,swimming pool,Internet,Wi-Fi,iTaiwan WiFi,hot spring,National travel card,parking lot,,,post and telecommunications service,business travel center,valuables depository,indoor playground,pick-up service,bicycle rental,guided tou,experience activities,,Bike friendly accommodatio
Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 55、Motorcycle 30、Truck 4
Total Number of Rooms: 95
Lowest Price: 18000
Hightest Price: 50000
TaiwanHost: 0
Email: ervice@fuli-resort.com
Total Number of People: 226
Accessibility Rooms: 0
Public Toilets: (空)
Lifting Equipment: (空)
Parking Space: 89

# Sun Spring Resort 於 旅館民宿(英文版)-觀光資訊資料庫 - 6

Mandarin Name台中日光會館
DescriptionA Premium Resort Experience and a New Hub for Urban Travel. In the past, if a visitor to Taichung wanted to soak in hot springs, they had to go to the Guguan-Lushan area, but now, there’s no need to go to such great lengths. The Dakeng Scenic Area, just 30 minutes from Taichung, is home to newly formed hot springs created by the powerful geological activity of the 1999 Jiji Earthquake. Located in the tranquil Dakengshan area, The Sun Hot Spring & Resort is a beacon of taste, with its black stone façade and low-key luxury aesthetic. To offer something new to visitors, The Sun not only provides “Mountain Paradise” double rooms with one night, two meal special packages, but also a number of other distinctive options, including guides to how to make the most of the Dakeng and Xinshe areas. As well as the wealth of tour options, guests can also relax in the 1,300-square-meter outdoor public pool, nude springs, spa area, and even a hot-springs fish pond. Accommodation, cuisine, springs, and recreation—The Sun Hot Spring & Resort is your one-stop travel destination. Visit us at The Sun and relax in comfort with our friendly staff and experience an unforgettable, top-quality vacation.
AddressNo.78, Sec. 2, Dongshan Rd., Beitun Dist., Taichung City 406, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
RegionTaichung City
TownBeitun District
Picture 1 Description(空)
Picture 2 Description(空)
Picture 3 Description(空)
Serivce InformationInternet,parking lot,store,cafe',restaurant,banquet,meeting room,,,various courses,,Bike friendly accommodatio
Parking InformationParking Space:Car 20、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0
Total Number of Rooms13
Lowest Price4800
Hightest Price17080
Total Number of People52
Accessibility Rooms0
Public Toilets(空)
Lifting Equipment(空)
Parking Space20
Id: E4_315080000H_000719
Mandarin Name: 台中日光會館
Description: A Premium Resort Experience and a New Hub for Urban Travel. In the past, if a visitor to Taichung wanted to soak in hot springs, they had to go to the Guguan-Lushan area, but now, there’s no need to go to such great lengths. The Dakeng Scenic Area, just 30 minutes from Taichung, is home to newly formed hot springs created by the powerful geological activity of the 1999 Jiji Earthquake. Located in the tranquil Dakengshan area, The Sun Hot Spring & Resort is a beacon of taste, with its black stone façade and low-key luxury aesthetic. To offer something new to visitors, The Sun not only provides “Mountain Paradise” double rooms with one night, two meal special packages, but also a number of other distinctive options, including guides to how to make the most of the Dakeng and Xinshe areas. As well as the wealth of tour options, guests can also relax in the 1,300-square-meter outdoor public pool, nude springs, spa area, and even a hot-springs fish pond. Accommodation, cuisine, springs, and recreation—The Sun Hot Spring & Resort is your one-stop travel destination. Visit us at The Sun and relax in comfort with our friendly staff and experience an unforgettable, top-quality vacation.
Grade: (空)
Address: No.78, Sec. 2, Dongshan Rd., Beitun Dist., Taichung City 406, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Zipcode: 406
Region: Taichung City
Town: Beitun District
Telephone: 886-4-22399000
Fax: 886-4-22396299
Gov: 315080000H
Website: (空)
Picture1: https://taiwan.taiwanstay.net.tw/twpic/53035.JPG
Picture 1 Description: (空)
Picture2: https://taiwan.taiwanstay.net.tw/twpic/10735.JPG
Picture 2 Description: (空)
Picture3: https://taiwan.taiwanstay.net.tw/twpic/29107.JPG
Picture 3 Description: (空)
Longitude: 120.744144
Latitude: 24.192871
Class: 3
Map: (空)
Spec: Double4000;Double12000;Double8000;Suite6000;Single12000
Serivce Information: Internet,parking lot,store,cafe',restaurant,banquet,meeting room,,,various courses,,Bike friendly accommodatio
Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 20、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0
Total Number of Rooms: 13
Lowest Price: 4800
Hightest Price: 17080
TaiwanHost: 0
Email: income5206@mail.thesun-resort.com.tw
Total Number of People: 52
Accessibility Rooms: 0
Public Toilets: (空)
Lifting Equipment: (空)
Parking Space: 20

# Sun Spring Resort 於 旅館民宿(英文版)-觀光資訊資料庫 - 7

Mandarin Name台中日光溫泉會館
DescriptionA Premium Resort Experience and a New Hub for Urban Travel. In the past, if a visitor to Taichung wanted to soak in hot springs, they had to go to the Guguan-Lushan area, but now, there’s no need to go to such great lengths. The Dakeng Scenic Area, just 30 minutes from Taichung, is home to newly formed hot springs created by the powerful geological activity of the 1999 Jiji Earthquake. Located in the tranquil Dakengshan area, The Sun Hot Spring & Resort is a beacon of taste, with its black stone façade and low-key luxury aesthetic. To offer something new to visitors, The Sun not only provides “Mountain Paradise” double rooms with one night, two meal special packages, but also a number of other distinctive options, including guides to how to make the most of the Dakeng and Xinshe areas. As well as the wealth of tour options, guests can also relax in the 1,300-square-meter outdoor public pool, nude springs, spa area, and even a hot-springs fish pond. Accommodation, cuisine, springs, and recreation—The Sun Hot Spring & Resort is your one-stop travel destination. Visit us at The Sun and relax in comfort with our friendly staff and experience an unforgettable, top-quality vacation.
AddressNo.78, Sec. 2, Dongshan Rd., Beitun Dist., Taichung City 406, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
RegionTaichung City
TownBeitun District
Picture 1 Description(空)
Picture 2 Description(空)
Picture 3 Description(空)
Serivce InformationInternet,parking lot,store,cafe',restaurant,banquet,meeting room,,,various courses,,Bike friendly accommodatio
Parking InformationParking Space:Car 20、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0
Total Number of Rooms13
Lowest Price4800
Hightest Price17080
Total Number of People52
Accessibility Rooms0
Public Toilets(空)
Lifting Equipment(空)
Parking Space20
Id: E4_A15010000H_000719
Mandarin Name: 台中日光溫泉會館
Description: A Premium Resort Experience and a New Hub for Urban Travel. In the past, if a visitor to Taichung wanted to soak in hot springs, they had to go to the Guguan-Lushan area, but now, there’s no need to go to such great lengths. The Dakeng Scenic Area, just 30 minutes from Taichung, is home to newly formed hot springs created by the powerful geological activity of the 1999 Jiji Earthquake. Located in the tranquil Dakengshan area, The Sun Hot Spring & Resort is a beacon of taste, with its black stone façade and low-key luxury aesthetic. To offer something new to visitors, The Sun not only provides “Mountain Paradise” double rooms with one night, two meal special packages, but also a number of other distinctive options, including guides to how to make the most of the Dakeng and Xinshe areas. As well as the wealth of tour options, guests can also relax in the 1,300-square-meter outdoor public pool, nude springs, spa area, and even a hot-springs fish pond. Accommodation, cuisine, springs, and recreation—The Sun Hot Spring & Resort is your one-stop travel destination. Visit us at The Sun and relax in comfort with our friendly staff and experience an unforgettable, top-quality vacation.
Grade: (空)
Address: No.78, Sec. 2, Dongshan Rd., Beitun Dist., Taichung City 406, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Zipcode: 406
Region: Taichung City
Town: Beitun District
Telephone: 886-4-22399000
Fax: 886-4-22396299
Gov: A15010000H
Website: (空)
Picture1: https://taiwan.taiwanstay.net.tw/twpic/53035.JPG
Picture 1 Description: (空)
Picture2: https://taiwan.taiwanstay.net.tw/twpic/10735.JPG
Picture 2 Description: (空)
Picture3: https://taiwan.taiwanstay.net.tw/twpic/29107.JPG
Picture 3 Description: (空)
Longitude: 120.744144
Latitude: 24.192871
Class: 3
Map: (空)
Spec: Double4000;Double12000;Double8000;Suite6000;Single12000
Serivce Information: Internet,parking lot,store,cafe',restaurant,banquet,meeting room,,,various courses,,Bike friendly accommodatio
Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 20、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0
Total Number of Rooms: 13
Lowest Price: 4800
Hightest Price: 17080
TaiwanHost: 0
Email: income5206@mail.thesun-resort.com.tw
Total Number of People: 52
Accessibility Rooms: 0
Public Toilets: (空)
Lifting Equipment: (空)
Parking Space: 20

# Sun Spring Resort 於 旅館民宿(英文版)-觀光資訊資料庫 - 8

NameFreshfields Resort
Mandarin Name清新溫泉飯店
DescriptionDadushan in Taichung used to be the place nearest to starry sky and clouds in seashore plain.You will discover how close meiren hot spring is to you!Enjoy the hot spring closest to central Taiwan. Taste the fine foods in the day, surrounded by mountains and watch the clouds to feel the breeze.In the evening, you can look up to the starry sky and look down the night view of Taichung to experience the glamorous night scene. What a delight in life!Freshfields Resort & Conference invites you to enjoy hot spring in Dadushan.Freshfields Resort & Conference is the only hot spring resort hotel in central Taiwan on Dadushan at the border of Taichung City and County. You can overlook the greater central Taiwan. Enjoy pleasant stay at Freshfields with green mountain, starry sky, morning sun, splendid night scenes, and meirun hot spring.Freshfields is only 15-minute drive from Highway and Taichung Station, Taiwan High Speed Rail. We also offer pickup serve at fixed time and locations.Your best choice for business trips, travels and vacations.
AddressNo.2, Wenquan Rd., Wuri Dist., Taichung City 414, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
RegionTaichung City
TownWuri District
Picture 1 Description(空)
Picture 2 Description(空)
Picture 3 Description(空)
SpecDouble12000;Double8600;Double10000;Double21000;Double58000;Double32000;Double5600;Double8600;Double(Assessible room)12000;Double(Assessible room)12000
Serivce Informationrestaurant,meeting room,cafe',banquet,gym,store,swimming pool,Wi-Fi,sauna,National travel card,parking lot,hot spring,Assessible room,free internet,,,,playground,laundry service,business travel center,indoor playground,pick-up service,mobile payment,nursing room,AED,foreign currency exchange,,
Parking InformationParking Space:Car 0、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0
Total Number of Rooms155
Lowest Price12000
Hightest Price58000
Total Number of People552
Accessibility Rooms0
Public Toilets(空)
Lifting Equipment(空)
Parking Space0
Id: E4_315080000H_005459
Name: Freshfields Resort
Mandarin Name: 清新溫泉飯店
Description: Dadushan in Taichung used to be the place nearest to starry sky and clouds in seashore plain.You will discover how close meiren hot spring is to you!Enjoy the hot spring closest to central Taiwan. Taste the fine foods in the day, surrounded by mountains and watch the clouds to feel the breeze.In the evening, you can look up to the starry sky and look down the night view of Taichung to experience the glamorous night scene. What a delight in life!Freshfields Resort & Conference invites you to enjoy hot spring in Dadushan.Freshfields Resort & Conference is the only hot spring resort hotel in central Taiwan on Dadushan at the border of Taichung City and County. You can overlook the greater central Taiwan. Enjoy pleasant stay at Freshfields with green mountain, starry sky, morning sun, splendid night scenes, and meirun hot spring.Freshfields is only 15-minute drive from Highway and Taichung Station, Taiwan High Speed Rail. We also offer pickup serve at fixed time and locations.Your best choice for business trips, travels and vacations.
Grade: 5
Address: No.2, Wenquan Rd., Wuri Dist., Taichung City 414, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Zipcode: 414
Region: Taichung City
Town: Wuri District
Telephone: 886-4-23829888
Fax: 886-4-23826888
Gov: 315080000H
Website: http://www.freshfields.com.tw/
Picture1: https://taiwan.taiwanstay.net.tw/twpic/11265.jpg
Picture 1 Description: (空)
Picture2: https://taiwan.taiwanstay.net.tw/twpic/4151.jpg
Picture 2 Description: (空)
Picture3: https://taiwan.taiwanstay.net.tw/twpic/30265.jpg
Picture 3 Description: (空)
Longitude: 120.625742
Latitude: 24.084469
Class: 3
Map: (空)
Spec: Double12000;Double8600;Double10000;Double21000;Double58000;Double32000;Double5600;Double8600;Double(Assessible room)12000;Double(Assessible room)12000
Serivce Information: restaurant,meeting room,cafe',banquet,gym,store,swimming pool,Wi-Fi,sauna,National travel card,parking lot,hot spring,Assessible room,free internet,,,,playground,laundry service,business travel center,indoor playground,pick-up service,mobile payment,nursing room,AED,foreign currency exchange,,
Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 0、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0
Total Number of Rooms: 155
Lowest Price: 12000
Hightest Price: 58000
TaiwanHost: 1
Email: info@freshfields.com.tw
Total Number of People: 552
Accessibility Rooms: 0
Public Toilets: (空)
Lifting Equipment: (空)
Parking Space: 0
[ 搜尋所有 Sun Spring Resort ... ]

根據電話 886-3-9887979 找到的相關資料

(以下顯示 2 筆) (或要:直接搜尋所有 886-3-9887979 ...)

# 886-3-9887979 於 旅館民宿 - 觀光資訊資料庫 - 1

描述山泉飯店係宜蘭礁溪,隸屬交通部觀光局的觀光飯店,各項安全措施及消防設備,均具國家標準。位於礁溪火車站旁,下車後至本飯店步行約 8 分鐘,也位於礁溪轉運站正對面,飯店位置一目了然。飯店面山背蘭陽平原,面對礁溪公園,背面可遠眺龜山島 ,景色怡人。 房房均有滾燙的碳酸氫鈉溫泉,無色無味,2 大戶外成人及兒童溫泉池,有各項沖激按摩設備,4 個室內、戶外男女湯可以裸浴,中西式自助早餐免費供應住客,備有精緻養生套餐,免費提供腳踏車,可逛礁溪溫泉區,1,000 坪免費花園停車場,事前預約接駁可免費接送至礁溪火車站。 頂樓可欣賞蘭陽第一景-龜山朝日,2 個餐廳可做喜宴場地,。一樓愛蜂花園廳提供美味下午茶及香醇濃郁咖啡,另亦可無線上網,於所有客房及公共區域皆備有 WiFi 無線網路,頂樓還有半開放式漁歌星空觀景平台,醇酒、美景盡收眼底。名湯、美食、舒適的住宿、美好的山光水色,礁溪山泉飯店是您前來蘭陽的美好回憶。
識別碼: C4_315080000H_004225
旅館民宿名稱: 山泉大飯店
描述: 山泉飯店係宜蘭礁溪,隸屬交通部觀光局的觀光飯店,各項安全措施及消防設備,均具國家標準。位於礁溪火車站旁,下車後至本飯店步行約 8 分鐘,也位於礁溪轉運站正對面,飯店位置一目了然。飯店面山背蘭陽平原,面對礁溪公園,背面可遠眺龜山島 ,景色怡人。 房房均有滾燙的碳酸氫鈉溫泉,無色無味,2 大戶外成人及兒童溫泉池,有各項沖激按摩設備,4 個室內、戶外男女湯可以裸浴,中西式自助早餐免費供應住客,備有精緻養生套餐,免費提供腳踏車,可逛礁溪溫泉區,1,000 坪免費花園停車場,事前預約接駁可免費接送至礁溪火車站。 頂樓可欣賞蘭陽第一景-龜山朝日,2 個餐廳可做喜宴場地,。一樓愛蜂花園廳提供美味下午茶及香醇濃郁咖啡,另亦可無線上網,於所有客房及公共區域皆備有 WiFi 無線網路,頂樓還有半開放式漁歌星空觀景平台,醇酒、美景盡收眼底。名湯、美食、舒適的住宿、美好的山光水色,礁溪山泉飯店是您前來蘭陽的美好回憶。
級別: (空)
地址: 宜蘭縣礁溪鄉礁溪路六段36號
郵政碼: 262
所在縣市: 宜蘭縣
所在鄉鎮市: 礁溪鄉
電話: 886-3-9887979
傳真: 886-3-9880066
Gov識別碼: 315080000H
網站: http://www.sunspring-resort.com.tw
圖1: https://taiwan.taiwanstay.net.tw/twpic/19935.jpg
圖1描述: 露天溫泉spa池,提供親子遊憩之處。
圖2: https://taiwan.taiwanstay.net.tw/twpic/28133.JPG
圖2描述: 礁溪山泉大飯店大廳
圖3: https://taiwan.taiwanstay.net.tw/twpic/32773.jpg
圖3描述: 日是男女裸湯
經度座標: 121.77811
緯度座標: 24.830705
種類: 2
地圖: (空)
規格: 雙人房5800;雙人房5800;套房8200;雙人房(無障礙客房)5800;套房12000
服務資訊: 餐廳,會議場所,咖啡廳,宴會廳,無線網路,停車場,溫泉設施,,,,接送服務,自行車租借,行動支付,哺乳室,AED,,,自行車友善旅宿
停車資訊: 車位:小客車40輛、機車30輛、大客車5輛
總房間數: 146
最低價格: 4600
最高價格: 12000
TaiwanHost: 0
Email: ervices@sunspring-resort.com.tw
總人數: 292
無障礙客房數: 0
公用廁所: (空)
電梯設備: (空)
停車空間數: 75

# 886-3-9887979 於 旅館民宿 - 觀光資訊資料庫 - 2

描述山泉飯店係宜蘭礁溪,隸屬交通部觀光局的觀光飯店,各項安全措施及消防設備,均具國家標準。位於礁溪火車站旁,下車後至本飯店步行約 8 分鐘,也位於礁溪轉運站正對面,飯店位置一目了然。飯店面山背蘭陽平原,面對礁溪公園,背面可遠眺龜山島 ,景色怡人。 房房均有滾燙的碳酸氫鈉溫泉,無色無味,2 大戶外成人及兒童溫泉池,有各項沖激按摩設備,4 個室內、戶外男女湯可以裸浴,中西式自助早餐免費供應住客,備有精緻養生套餐,免費提供腳踏車,可逛礁溪溫泉區,1,000 坪免費花園停車場,事前預約接駁可免費接送至礁溪火車站。 頂樓可欣賞蘭陽第一景-龜山朝日,2 個餐廳可做喜宴場地,。一樓愛蜂花園廳提供美味下午茶及香醇濃郁咖啡,另亦可無線上網,於所有客房及公共區域皆備有 WiFi 無線網路,頂樓還有半開放式漁歌星空觀景平台,醇酒、美景盡收眼底。名湯、美食、舒適的住宿、美好的山光水色,礁溪山泉飯店是您前來蘭陽的美好回憶。
識別碼: C4_A15010000H_004225
旅館民宿名稱: 山泉大飯店
描述: 山泉飯店係宜蘭礁溪,隸屬交通部觀光局的觀光飯店,各項安全措施及消防設備,均具國家標準。位於礁溪火車站旁,下車後至本飯店步行約 8 分鐘,也位於礁溪轉運站正對面,飯店位置一目了然。飯店面山背蘭陽平原,面對礁溪公園,背面可遠眺龜山島 ,景色怡人。 房房均有滾燙的碳酸氫鈉溫泉,無色無味,2 大戶外成人及兒童溫泉池,有各項沖激按摩設備,4 個室內、戶外男女湯可以裸浴,中西式自助早餐免費供應住客,備有精緻養生套餐,免費提供腳踏車,可逛礁溪溫泉區,1,000 坪免費花園停車場,事前預約接駁可免費接送至礁溪火車站。 頂樓可欣賞蘭陽第一景-龜山朝日,2 個餐廳可做喜宴場地,。一樓愛蜂花園廳提供美味下午茶及香醇濃郁咖啡,另亦可無線上網,於所有客房及公共區域皆備有 WiFi 無線網路,頂樓還有半開放式漁歌星空觀景平台,醇酒、美景盡收眼底。名湯、美食、舒適的住宿、美好的山光水色,礁溪山泉飯店是您前來蘭陽的美好回憶。
級別: (空)
地址: 宜蘭縣礁溪鄉礁溪路六段36號
郵政碼: 262
所在縣市: 宜蘭縣
所在鄉鎮市: 礁溪鄉
電話: 886-3-9887979
傳真: 886-3-9880066
Gov識別碼: A15010000H
網站: http://www.sunspring-resort.com.tw
圖1: https://taiwan.taiwanstay.net.tw/twpic/19935.jpg
圖1描述: 露天溫泉spa池,提供親子遊憩之處。
圖2: https://taiwan.taiwanstay.net.tw/twpic/28133.JPG
圖2描述: 礁溪山泉大飯店大廳
圖3: https://taiwan.taiwanstay.net.tw/twpic/32773.jpg
圖3描述: 日是男女裸湯
經度座標: 121.77811
緯度座標: 24.830705
種類: 2
地圖: (空)
規格: 雙人房5800;雙人房5800;套房8200;雙人房(無障礙客房)5800;套房12000
服務資訊: 餐廳,會議場所,咖啡廳,宴會廳,無線網路,停車場,溫泉設施,,,,接送服務,自行車租借,行動支付,哺乳室,AED,,,自行車友善旅宿
停車資訊: 車位:小客車40輛、機車30輛、大客車5輛
總房間數: 146
最低價格: 4600
最高價格: 12000
TaiwanHost: 0
Email: ervices@sunspring-resort.com.tw
總人數: 292
無障礙客房數: 0
公用廁所: (空)
電梯設備: (空)
停車空間數: 75
[ 搜尋所有 886-3-9887979 ... ]

根據地址 No.36 Sec. 6 Jiaoxi Rd. Jiaoxi Township Yilan County 262 Taiwan R.O.C 找到的相關資料

(以下顯示 4 筆) (或要:直接搜尋所有 No.36 Sec. 6 Jiaoxi Rd. Jiaoxi Township Yilan County 262 Taiwan R.O.C ...)


Name: MuguParent-Child | Telephone: 886-3-9889948 | Address: No. 268, Sec. 2, Zhongshan Rd., Jiaoxi Township, Yilan County 262, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: Hotel located in Yila | Serivce Information: Wi-Fi,National travel card,parking lot,hot spring,,,,mobile payment,,,Bike friendly accommodatio | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 3、Motorcycle 5、Truck 0

@ 旅館民宿(英文版)-觀光資訊資料庫


Name: MuguParent-Child | Telephone: 886-3-9889948 | Address: No. 268, Sec. 2, Zhongshan Rd., Jiaoxi Township, Yilan County 262, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: Hotel located in Yila | Serivce Information: Wi-Fi,National travel card,parking lot,hot spring,,,,mobile payment,,,Bike friendly accommodatio | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 3、Motorcycle 5、Truck 0

@ 旅館民宿(英文版)-觀光資訊資料庫


Name: Xiangwei Business Motel | Telephone: 886-7-5666568 | Address: No.97, Sec. 1, Jiaoxi Rd., Jiaoxi Township, Yilan County 262, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: Hotel located in Yilan County | Serivce Information: | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 0、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0

@ 旅館民宿(英文版)-觀光資訊資料庫


Name: Xiangwei Business Motel | Telephone: 886-7-5666568 | Address: No.97, Sec. 1, Jiaoxi Rd., Jiaoxi Township, Yilan County 262, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: Hotel located in Yilan County | Serivce Information: | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 0、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0

@ 旅館民宿(英文版)-觀光資訊資料庫


Name: MuguParent-Child | Telephone: 886-3-9889948 | Address: No. 268, Sec. 2, Zhongshan Rd., Jiaoxi Township, Yilan County 262, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: Hotel located in Yila | Serivce Information: Wi-Fi,National travel card,parking lot,hot spring,,,,mobile payment,,,Bike friendly accommodatio | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 3、Motorcycle 5、Truck 0

@ 旅館民宿(英文版)-觀光資訊資料庫


Name: MuguParent-Child | Telephone: 886-3-9889948 | Address: No. 268, Sec. 2, Zhongshan Rd., Jiaoxi Township, Yilan County 262, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: Hotel located in Yila | Serivce Information: Wi-Fi,National travel card,parking lot,hot spring,,,,mobile payment,,,Bike friendly accommodatio | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 3、Motorcycle 5、Truck 0

@ 旅館民宿(英文版)-觀光資訊資料庫


Name: Xiangwei Business Motel | Telephone: 886-7-5666568 | Address: No.97, Sec. 1, Jiaoxi Rd., Jiaoxi Township, Yilan County 262, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: Hotel located in Yilan County | Serivce Information: | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 0、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0

@ 旅館民宿(英文版)-觀光資訊資料庫


Name: Xiangwei Business Motel | Telephone: 886-7-5666568 | Address: No.97, Sec. 1, Jiaoxi Rd., Jiaoxi Township, Yilan County 262, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: Hotel located in Yilan County | Serivce Information: | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 0、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0

@ 旅館民宿(英文版)-觀光資訊資料庫
[ 搜尋所有 No.36 Sec. 6 Jiaoxi Rd. Jiaoxi Township Yilan County 262 Taiwan R.O.C ... ]



Name: Raindance B&B | Telephone: 886-931-662532 | Address: No.40, Xiakeng Ln., Shigang St., Shigang Dist., Taichung City 422, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: Bed and Breakfast in Taichung City | Serivce Information: | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 0、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0


Name: Le Da Backpacker Hostel | Telephone: 886-963-218118 | Address: No.38, Xinsheng Rd., Taitung City, Taitung County 950, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: The La Da Backpacker Hostel is a modern hostel located in Taitung, Taiwan. It offers 4 rooms and eac... | Serivce Information: | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 0、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0


Name: Orange I-La | Telephone: 886-921-059111 | Address: No.6, Aly. 37, Ln. 150, Sec. 2, Dafu Rd., Zhuangwei Township, Yilan County 263, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: Bed and Breakfast in Yilan County | Serivce Information: | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 3、Motorcycle 5、Truck 0


Name: Matsu 4 Hostel | Telephone: 886-836-22175 | Address: No.96, Ren’ai Vil., Nangan Township, Lienchiang County 209, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: 1 | Description: Bed and Breakfast in Lienchiang County | Serivce Information: | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 0、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0


Name: DU Mu's Home B&B | Telephone: 886-963-053149 | Address: No. 102-3, Tuban, Daren Township, Taitung County 966, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: Homestay located in Taitung | Serivce Information: | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 0、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0

AP 703

Name: AP 703 | Telephone: 886-6-2978333 | Address: No. 703, Huaping Rd., Anping Dist., Tainan City 708, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: Homestay located in Taina | Serivce Information: | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 0、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0


Name: TAIPEI ISIS | Telephone: 886-2-85011112 | Address: 2,5F., No.123, Lequn 3rd Rd., Zhongshan Dist., Taipei City 104, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: Around trendy, hi-tech yet busy Taipei, Bellezza Taipei Hotel, a top-facilitated hotel, always comes... | Serivce Information: restaurant,meeting room,cafe',banquet,Wi-Fi,National travel card,parking lot,,,,laundry service,pick... | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 0、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0


Name: Isistaipei | Telephone: 886-2-85011112 | Address: 6-7F., No.123, Lequn 3rd Rd., Zhongshan Dist., Taipei City 104, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: Hotel located in Taipei City | Serivce Information: restaurant,meeting room,cafe',banquet,Wi-Fi,National travel card,parking lot,free internet,,,, | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 0、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0


Name: Da Zu Wei Homestay | Telephone: 886-987-305565 0956-606618 | Address: No.169-10, Baiyun Rd., Jiaoxi Township, Yilan County 262, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: Bed and Breakfast in Yilan County | Serivce Information: | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 0、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0


Name: Tungchihmei B&B | Telephone: 886-89-552058 | Address: No.15, Ln. 690, Sec. 3, Zhonghua Rd., Luye Township, Taitung County 955, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: Tung-Zhi-Mei Arts Recreational Hostel with Taiwan''s rustic styles islocated in East Rift Valley Nat... | Serivce Information: arking lot,restaurant,,,bicycle rental,guided tou, | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 0、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0


Name: win-sun Gree | Telephone: 886-930-481-347 | Address: No. 22, Aly. 8, Ln. 92, Sec. 2, Xiande Rd., Yuanshan Township, Yilan County 264, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: Homestay located in Yila | Serivce Information: | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 1、Motorcycle 1、Truck 0


Name: hua lian qu feng xiao zhu | Telephone: 886-3-8542459 | Address: No.5-1, Ln. 18, Nanhua 5th St., Ji’an Township, Hualien County 973, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: Homestay located in Hualie | Serivce Information: | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 0、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0


Name: inlslands of small pu yua | Telephone: 886-965-172199 | Address: No.155, Zhongzheng Rd., Liuqiu Township, Pingtung County 929, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: Bed and Breakfast in Pingtung County | Serivce Information: | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 0、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0


Name: Xin Bao Hotel | Telephone: 886-3-5229955 | Address: No.46, Zhongnan St., East Dist., Hsinchu City 300, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: Hotel located in Hsinchu City | Serivce Information: | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 0、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0


Name: Zi Jia Yuan Hotel | Telephone: 886-3-9962367 | Address: No.6, Linsen Rd., Su’ao Township, Yilan County 270, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: Hotel located in Yilan County | Serivce Information: | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 0、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0


Name: Raindance B&B | Telephone: 886-931-662532 | Address: No.40, Xiakeng Ln., Shigang St., Shigang Dist., Taichung City 422, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: Bed and Breakfast in Taichung City | Serivce Information: | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 0、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0


Name: Le Da Backpacker Hostel | Telephone: 886-963-218118 | Address: No.38, Xinsheng Rd., Taitung City, Taitung County 950, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: The La Da Backpacker Hostel is a modern hostel located in Taitung, Taiwan. It offers 4 rooms and eac... | Serivce Information: | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 0、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0


Name: Orange I-La | Telephone: 886-921-059111 | Address: No.6, Aly. 37, Ln. 150, Sec. 2, Dafu Rd., Zhuangwei Township, Yilan County 263, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: Bed and Breakfast in Yilan County | Serivce Information: | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 3、Motorcycle 5、Truck 0


Name: Matsu 4 Hostel | Telephone: 886-836-22175 | Address: No.96, Ren’ai Vil., Nangan Township, Lienchiang County 209, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: 1 | Description: Bed and Breakfast in Lienchiang County | Serivce Information: | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 0、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0


Name: DU Mu's Home B&B | Telephone: 886-963-053149 | Address: No. 102-3, Tuban, Daren Township, Taitung County 966, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: Homestay located in Taitung | Serivce Information: | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 0、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0

AP 703

Name: AP 703 | Telephone: 886-6-2978333 | Address: No. 703, Huaping Rd., Anping Dist., Tainan City 708, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: Homestay located in Taina | Serivce Information: | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 0、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0


Name: TAIPEI ISIS | Telephone: 886-2-85011112 | Address: 2,5F., No.123, Lequn 3rd Rd., Zhongshan Dist., Taipei City 104, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: Around trendy, hi-tech yet busy Taipei, Bellezza Taipei Hotel, a top-facilitated hotel, always comes... | Serivce Information: restaurant,meeting room,cafe',banquet,Wi-Fi,National travel card,parking lot,,,,laundry service,pick... | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 0、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0


Name: Isistaipei | Telephone: 886-2-85011112 | Address: 6-7F., No.123, Lequn 3rd Rd., Zhongshan Dist., Taipei City 104, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: Hotel located in Taipei City | Serivce Information: restaurant,meeting room,cafe',banquet,Wi-Fi,National travel card,parking lot,free internet,,,, | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 0、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0


Name: Da Zu Wei Homestay | Telephone: 886-987-305565 0956-606618 | Address: No.169-10, Baiyun Rd., Jiaoxi Township, Yilan County 262, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: Bed and Breakfast in Yilan County | Serivce Information: | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 0、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0


Name: Tungchihmei B&B | Telephone: 886-89-552058 | Address: No.15, Ln. 690, Sec. 3, Zhonghua Rd., Luye Township, Taitung County 955, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: Tung-Zhi-Mei Arts Recreational Hostel with Taiwan''s rustic styles islocated in East Rift Valley Nat... | Serivce Information: arking lot,restaurant,,,bicycle rental,guided tou, | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 0、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0


Name: win-sun Gree | Telephone: 886-930-481-347 | Address: No. 22, Aly. 8, Ln. 92, Sec. 2, Xiande Rd., Yuanshan Township, Yilan County 264, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: Homestay located in Yila | Serivce Information: | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 1、Motorcycle 1、Truck 0


Name: hua lian qu feng xiao zhu | Telephone: 886-3-8542459 | Address: No.5-1, Ln. 18, Nanhua 5th St., Ji’an Township, Hualien County 973, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: Homestay located in Hualie | Serivce Information: | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 0、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0


Name: inlslands of small pu yua | Telephone: 886-965-172199 | Address: No.155, Zhongzheng Rd., Liuqiu Township, Pingtung County 929, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: Bed and Breakfast in Pingtung County | Serivce Information: | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 0、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0


Name: Xin Bao Hotel | Telephone: 886-3-5229955 | Address: No.46, Zhongnan St., East Dist., Hsinchu City 300, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: Hotel located in Hsinchu City | Serivce Information: | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 0、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0


Name: Zi Jia Yuan Hotel | Telephone: 886-3-9962367 | Address: No.6, Linsen Rd., Su’ao Township, Yilan County 270, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: Hotel located in Yilan County | Serivce Information: | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 0、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0
