甄妮小築Jenny I
- 旅館民宿(英文版)-觀光資訊資料庫 @ 交通部觀光署

Mandarin Name甄妮小築Jenny I的Name是Jenny I, Telephone是886-905-061555, Address是No. 2-5, North Lane, Jishui Road, Wujie Township, Yilan County, 268, Description是Homestay located in Yila, Serivce Information是restaurant,Wi-Fi,National travel card,parking lot,,,,indoor playground,pet friendly hotel,,,Bike friendly accommodatio, Parking Information是Parking Space:Car 2、Motorcycle 4、Truck 1.

#甄妮小築Jenny I的地圖

NameJenny I
Mandarin Name甄妮小築Jenny I
DescriptionHomestay located in Yila
AddressNo. 2-5, North Lane, Jishui Road, Wujie Township, Yilan County, 268
RegionYilan County
TownWujie Townshi
Picture1圖1 :
Picture 1 Description(空)
Picture2圖1 :
Picture 2 Description(空)
Picture3圖1 :
Picture 3 Description(空)
Serivce Informationrestaurant,Wi-Fi,National travel card,parking lot,,,,indoor playground,pet friendly hotel,,,Bike friendly accommodatio
Parking InformationParking Space:Car 2、Motorcycle 4、Truck 1
Total Number of Rooms3
Lowest Price10000
Hightest Price10000
Total Number of People6
Accessibility Rooms0
Public Toilets(空)
Lifting Equipment(空)
Parking Space7




Jenny I

Mandarin Name

甄妮小築Jenny I


Homestay located in Yila




No. 2-5, North Lane, Jishui Road, Wujie Township, Yilan County, 268




Yilan County


Wujie Townshi










圖1 :

Picture 1 Description



圖1 :

Picture 2 Description



圖1 :

Picture 3 Description












Serivce Information

restaurant,Wi-Fi,National travel card,parking lot,,,,indoor playground,pet friendly hotel,,,Bike friendly accommodatio

Parking Information

Parking Space:Car 2、Motorcycle 4、Truck 1

Total Number of Rooms


Lowest Price


Hightest Price






Total Number of People


Accessibility Rooms


Public Toilets


Lifting Equipment


Parking Space




甄妮小築Jenny I地圖 [ 導航 ]

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根據識別碼 E4 315080000H 029763 找到的相關資料

無其他 E4 315080000H 029763 資料。

[ 搜尋所有 E4 315080000H 029763 ... ]

根據名稱 Jenny I 找到的相關資料

(以下顯示 8 筆) (或要:直接搜尋所有 Jenny I ...)

Jenny的漫遊食堂: 帶你循跡記憶味蕾、簡單做菜,重溫家常飲食的感動

作者: 羅真妮Jenny Lo著 | 出版機構: 布克文化 | 版次: 初版 | 預訂出版日: 112/04 | 適讀對象: 成人(一般) | 頁數: 128 | 得獎紀錄: | ISBN: 978-626-7256-77-0 (平裝, NT$380, 128面, 23公分)

@ 臺灣出版新書預告書訊


(中華民國)黑鷹音樂樂團A/Jenny 等多組藝人 | 活動起始日期: 2024/08/11 | 活動結束日期: 2024/08/30 | 折扣資訊:

@ 音樂表演資訊


(中華民國)黑鷹音樂樂團A/Jenny 等多組藝人 | 活動起始日期: 2024/08/11 | 活動結束日期: 2024/08/30 | 折扣資訊:

@ 藝文活動-所有類別


(中華民國)黑鷹音樂樂團A/Jenny 等多組藝人 | 活動起始日期: 2024/08/11 | 活動結束日期: 2024/08/30 | 折扣資訊:

@ 查詢單一類別未過期活動資料

3/6 jenny 382000 專用 其他人請勿下標

查處情形: 未違規結案 | 處分日期: 08 24 2017 12:00AM | 違規廠商名稱或負責人: 非廠商/郭0欣 | 處分機關: | 違規情節: 廣告內容誇大不實 | 刊播日期: 05 2 2017 12:00AM | 刊播媒體: 蝦皮拍賣網站

@ 違規化粧品廣告資料集


敍述者: | 上傳者: 林朝水 | 故事類別: 家庭/家族 | 敍述的主要人物: JENNY CHEN | 發佈日期: 2014/09/17 | 故事摘要: JENNY CHEN從小開始便對美髮有著濃厚的興趣,出社會後為了讓自己的技巧更純熟,光是助理就做了八年。由於薪水太低,需要同時兼差在飲料店打工,靠兩份薪水來維持生活,但她從沒有放棄過當美髮師的夢,同時...

@ 國民記憶庫故事資料


敍述者: 和春技術學院 | 上傳者: 和春技術學院 | 故事類別: 家庭/家族 | 敍述的主要人物: Jenny | 發佈日期: 2014/11/18 | 故事摘要: 今年就讀大四的Jenny,四年級時先出社會找尋工作以適應未來。在校期間是系學會的一員,積極參與學生活動,藉著辦活動的經歷,透過徵才網站順利進入公關公司上班。大一時曾到日本的飯店實習,經歷過不同國情與文...

@ 國民記憶庫故事資料

我不想成為孩子童年的陰影啊!: 推特女星身兼苦手媽咪的抗焦慮日常

作者: Jenny Mollen著; 彭臨桂譯 | 出版機構: 聯經 | 版次: 初版 | 預訂出版日: 108/09 | 適讀對象: 成人(一般) | 頁數: 320 | 得獎紀錄: | ISBN: 978-957-08-5388-9 (平裝, 320面, 21公分)

@ 臺灣出版新書預告書訊

Jenny的漫遊食堂: 帶你循跡記憶味蕾、簡單做菜,重溫家常飲食的感動

作者: 羅真妮Jenny Lo著 | 出版機構: 布克文化 | 版次: 初版 | 預訂出版日: 112/04 | 適讀對象: 成人(一般) | 頁數: 128 | 得獎紀錄: | ISBN: 978-626-7256-77-0 (平裝, NT$380, 128面, 23公分)

@ 臺灣出版新書預告書訊


(中華民國)黑鷹音樂樂團A/Jenny 等多組藝人 | 活動起始日期: 2024/08/11 | 活動結束日期: 2024/08/30 | 折扣資訊:

@ 音樂表演資訊


(中華民國)黑鷹音樂樂團A/Jenny 等多組藝人 | 活動起始日期: 2024/08/11 | 活動結束日期: 2024/08/30 | 折扣資訊:

@ 藝文活動-所有類別


(中華民國)黑鷹音樂樂團A/Jenny 等多組藝人 | 活動起始日期: 2024/08/11 | 活動結束日期: 2024/08/30 | 折扣資訊:

@ 查詢單一類別未過期活動資料

3/6 jenny 382000 專用 其他人請勿下標

查處情形: 未違規結案 | 處分日期: 08 24 2017 12:00AM | 違規廠商名稱或負責人: 非廠商/郭0欣 | 處分機關: | 違規情節: 廣告內容誇大不實 | 刊播日期: 05 2 2017 12:00AM | 刊播媒體: 蝦皮拍賣網站

@ 違規化粧品廣告資料集


敍述者: | 上傳者: 林朝水 | 故事類別: 家庭/家族 | 敍述的主要人物: JENNY CHEN | 發佈日期: 2014/09/17 | 故事摘要: JENNY CHEN從小開始便對美髮有著濃厚的興趣,出社會後為了讓自己的技巧更純熟,光是助理就做了八年。由於薪水太低,需要同時兼差在飲料店打工,靠兩份薪水來維持生活,但她從沒有放棄過當美髮師的夢,同時...

@ 國民記憶庫故事資料


敍述者: 和春技術學院 | 上傳者: 和春技術學院 | 故事類別: 家庭/家族 | 敍述的主要人物: Jenny | 發佈日期: 2014/11/18 | 故事摘要: 今年就讀大四的Jenny,四年級時先出社會找尋工作以適應未來。在校期間是系學會的一員,積極參與學生活動,藉著辦活動的經歷,透過徵才網站順利進入公關公司上班。大一時曾到日本的飯店實習,經歷過不同國情與文...

@ 國民記憶庫故事資料

我不想成為孩子童年的陰影啊!: 推特女星身兼苦手媽咪的抗焦慮日常

作者: Jenny Mollen著; 彭臨桂譯 | 出版機構: 聯經 | 版次: 初版 | 預訂出版日: 108/09 | 適讀對象: 成人(一般) | 頁數: 320 | 得獎紀錄: | ISBN: 978-957-08-5388-9 (平裝, 320面, 21公分)

@ 臺灣出版新書預告書訊

[ 搜尋所有 Jenny I ... ]

根據電話 886-905-061555 找到的相關資料

(以下顯示 6 筆) (或要:直接搜尋所有 886-905-061555 ...)

甄妮小築Jenny I

電話: 886-905-061555 | 地址: 宜蘭縣五結鄉季水路北巷2-5號 | 級別: | 服務資訊: 餐廳,無線網路,國民旅遊卡,停車場,,,,室內遊樂設施,寵物友善旅宿,,,自行車友善旅宿 | 停車資訊: 車位:小客車2輛、機車4輛、大客車1輛 | 描述: 位於宜蘭縣的,2021年5月新開業之初即遭遇新冠疫情影響,直到8月疫情緩解正式接客,我們距離傳統藝術中心1.7公里開車僅4分鐘,距親水公園2.4公里開車6分鐘,從民宿直接散步到海邊600公尺步行10分...

@ 旅館民宿 - 觀光資訊資料庫

甄妮小築Jenny I

Tel: 886-905-061555 | Name: ジェニーイン | Grade: | Serviceinfo: レストラン,無線LAN,国民旅遊卡,駐車場,,,,室内プレイルーム,ペットフレンドリホテル,,,自転車フレンドリー旅宿 | Parkinginfo: Parking Space:Car 2、Motorcycle 4、Truck 1

@ 旅館民宿(日文版)-觀光資訊資料庫

甄妮小築Jenny I

電話: 886-905-061555 | 地址: 宜蘭縣五結鄉季水路北巷2-5號 | 級別: | 服務資訊: 餐廳,無線網路,國民旅遊卡,停車場,上網電腦(免費),,,,兒童遊樂設施,室內遊樂設施,寵物友善旅宿,,,自行車友善旅宿 | 停車資訊: 車位:小客車2輛、機車4輛、大客車1輛 | 描述: 位於宜蘭縣的,2021年5月新開業之初即遭遇新冠疫情影響,直到8月疫情緩解正式接客,我們距離傳統藝術中心1.7公里開車僅4分鐘,距親水公園2.4公里開車6分鐘,從民宿直接散步到海邊600公尺步行10分...

@ 旅館民宿 - 觀光資訊資料庫

甄妮小築Jenny Inn

Tel: 886-905-061555 | Name: ジェニーイン | Grade: | Serviceinfo: レストラン,無線LAN,国民旅遊卡,駐車場,インテルインターネット(無料),,,,キッズプレイルーム,室内プレイルーム,ペットフレンドリホテル,,,自転車フレンドリー旅宿 | Parkinginfo: Parking Space:Car 2、Motorcycle 4、Truck 1

@ 旅館民宿(日文版)-觀光資訊資料庫

甄妮小築Jenny Inn

Name: Jenny Inn | Telephone: 886-905-061555 | Address: No. 2-5, North Lane, Jishui Road, Wujie Township, Yilan County, 268 | Grade: | Description: Homestay located in Yilan | Serivce Information: restaurant,Wi-Fi,National travel card,parking lot,free internet,,,,playground,indoor playground,pet ... | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 2、Motorcycle 4、Truck 1

@ 旅館民宿(英文版)-觀光資訊資料庫

甄妮小築Jenny Inn

電話: 886-905-061555 | 地址: 宜蘭縣五結鄉季水路北巷2-5號 | 級別: | 服務資訊: 餐廳,無線網路,國民旅遊卡,停車場,上網電腦(免費),,,,兒童遊樂設施,室內遊樂設施,寵物友善旅宿,,,自行車友善旅宿 | 停車資訊: 車位:小客車2輛、機車4輛、大客車1輛 | 描述: 位於宜蘭縣的,2021年5月新開業之初即遭遇新冠疫情影響,直到8月疫情緩解正式接客,我們距離傳統藝術中心1.7公里開車僅4分鐘,距親水公園2.4公里開車6分鐘,從民宿直接散步到海邊600公尺步行10分...

@ 旅館民宿 - 觀光資訊資料庫

甄妮小築Jenny I

電話: 886-905-061555 | 地址: 宜蘭縣五結鄉季水路北巷2-5號 | 級別: | 服務資訊: 餐廳,無線網路,國民旅遊卡,停車場,,,,室內遊樂設施,寵物友善旅宿,,,自行車友善旅宿 | 停車資訊: 車位:小客車2輛、機車4輛、大客車1輛 | 描述: 位於宜蘭縣的,2021年5月新開業之初即遭遇新冠疫情影響,直到8月疫情緩解正式接客,我們距離傳統藝術中心1.7公里開車僅4分鐘,距親水公園2.4公里開車6分鐘,從民宿直接散步到海邊600公尺步行10分...

@ 旅館民宿 - 觀光資訊資料庫

甄妮小築Jenny I

Tel: 886-905-061555 | Name: ジェニーイン | Grade: | Serviceinfo: レストラン,無線LAN,国民旅遊卡,駐車場,,,,室内プレイルーム,ペットフレンドリホテル,,,自転車フレンドリー旅宿 | Parkinginfo: Parking Space:Car 2、Motorcycle 4、Truck 1

@ 旅館民宿(日文版)-觀光資訊資料庫

甄妮小築Jenny I

電話: 886-905-061555 | 地址: 宜蘭縣五結鄉季水路北巷2-5號 | 級別: | 服務資訊: 餐廳,無線網路,國民旅遊卡,停車場,上網電腦(免費),,,,兒童遊樂設施,室內遊樂設施,寵物友善旅宿,,,自行車友善旅宿 | 停車資訊: 車位:小客車2輛、機車4輛、大客車1輛 | 描述: 位於宜蘭縣的,2021年5月新開業之初即遭遇新冠疫情影響,直到8月疫情緩解正式接客,我們距離傳統藝術中心1.7公里開車僅4分鐘,距親水公園2.4公里開車6分鐘,從民宿直接散步到海邊600公尺步行10分...

@ 旅館民宿 - 觀光資訊資料庫

甄妮小築Jenny Inn

Tel: 886-905-061555 | Name: ジェニーイン | Grade: | Serviceinfo: レストラン,無線LAN,国民旅遊卡,駐車場,インテルインターネット(無料),,,,キッズプレイルーム,室内プレイルーム,ペットフレンドリホテル,,,自転車フレンドリー旅宿 | Parkinginfo: Parking Space:Car 2、Motorcycle 4、Truck 1

@ 旅館民宿(日文版)-觀光資訊資料庫

甄妮小築Jenny Inn

Name: Jenny Inn | Telephone: 886-905-061555 | Address: No. 2-5, North Lane, Jishui Road, Wujie Township, Yilan County, 268 | Grade: | Description: Homestay located in Yilan | Serivce Information: restaurant,Wi-Fi,National travel card,parking lot,free internet,,,,playground,indoor playground,pet ... | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 2、Motorcycle 4、Truck 1

@ 旅館民宿(英文版)-觀光資訊資料庫

甄妮小築Jenny Inn

電話: 886-905-061555 | 地址: 宜蘭縣五結鄉季水路北巷2-5號 | 級別: | 服務資訊: 餐廳,無線網路,國民旅遊卡,停車場,上網電腦(免費),,,,兒童遊樂設施,室內遊樂設施,寵物友善旅宿,,,自行車友善旅宿 | 停車資訊: 車位:小客車2輛、機車4輛、大客車1輛 | 描述: 位於宜蘭縣的,2021年5月新開業之初即遭遇新冠疫情影響,直到8月疫情緩解正式接客,我們距離傳統藝術中心1.7公里開車僅4分鐘,距親水公園2.4公里開車6分鐘,從民宿直接散步到海邊600公尺步行10分...

@ 旅館民宿 - 觀光資訊資料庫

[ 搜尋所有 886-905-061555 ... ]

根據地址 No. 2-5 North Lane Jishui Road Wujie Township Yilan County 268 找到的相關資料

(以下顯示 7 筆) (或要:直接搜尋所有 No. 2-5 North Lane Jishui Road Wujie Township Yilan County 268 ...)


Name: Little House Life Homestay | Telephone: 886-935-191108 | Address: No. 2-18, North Lane, Jishui Road, Wujie Township, Yilan County, 268 | Grade: | Description: Homestay located in Yilan | Serivce Information: Bike friendly accommodation | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 1、Motorcycle 5、Truck 0

@ 旅館民宿(英文版)-觀光資訊資料庫


Name: Courtyard B&B | Telephone: 886-923-266522 | Address: No. 76-1, North Lane, Jishui Road, Wujie Township, Yilan County 268 | Grade: | Description: Bed and Breakfast in Yilan | Serivce Information: | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 8、Motorcycle 10、Truck 0

@ 旅館民宿(英文版)-觀光資訊資料庫


Name: Wei Yu House III | Telephone: 886-911-288642 | Address: No. 2-11, North Lane, Jishui Road, Wujie Township, Yilan County | Grade: | Description: Homestay located in Yilan | Serivce Information: Bike friendly accommodation | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 5、Motorcycle 5、Truck 1

@ 旅館民宿(英文版)-觀光資訊資料庫


Name: ZZZ Drifting Coastal Homestay | Telephone: 886-927-102111 | Address: No. 2-12, North Lane, Jishui Road, Wujie Township, Yilan County | Grade: | Description: Homestay located in Yilan | Serivce Information: Bike friendly accommodation | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 3、Motorcycle 4、Truck 0

@ 旅館民宿(英文版)-觀光資訊資料庫


Name: 3Kiss Homestay | Telephone: 886-965-503069 | Address: No. 2-17, North Lane, Jishui Road, Wujie Township, Yilan County | Grade: | Description: Homestay located in Yilan | Serivce Information: Bike friendly accommodation | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 1、Motorcycle 5、Truck 0

@ 旅館民宿(英文版)-觀光資訊資料庫


Name: Little House Life Homestay | Telephone: 886-935-191108 | Address: No. 2-18, North Lane, Jishui Road, Wujie Township, Yilan County, 268 | Grade: | Description: Homestay located in Yila | Serivce Information: Bike friendly accommodatio | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 1、Motorcycle 5、Truck 0

@ 旅館民宿(英文版)-觀光資訊資料庫


Name: Courtyard B&B | Telephone: 886-923-266522 | Address: No. 76-1, North Lane, Jishui Road, Wujie Township, Yilan County 268 | Grade: | Description: Bed and Breakfast in Yila | Serivce Information: | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 8、Motorcycle 10、Truck 0

@ 旅館民宿(英文版)-觀光資訊資料庫


Name: Little House Life Homestay | Telephone: 886-935-191108 | Address: No. 2-18, North Lane, Jishui Road, Wujie Township, Yilan County, 268 | Grade: | Description: Homestay located in Yilan | Serivce Information: Bike friendly accommodation | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 1、Motorcycle 5、Truck 0

@ 旅館民宿(英文版)-觀光資訊資料庫


Name: Courtyard B&B | Telephone: 886-923-266522 | Address: No. 76-1, North Lane, Jishui Road, Wujie Township, Yilan County 268 | Grade: | Description: Bed and Breakfast in Yilan | Serivce Information: | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 8、Motorcycle 10、Truck 0

@ 旅館民宿(英文版)-觀光資訊資料庫


Name: Wei Yu House III | Telephone: 886-911-288642 | Address: No. 2-11, North Lane, Jishui Road, Wujie Township, Yilan County | Grade: | Description: Homestay located in Yilan | Serivce Information: Bike friendly accommodation | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 5、Motorcycle 5、Truck 1

@ 旅館民宿(英文版)-觀光資訊資料庫


Name: ZZZ Drifting Coastal Homestay | Telephone: 886-927-102111 | Address: No. 2-12, North Lane, Jishui Road, Wujie Township, Yilan County | Grade: | Description: Homestay located in Yilan | Serivce Information: Bike friendly accommodation | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 3、Motorcycle 4、Truck 0

@ 旅館民宿(英文版)-觀光資訊資料庫


Name: 3Kiss Homestay | Telephone: 886-965-503069 | Address: No. 2-17, North Lane, Jishui Road, Wujie Township, Yilan County | Grade: | Description: Homestay located in Yilan | Serivce Information: Bike friendly accommodation | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 1、Motorcycle 5、Truck 0

@ 旅館民宿(英文版)-觀光資訊資料庫


Name: Little House Life Homestay | Telephone: 886-935-191108 | Address: No. 2-18, North Lane, Jishui Road, Wujie Township, Yilan County, 268 | Grade: | Description: Homestay located in Yila | Serivce Information: Bike friendly accommodatio | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 1、Motorcycle 5、Truck 0

@ 旅館民宿(英文版)-觀光資訊資料庫


Name: Courtyard B&B | Telephone: 886-923-266522 | Address: No. 76-1, North Lane, Jishui Road, Wujie Township, Yilan County 268 | Grade: | Description: Bed and Breakfast in Yila | Serivce Information: | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 8、Motorcycle 10、Truck 0

@ 旅館民宿(英文版)-觀光資訊資料庫

[ 搜尋所有 No. 2-5 North Lane Jishui Road Wujie Township Yilan County 268 ... ]

Jenny I的黃頁資料

(以下顯示 1 筆)

JENNY香港茶餐廳(天母店) | 地址: 台北市士林區天母西路41巷8號 | 電話: 02-2874-8181

名稱 Jenny I 找到的公司登記或商業登記

(以下顯示 1 筆) (或要:查詢所有 Jenny I)


登記地址: 彰化縣員林市光明里11鄰民生路164號 | 統編: 21479675


與甄妮小築Jenny I同分類的旅館民宿(英文版)-觀光資訊資料庫


Name: MAX HOTEL | Telephone: 886-3-4574533 | Address: 1-6F., No.242, Xinxing Rd., Zhongli Dist., Taoyuan City 320, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: Hotel located in Taoyuan City | Serivce Information: | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 0、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0


Name: Direct Hotel | Telephone: 886-7-5820135 | Address: No.646, Zuoying Avenue, Zuoying Dist., Kaohsiung City 813, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: Hotel located in Kaohsiung City | Serivce Information: Bike friendly accommodatio | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 0、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0


Name: Fu Zheng B&B | Telephone: 886-836-88213 | Address: No.10, Fuzheng Vil., Juguang Township, Lienchiang County 211, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: Bed and Breakfast in Lienchiang County | Serivce Information: Bike friendly accommodatio | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 0、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0


Name: Da Peng Bay Hostel | Telephone: 886-8-8352720 | Address: No.111-2, Guangqian Rd., Linbian Township, Pingtung County 927, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: Homestay located in Pingtung | Serivce Information: Bike friendly accommodatio | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 3、Motorcycle 5、Truck 1


Name: DA KO HA RIVER | Telephone: 886-3-3888377 | Address: No.80,Yuehu Rd.,Yuemei,Daxi Dist.,Taoyuan City 335,Taiwan(R.O.C) | Grade: | Description: Homestay located in Taoyua | Serivce Information: Bike friendly accommodatio | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 0、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0


Name: Deng Yun Villa | Telephone: 886-7-6772958 | Address: No.20, Chaoyun Ln., Qingshui Rd., Shanlin Dist., Kaohsiung City 846, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: Bed and Breakfast in Kaohsiung City | Serivce Information: | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 6、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0


Name: Monster Village Hotel | Telephone: 886-49-2612121 | Address: No.2-3, Xingchan Rd., Lugu Township, Nantou County 558, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: 【Xitou Ming Shan Resort】is located about 100 meters from the 2nd entrance of【Xitou Nature Education ... | Serivce Information: restaurant,meeting room,cafe',banquet,store,Wi-Fi,National travel card,parking lot,,,,mobile payment... | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 50、Motorcycle 30、Truck 10


Name: Nicehome stay II | Telephone: 886-926-583420 | Address: No.76, Zhongwei St., Yujing Dist., Tainan City 714, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: Bed and Breakfast in Tainan City | Serivce Information: Bike friendly accommodatio | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 0、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0


Name: Yun Shan Hai Resort | Telephone: 886-3-8661899 | Address: No.12, Ln. 158, Sec. 3, Zhongshan Rd., Shoufeng Township, Hualien County 974, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: Bed and Breakfast in Hualien County | Serivce Information: | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 0、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0


Name: Angel wings B&B | Telephone: 886-903-889395 | Address: No.31, Jianlin St., Hualien City, Hualien County 970, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: Homestay located in Hualie | Serivce Information: | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 0、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0


Name: Yu-Guang | Telephone: 886-900-628226 | Address: No. 8, Ln. 119, Yuguang Rd., Anping Dist., Tainan City 708, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: Homestay located in Taina | Serivce Information: Bike friendly accommodatio | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 3、Motorcycle 5、Truck 0


Name: Oh! I know the B & B | Telephone: 886-968-525611 | Address: No.46, Fangli Rd., Puli Township, Nantou County 545, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: Homestay located in Nantou | Serivce Information: | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 1、Motorcycle 10、Truck 0


Name: S&P House | Telephone: 886-6-2231885 | Address: No.39, Aly. 17, Ln. 446, Anping Rd., Anping Dist., Tainan City 708, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: We serve handmade-breakfast in the morning~(breads,cakes,coffee,sandwich and desserts~)Ready to shar... | Serivce Information: Wi-Fi,National travel card,, | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 1、Motorcycle 1、Truck 0


Name: Dao Xiang Cun Du Jia Homestay | Telephone: 886-49-2918002 | Address: No.9-3, Taomi Ln., Puli Township, Nantou County 545, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: Dao Xiang Cun is located in the Taomi Ecological Village of Puli Township. Taomi features an excelle... | Serivce Information: arking lot,restaurant,Internet,National travel card,,,guided tou,experience activities,,Bike friendl... | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 0、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0


Name: Hifun B&B | Telephone: 886-6-9920326 | Address: No.177-6, Nanliao, Huxi Township, Penghu County 885, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: Bed and Breakfast in Penghu County | Serivce Information: | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 0、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0


Name: MAX HOTEL | Telephone: 886-3-4574533 | Address: 1-6F., No.242, Xinxing Rd., Zhongli Dist., Taoyuan City 320, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: Hotel located in Taoyuan City | Serivce Information: | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 0、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0


Name: Direct Hotel | Telephone: 886-7-5820135 | Address: No.646, Zuoying Avenue, Zuoying Dist., Kaohsiung City 813, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: Hotel located in Kaohsiung City | Serivce Information: Bike friendly accommodatio | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 0、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0


Name: Fu Zheng B&B | Telephone: 886-836-88213 | Address: No.10, Fuzheng Vil., Juguang Township, Lienchiang County 211, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: Bed and Breakfast in Lienchiang County | Serivce Information: Bike friendly accommodatio | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 0、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0


Name: Da Peng Bay Hostel | Telephone: 886-8-8352720 | Address: No.111-2, Guangqian Rd., Linbian Township, Pingtung County 927, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: Homestay located in Pingtung | Serivce Information: Bike friendly accommodatio | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 3、Motorcycle 5、Truck 1


Name: DA KO HA RIVER | Telephone: 886-3-3888377 | Address: No.80,Yuehu Rd.,Yuemei,Daxi Dist.,Taoyuan City 335,Taiwan(R.O.C) | Grade: | Description: Homestay located in Taoyua | Serivce Information: Bike friendly accommodatio | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 0、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0


Name: Deng Yun Villa | Telephone: 886-7-6772958 | Address: No.20, Chaoyun Ln., Qingshui Rd., Shanlin Dist., Kaohsiung City 846, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: Bed and Breakfast in Kaohsiung City | Serivce Information: | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 6、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0


Name: Monster Village Hotel | Telephone: 886-49-2612121 | Address: No.2-3, Xingchan Rd., Lugu Township, Nantou County 558, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: 【Xitou Ming Shan Resort】is located about 100 meters from the 2nd entrance of【Xitou Nature Education ... | Serivce Information: restaurant,meeting room,cafe',banquet,store,Wi-Fi,National travel card,parking lot,,,,mobile payment... | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 50、Motorcycle 30、Truck 10


Name: Nicehome stay II | Telephone: 886-926-583420 | Address: No.76, Zhongwei St., Yujing Dist., Tainan City 714, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: Bed and Breakfast in Tainan City | Serivce Information: Bike friendly accommodatio | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 0、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0


Name: Yun Shan Hai Resort | Telephone: 886-3-8661899 | Address: No.12, Ln. 158, Sec. 3, Zhongshan Rd., Shoufeng Township, Hualien County 974, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: Bed and Breakfast in Hualien County | Serivce Information: | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 0、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0


Name: Angel wings B&B | Telephone: 886-903-889395 | Address: No.31, Jianlin St., Hualien City, Hualien County 970, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: Homestay located in Hualie | Serivce Information: | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 0、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0


Name: Yu-Guang | Telephone: 886-900-628226 | Address: No. 8, Ln. 119, Yuguang Rd., Anping Dist., Tainan City 708, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: Homestay located in Taina | Serivce Information: Bike friendly accommodatio | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 3、Motorcycle 5、Truck 0


Name: Oh! I know the B & B | Telephone: 886-968-525611 | Address: No.46, Fangli Rd., Puli Township, Nantou County 545, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: Homestay located in Nantou | Serivce Information: | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 1、Motorcycle 10、Truck 0


Name: S&P House | Telephone: 886-6-2231885 | Address: No.39, Aly. 17, Ln. 446, Anping Rd., Anping Dist., Tainan City 708, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: We serve handmade-breakfast in the morning~(breads,cakes,coffee,sandwich and desserts~)Ready to shar... | Serivce Information: Wi-Fi,National travel card,, | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 1、Motorcycle 1、Truck 0


Name: Dao Xiang Cun Du Jia Homestay | Telephone: 886-49-2918002 | Address: No.9-3, Taomi Ln., Puli Township, Nantou County 545, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: Dao Xiang Cun is located in the Taomi Ecological Village of Puli Township. Taomi features an excelle... | Serivce Information: arking lot,restaurant,Internet,National travel card,,,guided tou,experience activities,,Bike friendl... | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 0、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0


Name: Hifun B&B | Telephone: 886-6-9920326 | Address: No.177-6, Nanliao, Huxi Township, Penghu County 885, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: Bed and Breakfast in Penghu County | Serivce Information: | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 0、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0
