Old barber shop
- 台灣糖業公司旅遊景點 @ 台灣糖業股份有限公司

景點名稱Old barber shop的區域是花東, 景點介紹是The barber shop in the sugar factory was divided into men and women, but when there were many beauty salons around the sugar factory, and the equipmen....

景點名稱Old barber shop
景點介紹The barber shop in the sugar factory was divided into men and women, but when there were many beauty salons around the sugar factory, and the equipment and technology were better than the traditional barber shop in the factory, the business was getting worse and worse, and only this barber was left. Ministry was retained.




Old barber shop








The barber shop in the sugar factory was divided into men and women, but when there were many beauty salons around the sugar factory, and the equipment and technology were better than the traditional barber shop in the factory, the business was getting worse and worse, and only this barber was left. Ministry was retained.















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Old barber sho

地址: | 區域: 花東 | 飯店介紹: | 促銷好康: | 景點介紹: The barber shop in the sugar factory was divided into men and women, but when there were many beauty...

@ 台灣糖業公司旅遊景點

Old barber sho

地址: | 區域: 花東 | 飯店介紹: | 促銷好康: | 景點介紹: The barber shop in the sugar factory was divided into men and women, but when there were many beauty...

@ 台灣糖業公司旅遊景點

[ 搜尋所有 Old barber shop ... ]


與Old barber shop同分類的台灣糖業公司旅遊景點

Huwei Sugar Factory

地址: No. 2, Zhongshan Rd., Huwei Township, Yunlin County 632402, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | 區域: Southern Taiwan (Yunlin, Chiayi and Tainan) | 飯店介紹: | 促銷好康: | 景點介紹: When Huwei got permission from the Government-General of Taiwan to establish Huwei Sugar Factory on ...

Hualien Sugar Manufacturing Factory (Sugar Factory)

地址: No. 19, Tangchang St., Guangfu Township, Hualien County 976002, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | 區域: Eastern Taiwan | 飯店介紹: | 促銷好康: | 景點介紹: Sugar industry development of Hualien started mainly with “Thn̂g-phō͘”run by the Han peo...

Tourism Train at Xihu Sugar Factory, Steam Locomotive No. 346

地址: No. 762, Sec. 2, Zhangshui Rd., Xihu Township, Changhua County 514007, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | 區域: Central Taiwan (Taichung and Changhua) | 飯店介紹: | 促銷好康: | 景點介紹: Numbered 346, this steam locomotive engine was made in 1948 by the Belgian manufacturer of TUBIZE. I...


地址: 臺東縣臺東市中興路二段191號 | 區域: 花東 | 飯店介紹: | 促銷好康: | 景點介紹:


Sugar iron locomotive and carriage-1:Wooden Carava

地址: | 區域: 花東 | 飯店介紹: | 促銷好康: | 景點介紹: Since the Japanese-occupied period, sugar factories all over Taiwan began to have a lot of wooden ca...

Wushulin Sugar Railway Story Museum

地址: No. 184, Wushulin, Houbi Dist., Tainan City 731022, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | 區域: Southern Taiwan (Yunlin, Chiayi and Tainan) | 飯店介紹: | 促銷好康: | 景點介紹: Wushulin Sugar Railway Story Museum takes up the land area of 694 m2 and has the largest dynamic rai...


地址: 彰化縣溪湖鎮大竹里彰水路2段762號 | 區域: 北部 | 飯店介紹: | 促銷好康: | 景點介紹:

Kaohsiung Sugar Refinery (Qiaotou Sugar Refinery)

地址: No. 24, Tangchang Rd., Qiaotou Dist., Kaohsiung City 825405, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | 區域: Southern Taiwan (Kaohsiung and Pingtung) | 飯店介紹: | 促銷好康: | 景點介紹: Kaohsiung Sugar Refinery was originally known as “Kio-a-thau Sugar Refinery.” It was the...

Old Raw Material District Office (now an outsourcing restaurant)

地址: | 區域: 花東 | 飯店介紹: | 促銷好康: | 景點介紹: This building has been registered as a historical building. The wooden building right in front of th...

Xihu Sugar Refinery

地址: No. 762, Sec. 2, Zhangshui Rd., Xihu Township, Changhua County 514007, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | 區域: Central Taiwan (Taichung and Changhua) | 飯店介紹: | 促銷好康: | 景點介紹: Xihu Sugar Refinery was originally named “Xihu Sugar Factory” and was renamed with its c...

Shanhua Sugar Factory Ice Treats Shop

地址: No. 262, Xiwei, Shanhua Dist., Tainan City 741011, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | 區域: Southern Taiwan (Yunlin, Chiayi and Tainan) | 飯店介紹: | 促銷好康: | 景點介紹: Shanhua Sugar Factory Ice Treats Shop serves 3 flavors of ice cream and 9 flavors of popsicle. For ...

Nanzhou Sugar Factory Ice Treats Sho

地址: No. 1, Yong’an Rd., Nanzhou Township, Pingtung County 926003, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | 區域: Southern Taiwan (Kaohsiung and Pingtung) | 飯店介紹: | 促銷好康: | 景點介紹: Nanzhou Sugar Factory, the southernmost sugar factory of Taiwan, has the longest peak season of summ...


地址: 嘉義縣六腳鄉工廠村1號 | 區域: 雲嘉南 | 飯店介紹: | 促銷好康: | 景點介紹: 以磚瓦、紅檜構成,四周為開放格子玻璃窗,右側設迴廊,現為五分車售票和起點處,是拍攝熱門景點,電影《嫁妝一牛車》、伍佰《返回故鄉》MV、民視連續劇《意難忘》等都曾這裡取景,見證了台灣糖業發展歷史。 此處...

Wushulin Sugar Railway Cultural Park

地址: No. 184, Wushulin, Houbi Dist., Tainan City 731022, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | 區域: Southern Taiwan (Yunlin, Chiayi and Tainan) | 飯店介紹: | 促銷好康: | 景點介紹: The Wushulin Station over 60 years old has carried many people’s childhood memories. It was co...


地址: 屏東縣南州鄉溪北村永安路1號 | 區域: 高屏 | 飯店介紹: | 促銷好康: | 景點介紹: 南州糖廠位於屏東縣南州鄉溪北村永安路1號,成立於1920年,為台灣最南端的台糖糖廠,具有濃濃的南國風味,南州糖廠的休閒設施有鯉魚池、親水區、花卉區、烤肉區、土窯區、歷史建築區等,目前已不再製糖,朝多方...

Huwei Sugar Factory

地址: No. 2, Zhongshan Rd., Huwei Township, Yunlin County 632402, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | 區域: Southern Taiwan (Yunlin, Chiayi and Tainan) | 飯店介紹: | 促銷好康: | 景點介紹: When Huwei got permission from the Government-General of Taiwan to establish Huwei Sugar Factory on ...

Hualien Sugar Manufacturing Factory (Sugar Factory)

地址: No. 19, Tangchang St., Guangfu Township, Hualien County 976002, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | 區域: Eastern Taiwan | 飯店介紹: | 促銷好康: | 景點介紹: Sugar industry development of Hualien started mainly with “Thn̂g-phō͘”run by the Han peo...

Tourism Train at Xihu Sugar Factory, Steam Locomotive No. 346

地址: No. 762, Sec. 2, Zhangshui Rd., Xihu Township, Changhua County 514007, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | 區域: Central Taiwan (Taichung and Changhua) | 飯店介紹: | 促銷好康: | 景點介紹: Numbered 346, this steam locomotive engine was made in 1948 by the Belgian manufacturer of TUBIZE. I...


地址: 臺東縣臺東市中興路二段191號 | 區域: 花東 | 飯店介紹: | 促銷好康: | 景點介紹:


Sugar iron locomotive and carriage-1:Wooden Carava

地址: | 區域: 花東 | 飯店介紹: | 促銷好康: | 景點介紹: Since the Japanese-occupied period, sugar factories all over Taiwan began to have a lot of wooden ca...

Wushulin Sugar Railway Story Museum

地址: No. 184, Wushulin, Houbi Dist., Tainan City 731022, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | 區域: Southern Taiwan (Yunlin, Chiayi and Tainan) | 飯店介紹: | 促銷好康: | 景點介紹: Wushulin Sugar Railway Story Museum takes up the land area of 694 m2 and has the largest dynamic rai...


地址: 彰化縣溪湖鎮大竹里彰水路2段762號 | 區域: 北部 | 飯店介紹: | 促銷好康: | 景點介紹:

Kaohsiung Sugar Refinery (Qiaotou Sugar Refinery)

地址: No. 24, Tangchang Rd., Qiaotou Dist., Kaohsiung City 825405, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | 區域: Southern Taiwan (Kaohsiung and Pingtung) | 飯店介紹: | 促銷好康: | 景點介紹: Kaohsiung Sugar Refinery was originally known as “Kio-a-thau Sugar Refinery.” It was the...

Old Raw Material District Office (now an outsourcing restaurant)

地址: | 區域: 花東 | 飯店介紹: | 促銷好康: | 景點介紹: This building has been registered as a historical building. The wooden building right in front of th...

Xihu Sugar Refinery

地址: No. 762, Sec. 2, Zhangshui Rd., Xihu Township, Changhua County 514007, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | 區域: Central Taiwan (Taichung and Changhua) | 飯店介紹: | 促銷好康: | 景點介紹: Xihu Sugar Refinery was originally named “Xihu Sugar Factory” and was renamed with its c...

Shanhua Sugar Factory Ice Treats Shop

地址: No. 262, Xiwei, Shanhua Dist., Tainan City 741011, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | 區域: Southern Taiwan (Yunlin, Chiayi and Tainan) | 飯店介紹: | 促銷好康: | 景點介紹: Shanhua Sugar Factory Ice Treats Shop serves 3 flavors of ice cream and 9 flavors of popsicle. For ...

Nanzhou Sugar Factory Ice Treats Sho

地址: No. 1, Yong’an Rd., Nanzhou Township, Pingtung County 926003, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | 區域: Southern Taiwan (Kaohsiung and Pingtung) | 飯店介紹: | 促銷好康: | 景點介紹: Nanzhou Sugar Factory, the southernmost sugar factory of Taiwan, has the longest peak season of summ...


地址: 嘉義縣六腳鄉工廠村1號 | 區域: 雲嘉南 | 飯店介紹: | 促銷好康: | 景點介紹: 以磚瓦、紅檜構成,四周為開放格子玻璃窗,右側設迴廊,現為五分車售票和起點處,是拍攝熱門景點,電影《嫁妝一牛車》、伍佰《返回故鄉》MV、民視連續劇《意難忘》等都曾這裡取景,見證了台灣糖業發展歷史。 此處...

Wushulin Sugar Railway Cultural Park

地址: No. 184, Wushulin, Houbi Dist., Tainan City 731022, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | 區域: Southern Taiwan (Yunlin, Chiayi and Tainan) | 飯店介紹: | 促銷好康: | 景點介紹: The Wushulin Station over 60 years old has carried many people’s childhood memories. It was co...


地址: 屏東縣南州鄉溪北村永安路1號 | 區域: 高屏 | 飯店介紹: | 促銷好康: | 景點介紹: 南州糖廠位於屏東縣南州鄉溪北村永安路1號,成立於1920年,為台灣最南端的台糖糖廠,具有濃濃的南國風味,南州糖廠的休閒設施有鯉魚池、親水區、花卉區、烤肉區、土窯區、歷史建築區等,目前已不再製糖,朝多方...
