- 旅館民宿(英文版)-觀光資訊資料庫 @ 交通部觀光署

Mandarin Name享想民宿的Name是Xiangxiang B&B, Telephone是886-972-072780, Address是No. 111-2, Pipa Rd., Puli Township, Nantou County 545, Taiwan (R.O.C.), Description是Homestay located in Nantou, Parking Information是Parking Space:Car 0、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0.


NameXiangxiang B&B
Mandarin Name享想民宿
DescriptionHomestay located in Nantou
AddressNo. 111-2, Pipa Rd., Puli Township, Nantou County 545, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
RegionNantou County
TownPuli Township
Picture 1 Description(空)
Picture 2 Description(空)
Picture 3 Description(空)
Serivce Information(空)
Parking InformationParking Space:Car 0、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0
Total Number of Rooms5
Lowest Price6500
Hightest Price9000
Total Number of People16
Accessibility Rooms0
Public Toilets(空)
Lifting Equipment(空)
Parking Space0




Xiangxiang B&B

Mandarin Name



Homestay located in Nantou




No. 111-2, Pipa Rd., Puli Township, Nantou County 545, Taiwan (R.O.C.)




Nantou County


Puli Township











Picture 1 Description




Picture 2 Description




Picture 3 Description












Serivce Information


Parking Information

Parking Space:Car 0、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0

Total Number of Rooms


Lowest Price


Hightest Price






Total Number of People


Accessibility Rooms


Public Toilets


Lifting Equipment


Parking Space




享想民宿地圖 [ 導航 ]


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根據識別碼 E4 A15010000H 028617 找到的相關資料

無其他 E4 A15010000H 028617 資料。

[ 搜尋所有 E4 A15010000H 028617 ... ]

根據名稱 Xiangxiang B&B 找到的相關資料

(以下顯示 8 筆) (或要:直接搜尋所有 Xiangxiang B&B ...)


英文品名: “APT” CONQUEROR PTCA Balloon Catheter | 許可證字號: 衛部醫器陸輸字第000960號 | 有效日期: 2028/11/07 | 註銷狀態: | 註銷日期: | 註銷理由: | 許可證種類: 09 | 效能: 詳如中文仿單核定本 | 劑型: | 包裝: | 主成分略述: | 醫器規格: 詳如中文仿單核定本 | 限制項目: 中國貨品;;輸 入 | 申請商名稱: 弘祐實業有限公司

@ 醫療器材許可證資料集


英文品名: “APT” March Guiding Catheter | 許可證字號: 衛部醫器陸輸字第000966號 | 有效日期: 2023/12/25 | 註銷狀態: | 註銷日期: | 註銷理由: | 許可證種類: 醫 器 | 效能: 詳如中文仿單核定本 | 劑型: | 包裝: | 主成分略述: | 醫器規格: 詳如中文仿單核定本 | 限制項目: 輸 入 ;;大陸生產 | 申請商名稱: 弘祐實業有限公司

@ 醫療器材許可證資料集


英文品名: “APT” Microcatheter | 許可證字號: 衛部醫器陸輸字第001025號 | 有效日期: 2024/07/11 | 註銷狀態: | 註銷日期: | 註銷理由: | 許可證種類: 09 | 效能: 詳如中文仿單核定本 | 劑型: | 包裝: | 主成分略述: | 醫器規格: 詳如中文仿單核定本 | 限制項目: 輸 入 | 申請商名稱: 弘祐實業有限公司

@ 醫療器材許可證資料集


英文品名: “APT” Elong Microcatheter | 許可證字號: 衛部醫器陸輸字第001064號 | 有效日期: 2024/09/05 | 註銷狀態: | 註銷日期: | 註銷理由: | 許可證種類: 醫 器 | 效能: 詳如中文仿單核定本 | 劑型: | 包裝: | 主成分略述: | 醫器規格: 60172302;60172303;60192402;60192404;60192405;60262801;60262802;60262803;60263002,以下空白。標籤、說明書或包裝變更:詳如... | 限制項目: 輸 入 ;;大陸生產 | 申請商名稱: 巴迪醫療器材有限公司

@ 醫療器材許可證資料集


英文品名: “APT” EXPRESSMAN Guiding Extension Catheter | 許可證字號: 衛部醫器陸輸字第001059號 | 有效日期: 2024/08/13 | 註銷狀態: | 註銷日期: | 註銷理由: | 許可證種類: 醫 器 | 效能: 詳如中文仿單核定本 | 劑型: | 包裝: | 主成分略述: | 醫器規格: 詳如中文仿單核定本增加規格:20321701、20321702(原108年9月9日核定之標籤、說明書或包裝收回作廢)。標籤變更:詳如核定之中文說明書(原110年8月25日核定之標籤、說明書或包裝予以收... | 限制項目: 輸 入 ;;大陸生產 | 申請商名稱: 巴迪醫療器材有限公司

@ 醫療器材許可證資料集


英文品名: “APT” Hydrophilic Angiographic Catheter | 許可證字號: 衛部醫器陸輸字第001070號 | 有效日期: 2024/09/20 | 註銷狀態: | 註銷日期: | 註銷理由: | 許可證種類: 醫 器 | 效能: 詳如中文仿單核定本 | 劑型: | 包裝: | 主成分略述: | 醫器規格: 詳如中文仿單核定本 | 限制項目: 輸 入 ;;大陸生產 | 申請商名稱: 弘祐實業有限公司

@ 醫療器材許可證資料集


英文品名: “APT” Hemostasis Introducer | 許可證字號: 衛部醫器陸輸字第001107號 | 有效日期: 2025/02/13 | 註銷狀態: | 註銷日期: | 註銷理由: | 許可證種類: 醫 器 | 效能: 詳如中文仿單核定本 | 劑型: | 包裝: | 主成分略述: | 醫器規格: 詳如中文仿單核定本 | 限制項目: 輸 入 ;;大陸生產 | 申請商名稱: 弘祐實業有限公司

@ 醫療器材許可證資料集


英文品名: “APT” Conqueror NC PTCA Balloon Catheter | 許可證字號: 衛部醫器陸輸字第001121號 | 有效日期: 2025/02/27 | 註銷狀態: | 註銷日期: | 註銷理由: | 許可證種類: 09 | 效能: 詳如中文仿單核定本 | 劑型: | 包裝: | 主成分略述: | 醫器規格: 詳如中文仿單核定本 | 限制項目: 輸 入;;中國貨品 | 申請商名稱: 弘祐實業有限公司

@ 醫療器材許可證資料集


英文品名: “APT” CONQUEROR PTCA Balloon Catheter | 許可證字號: 衛部醫器陸輸字第000960號 | 有效日期: 2028/11/07 | 註銷狀態: | 註銷日期: | 註銷理由: | 許可證種類: 09 | 效能: 詳如中文仿單核定本 | 劑型: | 包裝: | 主成分略述: | 醫器規格: 詳如中文仿單核定本 | 限制項目: 中國貨品;;輸 入 | 申請商名稱: 弘祐實業有限公司

@ 醫療器材許可證資料集


英文品名: “APT” March Guiding Catheter | 許可證字號: 衛部醫器陸輸字第000966號 | 有效日期: 2023/12/25 | 註銷狀態: | 註銷日期: | 註銷理由: | 許可證種類: 醫 器 | 效能: 詳如中文仿單核定本 | 劑型: | 包裝: | 主成分略述: | 醫器規格: 詳如中文仿單核定本 | 限制項目: 輸 入 ;;大陸生產 | 申請商名稱: 弘祐實業有限公司

@ 醫療器材許可證資料集


英文品名: “APT” Microcatheter | 許可證字號: 衛部醫器陸輸字第001025號 | 有效日期: 2024/07/11 | 註銷狀態: | 註銷日期: | 註銷理由: | 許可證種類: 09 | 效能: 詳如中文仿單核定本 | 劑型: | 包裝: | 主成分略述: | 醫器規格: 詳如中文仿單核定本 | 限制項目: 輸 入 | 申請商名稱: 弘祐實業有限公司

@ 醫療器材許可證資料集


英文品名: “APT” Elong Microcatheter | 許可證字號: 衛部醫器陸輸字第001064號 | 有效日期: 2024/09/05 | 註銷狀態: | 註銷日期: | 註銷理由: | 許可證種類: 醫 器 | 效能: 詳如中文仿單核定本 | 劑型: | 包裝: | 主成分略述: | 醫器規格: 60172302;60172303;60192402;60192404;60192405;60262801;60262802;60262803;60263002,以下空白。標籤、說明書或包裝變更:詳如... | 限制項目: 輸 入 ;;大陸生產 | 申請商名稱: 巴迪醫療器材有限公司

@ 醫療器材許可證資料集


英文品名: “APT” EXPRESSMAN Guiding Extension Catheter | 許可證字號: 衛部醫器陸輸字第001059號 | 有效日期: 2024/08/13 | 註銷狀態: | 註銷日期: | 註銷理由: | 許可證種類: 醫 器 | 效能: 詳如中文仿單核定本 | 劑型: | 包裝: | 主成分略述: | 醫器規格: 詳如中文仿單核定本增加規格:20321701、20321702(原108年9月9日核定之標籤、說明書或包裝收回作廢)。標籤變更:詳如核定之中文說明書(原110年8月25日核定之標籤、說明書或包裝予以收... | 限制項目: 輸 入 ;;大陸生產 | 申請商名稱: 巴迪醫療器材有限公司

@ 醫療器材許可證資料集


英文品名: “APT” Hydrophilic Angiographic Catheter | 許可證字號: 衛部醫器陸輸字第001070號 | 有效日期: 2024/09/20 | 註銷狀態: | 註銷日期: | 註銷理由: | 許可證種類: 醫 器 | 效能: 詳如中文仿單核定本 | 劑型: | 包裝: | 主成分略述: | 醫器規格: 詳如中文仿單核定本 | 限制項目: 輸 入 ;;大陸生產 | 申請商名稱: 弘祐實業有限公司

@ 醫療器材許可證資料集


英文品名: “APT” Hemostasis Introducer | 許可證字號: 衛部醫器陸輸字第001107號 | 有效日期: 2025/02/13 | 註銷狀態: | 註銷日期: | 註銷理由: | 許可證種類: 醫 器 | 效能: 詳如中文仿單核定本 | 劑型: | 包裝: | 主成分略述: | 醫器規格: 詳如中文仿單核定本 | 限制項目: 輸 入 ;;大陸生產 | 申請商名稱: 弘祐實業有限公司

@ 醫療器材許可證資料集


英文品名: “APT” Conqueror NC PTCA Balloon Catheter | 許可證字號: 衛部醫器陸輸字第001121號 | 有效日期: 2025/02/27 | 註銷狀態: | 註銷日期: | 註銷理由: | 許可證種類: 09 | 效能: 詳如中文仿單核定本 | 劑型: | 包裝: | 主成分略述: | 醫器規格: 詳如中文仿單核定本 | 限制項目: 輸 入;;中國貨品 | 申請商名稱: 弘祐實業有限公司

@ 醫療器材許可證資料集

[ 搜尋所有 Xiangxiang B&B ... ]

根據電話 886-972-072780 找到的相關資料

(以下顯示 5 筆) (或要:直接搜尋所有 886-972-072780 ...)


電話: 886-972-072780 | 地址: 南投縣埔里鎮枇杷里13鄰枇杷路111-2號 | 級別: | 服務資訊: | 停車資訊: 車位:小客車0輛、機車0輛、大客車0輛 | 描述: 位於南投縣的民宿

@ 旅館民宿 - 觀光資訊資料庫


Tel: 886-972-072780 | Name: 民宿を楽しむ | Grade: | Serviceinfo: | Parkinginfo: Parking Space:Car 0、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0

@ 旅館民宿(日文版)-觀光資訊資料庫


Name: Xiangxiang B&B | Telephone: 886-972-072780 | Address: No. 111-2, Pipa Rd., Puli Township, Nantou County 545, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: Homestay located in Nantou | Serivce Information: | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 0、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0

@ 旅館民宿(英文版)-觀光資訊資料庫


電話: 886-972-072780 | 地址: 南投縣埔里鎮枇杷里13鄰枇杷路111-2號 | 級別: | 服務資訊: | 停車資訊: 車位:小客車0輛、機車0輛、大客車0輛 | 描述: 位於南投縣的民宿

@ 旅館民宿 - 觀光資訊資料庫


Tel: 886-972-072780 | Name: 民宿を楽しむ | Grade: | Serviceinfo: | Parkinginfo: Parking Space:Car 0、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0

@ 旅館民宿(日文版)-觀光資訊資料庫


電話: 886-972-072780 | 地址: 南投縣埔里鎮枇杷里13鄰枇杷路111-2號 | 級別: | 服務資訊: | 停車資訊: 車位:小客車0輛、機車0輛、大客車0輛 | 描述: 位於南投縣的民宿

@ 旅館民宿 - 觀光資訊資料庫


Tel: 886-972-072780 | Name: 民宿を楽しむ | Grade: | Serviceinfo: | Parkinginfo: Parking Space:Car 0、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0

@ 旅館民宿(日文版)-觀光資訊資料庫


Name: Xiangxiang B&B | Telephone: 886-972-072780 | Address: No. 111-2, Pipa Rd., Puli Township, Nantou County 545, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: Homestay located in Nantou | Serivce Information: | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 0、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0

@ 旅館民宿(英文版)-觀光資訊資料庫


電話: 886-972-072780 | 地址: 南投縣埔里鎮枇杷里13鄰枇杷路111-2號 | 級別: | 服務資訊: | 停車資訊: 車位:小客車0輛、機車0輛、大客車0輛 | 描述: 位於南投縣的民宿

@ 旅館民宿 - 觀光資訊資料庫


Tel: 886-972-072780 | Name: 民宿を楽しむ | Grade: | Serviceinfo: | Parkinginfo: Parking Space:Car 0、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0

@ 旅館民宿(日文版)-觀光資訊資料庫

[ 搜尋所有 886-972-072780 ... ]

根據地址 No. 111-2 Pipa Rd. Puli Township Nantou County 545 Taiwan R.O.C 找到的相關資料

無其他 No. 111-2 Pipa Rd. Puli Township Nantou County 545 Taiwan R.O.C 資料。

[ 搜尋所有 No. 111-2 Pipa Rd. Puli Township Nantou County 545 Taiwan R.O.C ... ]




Name: VERY GOOD MOTEL | Telephone: 886-5-3628099 | Address: No.1,W.Sec.,Sianghe 3rd Rd.,Puzih City,Chiayi County 613,Taiwan(ROC) | Grade: | Description: Located in Chiayi County the hotel is three star | Serivce Information: | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 0、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0


Name: Inspiring bed and breakfast | Telephone: 886-919-350197 | Address: No.29, Luozhuang N. St., Luodong Township, Yilan County 265, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: Bed and Breakfast in Yilan County | Serivce Information: | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 2、Motorcycle 4、Truck 0


Name: Jinlun Dongjin B&B | Telephone: 886-89-772009 | Address: 54, Jinlun, Junlun Vil., Taimali Township, Taitung County 963, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: Homestay located in Taitung | Serivce Information: | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 0、Motorcycle 3、Truck 0


Name: Hotel Royal-Nikko Taipei | Telephone: 886-2-25423266 | Address: 37-1,Chung Shan North Road, Section 2, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C | Grade: 5 | Description: Hotel Royal-Nikko Taipei is an international chain hotel managed by Nikko Hotels International that ... | Serivce Information: restaurant,meeting room,cafe',bar,banquet,store,Internet,Wi-Fi,iTaiwan WiFi,National travel card,par... | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 44、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0


Name: Bay Bridge Mountain Forest Homestay | Telephone: 886-928-163239 | Address: No.1, No.2, Lane 184, Bay Bridge, Wanqiao Village, Zhuqi Township, Chiayi County | Grade: | Description: Homestay located in Chiayi | Serivce Information: restaurant,meeting room,Internet,Wi-Fi,parking lot,,,,pick-up service,guided tou,experience activiti... | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 0、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0


Name: San Want Hotel | Telephone: 886-2-2772-2121 | Address: No.172, Sec. 4, Zhongxiao E. Rd., Da-an Dist., Taipei City 106, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: The most happening spot – San Want Hotel TaipeiFeel the energy of Taipei’s most lively metropolis!Sa... | Serivce Information: restaurant,meeting room,bar,banquet,Wi-Fi,parking lot,,,laundry service,business travel center,forei... | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 89、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0


Name: Que Ping Homestay | Telephone: 886-89-322591 | Address: No.25, Ln. 113, Longquan Rd., Beinan Township, Taitung County 954, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: Bed and Breakfast in Taitung County | Serivce Information: Wi-Fi,National travel card,, | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 0、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0


Name: FIRE FEELING LODGING | Telephone: 886-937-390342 | Address: No.108, Wentian Rd., Chishang Township, Taitung County 958, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: Bed and Breakfast in Taitung County | Serivce Information: Wi-Fi,iTaiwan WiFi,National travel card,parking lot,free self-service laundry,,,,laundry service,pic... | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 1、Motorcycle 2、Truck 0


Name: Dong Tang 29 Homestay | Telephone: 886-89-226662 | Address: No.29, Dongtang St., Taitung City, Taitung County 950, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: Homestay located in Taitung | Serivce Information: Wi-Fi,parking lot,,,pick-up service,,Bike friendly accommodatio | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 0、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0


Name: Tayouan B&B | Telephone: 886-6-2284177 | Address: No.25, Guosheng Rd., Anping Dist., Tainan City 708, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: Bed and Breakfast in Tainan City | Serivce Information: | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 0、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0


Name: Silks Place Hotel, Taroko | Telephone: 886-3-8691155 | Address: No.18, Tianxiang, Fushi Village, Xiulin Township, Hualien County 972, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: 5 | Description: There are huge windows, and good lighting. You are away from the city hubbub, walk back and forth in... | Serivce Information: restaurant,meeting room,cafe',bar,banquet,gym,store,swimming pool,Internet,Wi-Fi,National travel car... | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 66、Motorcycle 0、Truck 4


Name: contrysidebed&breakfast | Telephone: 886-936-194806 | Address: No.157, Zhongxing 6th Rd., Zhuangwei Township, Yilan County 263, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: Bed and Breakfast in Yilan County | Serivce Information: Wi-Fi,National travel card,parking lot,senoir room,Assessible room,free self-service laundry,,,,pick... | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 4、Motorcycle 4、Truck 0


Name: Wanmei B&B | Telephone: 886-89-863126 | Address: No.346, Zhongxiao Rd., Chishang Township, Taitung County 958, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: Bed and Breakfast in Taitung County | Serivce Information: | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 5、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0


Name: LIO HOTEL XIMEN | Telephone: 886-2-23889855 | Address: 2-4F., No.4-6, Aly. 36, Ln. 25, Kangding Rd., Wanhua Dist., Taipei City 108, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: Hotel located in Taipei City | Serivce Information: Bike friendly accommodatio | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 0、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0


Name: Be Yun Tien Resort | Telephone: 886-836-55461 | Address: No.255, Tangqi Vil., Beigan Township, Lienchiang County 210, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: Bed and Breakfast in Lienchiang County | Serivce Information: Bike friendly accommodatio | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 0、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0


Name: VERY GOOD MOTEL | Telephone: 886-5-3628099 | Address: No.1,W.Sec.,Sianghe 3rd Rd.,Puzih City,Chiayi County 613,Taiwan(ROC) | Grade: | Description: Located in Chiayi County the hotel is three star | Serivce Information: | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 0、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0


Name: Inspiring bed and breakfast | Telephone: 886-919-350197 | Address: No.29, Luozhuang N. St., Luodong Township, Yilan County 265, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: Bed and Breakfast in Yilan County | Serivce Information: | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 2、Motorcycle 4、Truck 0


Name: Jinlun Dongjin B&B | Telephone: 886-89-772009 | Address: 54, Jinlun, Junlun Vil., Taimali Township, Taitung County 963, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: Homestay located in Taitung | Serivce Information: | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 0、Motorcycle 3、Truck 0


Name: Hotel Royal-Nikko Taipei | Telephone: 886-2-25423266 | Address: 37-1,Chung Shan North Road, Section 2, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C | Grade: 5 | Description: Hotel Royal-Nikko Taipei is an international chain hotel managed by Nikko Hotels International that ... | Serivce Information: restaurant,meeting room,cafe',bar,banquet,store,Internet,Wi-Fi,iTaiwan WiFi,National travel card,par... | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 44、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0


Name: Bay Bridge Mountain Forest Homestay | Telephone: 886-928-163239 | Address: No.1, No.2, Lane 184, Bay Bridge, Wanqiao Village, Zhuqi Township, Chiayi County | Grade: | Description: Homestay located in Chiayi | Serivce Information: restaurant,meeting room,Internet,Wi-Fi,parking lot,,,,pick-up service,guided tou,experience activiti... | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 0、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0


Name: San Want Hotel | Telephone: 886-2-2772-2121 | Address: No.172, Sec. 4, Zhongxiao E. Rd., Da-an Dist., Taipei City 106, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: The most happening spot – San Want Hotel TaipeiFeel the energy of Taipei’s most lively metropolis!Sa... | Serivce Information: restaurant,meeting room,bar,banquet,Wi-Fi,parking lot,,,laundry service,business travel center,forei... | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 89、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0


Name: Que Ping Homestay | Telephone: 886-89-322591 | Address: No.25, Ln. 113, Longquan Rd., Beinan Township, Taitung County 954, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: Bed and Breakfast in Taitung County | Serivce Information: Wi-Fi,National travel card,, | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 0、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0


Name: FIRE FEELING LODGING | Telephone: 886-937-390342 | Address: No.108, Wentian Rd., Chishang Township, Taitung County 958, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: Bed and Breakfast in Taitung County | Serivce Information: Wi-Fi,iTaiwan WiFi,National travel card,parking lot,free self-service laundry,,,,laundry service,pic... | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 1、Motorcycle 2、Truck 0


Name: Dong Tang 29 Homestay | Telephone: 886-89-226662 | Address: No.29, Dongtang St., Taitung City, Taitung County 950, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: Homestay located in Taitung | Serivce Information: Wi-Fi,parking lot,,,pick-up service,,Bike friendly accommodatio | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 0、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0


Name: Tayouan B&B | Telephone: 886-6-2284177 | Address: No.25, Guosheng Rd., Anping Dist., Tainan City 708, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: Bed and Breakfast in Tainan City | Serivce Information: | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 0、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0


Name: Silks Place Hotel, Taroko | Telephone: 886-3-8691155 | Address: No.18, Tianxiang, Fushi Village, Xiulin Township, Hualien County 972, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: 5 | Description: There are huge windows, and good lighting. You are away from the city hubbub, walk back and forth in... | Serivce Information: restaurant,meeting room,cafe',bar,banquet,gym,store,swimming pool,Internet,Wi-Fi,National travel car... | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 66、Motorcycle 0、Truck 4


Name: contrysidebed&breakfast | Telephone: 886-936-194806 | Address: No.157, Zhongxing 6th Rd., Zhuangwei Township, Yilan County 263, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: Bed and Breakfast in Yilan County | Serivce Information: Wi-Fi,National travel card,parking lot,senoir room,Assessible room,free self-service laundry,,,,pick... | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 4、Motorcycle 4、Truck 0


Name: Wanmei B&B | Telephone: 886-89-863126 | Address: No.346, Zhongxiao Rd., Chishang Township, Taitung County 958, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: Bed and Breakfast in Taitung County | Serivce Information: | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 5、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0


Name: LIO HOTEL XIMEN | Telephone: 886-2-23889855 | Address: 2-4F., No.4-6, Aly. 36, Ln. 25, Kangding Rd., Wanhua Dist., Taipei City 108, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: Hotel located in Taipei City | Serivce Information: Bike friendly accommodatio | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 0、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0


Name: Be Yun Tien Resort | Telephone: 886-836-55461 | Address: No.255, Tangqi Vil., Beigan Township, Lienchiang County 210, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Grade: | Description: Bed and Breakfast in Lienchiang County | Serivce Information: Bike friendly accommodatio | Parking Information: Parking Space:Car 0、Motorcycle 0、Truck 0
